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Major Tom 2009

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Everything posted by Major Tom 2009

  1. Re: A DC Animated-style HeroMachine The latest secret weapon to come from the minds of Ulric von Wulfcragge's scientists -- the Nebelwerfer mobile assault platform: [ATTACH=CONFIG]39955[/ATTACH] Armament: 2 multi-round rocket launchers (60 rockets total, can be salvo- fired in groups of 20 each) 2 rotary cruise missile launchers (12 missiles total; armed with conventional high-explosive warheads, but can be armed with 10-kiloton yield plasma warheads*)(forward-mounted) 2 shoulder-mounted, short-range antipersonnel missile launch- ers (8 missiles total, armed with "beehive" warheads**) 8 vertically-launched long-range missiles (armed with 1-ton high- explosive warheads)(rear-mounted) Secondary Armament: 3 dual-barrelled machinecannon turrets (forward- mounted) Crew: 2 (pilot/gunner, missile/rocket systems operator) Because of its immense size, the Nebelwerfer was constructed in secret in hidden factories on Earth. Its operational doctrine calls for it to operate in concert with a Panzerfaust trooper unit, as it lacks a 360-degree defense system of its own. The black silouette next to the picture of the Nebelwerfer represents a 5' tall human being, and is presented in order to illustrate just how large the Nebelwerfer is. *Explosive yield comparable to the nuclear weapons used against Japan near the end of WWII. **These are warheads which, at the halfway point between their firing point and their target, break open and release armor-piercing fletchettes in a cone-shaped pattern toward the enemy. There were versions of this weapon type in Vietnam, in the form of shells used by the 75mm recoilless rifles employed by the U.S. Army. Major Tom 2009
  2. Re: THE COURT OF DREAMS: ANIME MAGIC GIRLS for CHampions Thanks for your comments, both for and against. That said, in my defense, I was working from descriptions that I'd gotten both from PhantomGM6101 and the CoD thread over at RealRoleplaying.com. In the descriptions, it was mentioned that there was a chestpiece as part of the girls' outfits, and that suggested that it was armor of a sort (and I don't think that I'd be alone in thinking that). Given that particular bit of information, and the email that I'd gotten from PhantomGM6101 describing the girls' look as a cross between Sailor Moon and the Power Rangers, it wound up suggesting the designs that I used for their pics. Now that I've got your description of what Lady Heart should look like, I can try to come up with a new pic for her. As for doing a pic of Lady Hate...do you have any objections to me doing her pic in the same style as the rest of the Court of Hate, or do you want something else? BTW, I've got no problem with you putting those pics on your DA website, none at all (). Major Tom 2009
  3. Re: Else Earth Character Thread. This is a pic of Unrivaled that I came up with after reading the post of his character: [ATTACH=CONFIG]39951[/ATTACH] Major Tom 2009
  4. Re: A DC Animated-style HeroMachine Here's someone you never want to meet -- if you're a bad guy in the DC Universe, that is. Presenting for your entertainment -- The Spectre: [ATTACH=CONFIG]39950[/ATTACH] Major Tom 2009
  5. Re: A DC Animated-style HeroMachine Here's another of my redone pics, the Crimson Fury: [ATTACH=CONFIG]39948[/ATTACH] As a campaign character, she can either be a vigilante heroine with super- natural powers in a Pulp Hero game, or (at slightly higher point levels) the same kind of character in a Champions or Dark Champions game. Indeed, if her powers were to include full Life Support, you could even have her doing her thing in the Galactic Champions era. Just try convincing the technologically-savvy folks of that period that she's a supernatural being, though... Major Tom 2009
  6. Re: THE COURT OF DREAMS: ANIME MAGIC GIRLS for CHampions And finally, here's Lady Sorrow: [ATTACH=CONFIG]39947[/ATTACH] Major Tom 2009
