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Major Tom 2009

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Everything posted by Major Tom 2009

  1. Re: THE COURT OF DREAMS: ANIME MAGIC GIRLS for CHampions I just got the pics that I'd done of some of the other CoD characters back from The Arc today (thanks again), and here's the first of them -- Lady Heart: [ATTACH=CONFIG]39917[/ATTACH] Major Tom 2009
  2. Re: Quote of the Week from my gaming group... I see this post and I immediately visualize Vitus doing an impersonation of Fred Flintstone; specifically, the part where -- in the episode where Fred and Barney spent the night in the mansion that had been left to Fred by his [supposedly] deceased uncle, all while being chased by the uncle's servants, only to find out in the morning that the uncle was not only alive, but that the whole thing had been a huge practical joke -- Fred breaks out this gigantic switchcleaver and starts chasing the uncle and his servants, laughing like a maniacal fiend the entire time. Major Tom 2009
  3. Re: THE COURT OF DREAMS: ANIME MAGIC GIRLS for CHampions Thanks; I was also going to post these to the CoD thread over at Real Roleplaying, but they don't have the same setup on their boards which lets folks here on the Hero boards do to post pics. Very frustrating. Major Tom 2009
  4. Re: A DC Animated-style HeroMachine In those parts of the Multiverse where there are worlds which the people of Earth would refer to as "sword and sorcery"-types, this genial and handsome-looking fellow is known as Lord Z'barius, a nobleman who is well-known for his pursuit of hedonistic indulgence. To the denizens of the Infernal Realms -- and certain evil, sorcerous masterminds -- he is better known by his full, true name: Z'barius the Corruptor: [ATTACH=CONFIG]39867[/ATTACH][ATTACH=CONFIG]39866[/ATTACH] Z'barius is, in actuality, a demonic entity who serves the Dragon, perhaps the most evil force in existence. He periodically travels between the worlds of the Multiverse in order to "harvest" souls not only for his own purposes, but for those of the Dragon as well. While most entities like Z'barius carry out their "harvesting" by running amok in the mortal world and slaughter- ing as many innocents as possible before returning to the Netherworld with their prizes, Z'barius takes an entirely different approach: he gradually man- ipulates his intended victims into becoming the agents of their own destruct- ion. He accomplishes this by subtly encouraging his victims to perform acts of gradually increasing decadence; once the first few acts have been per- formed, it becomes easier to maneuver him or her into carrying out even more decadent -- and immoral -- acts. When Z'barius feels that the time is right, he persuades his victim to carry out an act which is both undeniably evil and against his or her principles. Once that act has been carried out -- and his victims realize that they've betrayed everything that they believed in and stood for -- Z'barius strikes, dropping his human disguise (letting his victims see what they're truly facing) and stripping the souls of his victims from them. What happens to these unfortunate souls once Z'barius takes them back to his realm is un- known; what is known is that those who've had their souls stolen in this way didn't live very long after the event. His favorite victims are paladins and clerics (in those worlds that are the "sword and sorcery" type); when visiting worlds like the Earth of the Champions Universe, Z'barius goes after their closest equivalent: super- heroes. Normally, he works alone, but if his intended victim is particularly tough, he'll seek the aid of his victim's greatest enemy (if any). The pics show Z'barius both in his disguised human form and in his true, demonic form. Major Tom 2009
  5. Re: THE COURT OF DREAMS: ANIME MAGIC GIRLS for CHampions When I was first looking through this thread and saw that the Black Enchantress was listed as being one of the villains, I thought that I'd go ahead and take a shot at doing a pic of her. After I had the original outfit done, I thought that it might be a good idea to have a pic of her that had more of the trappings which some anime villainesses tend to sport. And so, here are both versions: [ATTACH=CONFIG]39865[/ATTACH][ATTACH=CONFIG]39864[/ATTACH] Major Tom 2009