  7. Re: THE COURT OF DREAMS: ANIME MAGIC GIRLS for CHampions Next up is Lady Pain: [ATTACH=CONFIG]39946[/ATTACH] Major Tom 2009
  8. Re: THE COURT OF DREAMS: ANIME MAGIC GIRLS for CHampions Here's Lady Fear: [ATTACH=CONFIG]39945[/ATTACH] Major Tom 2009
  9. Re: THE COURT OF DREAMS: ANIME MAGIC GIRLS for CHampions Here's the first pic of the Queen's handmaidens (which didn't show up in the earlier post), Lady Anger: [ATTACH=CONFIG]39944[/ATTACH] Major Tom 2009
  10. Re: THE COURT OF DREAMS: ANIME MAGIC GIRLS for CHampions PhantomGM6101: I just checked my email, but I didn't see anything from you about that. Can you resend the info on the Knights? Major Tom 2009
  11. Re: THE COURT OF DREAMS: ANIME MAGIC GIRLS for CHampions The Queen's handmaidens -- Lady Pain (green and purple outfit), Lady Fear (yellow and white outfit), Lady Anger (red and orange outfit), and Lady Sorrow (blue outfit with black trim): [ATTACH=CONFIG]39937[/ATTACH][ATTACH=CONFIG]39936[/ATTACH][ATTACH=CONFIG]39935[/ATTACH][ATTACH=CONFIG]39934[/ATTACH] Major Tom 2009
  12. Re: THE COURT OF DREAMS: ANIME MAGIC GIRLS for CHampions The Queen's chief monster-maker, Monsterin: [ATTACH=CONFIG]39933[/ATTACH] Major Tom 2009
  13. Re: THE COURT OF DREAMS: ANIME MAGIC GIRLS for CHampions I just got the most recent group of pics back from The Arc today (talk about really fast service), and among them were the pics of the Court of Hate and its ruler -- Queen Nightmaria: [ATTACH=CONFIG]39932[/ATTACH] Major Tom 2009
  14. Re: THE COURT OF DREAMS: ANIME MAGIC GIRLS for CHampions Sorry about that; when PhantomGM6101 first told me what the look was for the girls, he described it as being a cross between Sailor Moon and the Power Rangers -- and since the first pics that I did of them were from the descriptions that I've seen in other places, that was the look that I wound up giving Lady Heart. I'll see if I can do something a little more like what you've described, but I can't guarantee that it'll turn out the way we'd like it to. Major Tom 2009
  15. Re: A DC Animated-style HeroMachine With the new additions to F2011's design element menu, I've gone back and redone some of the pics that I'd done previously using F2010. Here's the first one -- the redesigned Lady Shadowflame: [ATTACH=CONFIG]39928[/ATTACH] Major Tom 2009
  16. Re: THE COURT OF DREAMS: ANIME MAGIC GIRLS for CHampions Ooops...I almost forgot about this snake-in-the-grass -- Venom: [ATTACH=CONFIG]39927[/ATTACH] Major Tom 2009
  17. Re: THE COURT OF DREAMS: ANIME MAGIC GIRLS for CHampions And last but not least, Princess Malice: [ATTACH=CONFIG]39926[/ATTACH] Major Tom 2009
  18. Re: THE COURT OF DREAMS: ANIME MAGIC GIRLS for CHampions A really unpleasant fellow who can best be described as Machiavelli with superpowers -- Chaos: [ATTACH=CONFIG]39925[/ATTACH] Major Tom 2009
  19. Re: THE COURT OF DREAMS: ANIME MAGIC GIRLS for CHampions And here's Raven: [ATTACH=CONFIG]39924[/ATTACH] Major Tom 2009
  20. Re: THE COURT OF DREAMS: ANIME MAGIC GIRLS for CHampions The major hothead of the group -- Pyros: [ATTACH=CONFIG]39923[/ATTACH] Major Tom 2009
  21. Re: THE COURT OF DREAMS: ANIME MAGIC GIRLS for CHampions Here's Lady Battleaxe: [ATTACH=CONFIG]39922[/ATTACH] Major Tom 2009
  22. Re: THE COURT OF DREAMS: ANIME MAGIC GIRLS for CHampions And next up is Knightmare: [ATTACH=CONFIG]39921[/ATTACH] Major Tom 2009
  23. Re: THE COURT OF DREAMS: ANIME MAGIC GIRLS for CHampions Next up for the CotSM villains -- Steel Maiden: [ATTACH=CONFIG]39920[/ATTACH] Major Tom 2009
  24. Re: THE COURT OF DREAMS: ANIME MAGIC GIRLS for CHampions Of course, not all of the pics that I've undertaken to do for this thread are of the good girls; in fact, here's the first of the villains from the Circle of the Scarlet Moon -- Plague: [ATTACH=CONFIG]39919[/ATTACH] Major Tom 2009
  25. Re: THE COURT OF DREAMS: ANIME MAGIC GIRLS for CHampions And here's Sun Spell: [ATTACH=CONFIG]39918[/ATTACH] Major Tom 2009
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