  6. Re: THE COURT OF DREAMS: ANIME MAGIC GIRLS for CHampions And last, but not least (for the time being, anyway), Oceana: [ATTACH=CONFIG]39863[/ATTACH] Major Tom 2009
  7. Re: THE COURT OF DREAMS: ANIME MAGIC GIRLS for CHampions And this is Logika: [ATTACH=CONFIG]39862[/ATTACH] Major Tom 2009
  8. Re: THE COURT OF DREAMS: ANIME MAGIC GIRLS for CHampions And here's Evergreen: [ATTACH=CONFIG]39861[/ATTACH] Major Tom 2009
  9. Re: THE COURT OF DREAMS: ANIME MAGIC GIRLS for CHampions Here's Animalia: [ATTACH=CONFIG]39860[/ATTACH] Major Tom 2009
  10. Re: THE COURT OF DREAMS: ANIME MAGIC GIRLS for CHampions Next up is Moon Mystic: [ATTACH=CONFIG]39859[/ATTACH] Major Tom 2009
  11. Re: THE COURT OF DREAMS: ANIME MAGIC GIRLS for CHampions OK, here's the first of the pics of the magic girls; I'd wanted to start off with Lady Heart followed by Sun Spell, but I haven't gotten those particular pics back yet, so I'm posting what I do have. First up is Dreamstar: [ATTACH=CONFIG]39858[/ATTACH] A note about her outfit (and those of the other magic girls as well): when I originally got the descriptions of the girls from PhantomGM6101, he'd described their outfits as being something of a cross between Sailor Moon and Power Rangers; this and the following pics are what I'd come up with. Major Tom 2009
  12. Re: Quote of the Week from my gaming group... Agreed, but is it a category 6 or 7? Major Tom 2009
  13. Re: What to do with Mars Regardless of which Mars you use, you could have your PCs find themselves lost somewhere on it. And just imagine the "oh, s***" looks on their faces the first time that they try to use a compass to find out which direction they need to go (Mars has no magnetic field; therefore no magnetic North or South). Now, if they've taken the time to find out stuff like this and gotten hold of an inertial guidance system, that won't pose much of a problem (unless those annoying gremlins known as GM Fiat and Murphy put in an appearance). Major Tom 2009
  14. Re: THE COURT OF DREAMS: ANIME MAGIC GIRLS for CHampions Well, right now I'm working on the pics for the Knights. So far, I've done Dragonstar's and Solastar's pics, and have a tentative one for Lunarstar (I say tentative because while I've done the pic, I didn't have an actual description to work from at the time, so it's possible that I may have to redo it). I've done a couple of others as well, but I think that those will be shown to the GM first (). Major Tom 2009
  15. Re: Quote of the Week from my gaming group... Oh, yeah, the digital readout on the dementometer is steadily creeping (appropiate term indeed for a CoC campaign) into the red zone... As for how a PC blinded an entire army, maybe it involved a striptease (). Major Tom 2009
  16. Re: THE COURT OF DREAMS: ANIME MAGIC GIRLS for CHampions I've got their pics done; I just have to send them out for cleanup before I can post them. Monsterin was an interesting one to figure out how to do it, but it's ready to go out along with the others. Major Tom 2009
  17. Re: Need a name for batlike hero How about Diameus? It's the genus name of one of three vampire bat species (Desmodus and Diphrylla -- I think that's how the second one is spelled -- are the other two). Major Tom 2009
  18. Re: Quote of the Week from my gaming group... Who turned you into a newt? Major Tom 2009
  19. Re: Quote of the Week from my gaming group... You do realize that that comment about pigs came perilously close to triggering a manifestation of a Smut Field, don't you? Major Tom 2009
  20. Re: A DC Animated-style HeroMachine Thunderbird, a mystic martial-arts hero that I ran years ago in a Saint Seiya-style Champions campaign: [ATTACH=CONFIG]39817[/ATTACH] Major Tom 2009
  21. Re: THE COURT OF DREAMS: ANIME MAGIC GIRLS for CHampions As a famous gentleman who went by the call sign Red Five would no doubt observe, it only takes one good shot to settle somebody's hash but good ()... Major Tom 2009
  22. Re: THE COURT OF DREAMS: ANIME MAGIC GIRLS for CHampions OK, here she is -- my take on what an evil Black Falcon might look like: [ATTACH=CONFIG]39812[/ATTACH] Major Tom 2009 "Watch the birdie (KPOW!!)"
  23. Re: A DC Animated-style HeroMachine Here's an old favorite from pre-4th Ed. Champions -- the Black Enchantress: [ATTACH=CONFIG]39811[/ATTACH] Major Tom 2009
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