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Major Tom 2009

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Everything posted by Major Tom 2009

  1. Re: A DC Animated-style HeroMachine And finally, here's a new version of dmjalund's character Lyonesse, redone in F2011 format: [ATTACH=CONFIG]41811[/ATTACH] Major Tom 2009
  2. Re: A DC Animated-style HeroMachine Here's one that was originally posted as a non-Fabrica pic over on the Superhero Images thread by FireTiger -- Leopardess: [ATTACH=CONFIG]41810[/ATTACH] Major Tom 2009
  3. Re: A DC Animated-style HeroMachine Here's a villain that any PC heroes are going to want to deal with -- at a safe distance. Presenting: the power-armored super-terrorist, Biohazard: [ATTACH=CONFIG]41809[/ATTACH] Biohazard's armor not only gives him superhuman strength and the ability to fly, but also protects him from his primary weapon -- the microscopic robots he refers to as "nano-pathogens". These smaller than cell-sized machines can not only be programmed to cause damage to a human body which mimics the effects of a deadly disease -- for example, Anthrax or Ebola Zaire -- they can also be programmed to attack a specific individual (provided that Bio- hazard has a sample of the target's DNA to program into the nano-pathogens) or a large group of people. The nano-pathogens are fired from a pair of projectors mounted on either side of the armor's 'backpack' unit. Major Tom 2009
  4. Re: A DC Animated-style HeroMachine I just got some new pics back from The Arc today, and here are the first of them. From this year's upcoming movie, it's Abraham Lincoln, Vampire Hunter: [ATTACH=CONFIG]41807[/ATTACH][ATTACH=CONFIG]41808[/ATTACH] I did two pics for this fellow rather than just one; since the trailer for the movie that's on YouTube right now shows Lincoln both as a young man as well as an older one, I figured that it was only right to do pics for each version. The only real problem that I've got with the pic is that the axe is the wrong type; unfortunately, Fabrica doesn't have the kind of axe that Honest Abe was swing- ing to good effect in the trailer. Oh, well... Major Tom 2009
  5. Re: Superhero Images If I had to come up with a caption for this pic, it'd be: "Save the Cheerleader, condemn the World to Eternal Damnation." Or something like that... Major Tom 2009
  6. Re: Superhero Images OMG! It's Pam Grier on a seriously bad day ()! Major Tom 2009
  7. Re: Sci-Fi Melee Weapons: Bat'leth, Lirpas, Lightsabres, Rykk Blades, Koltari, Denn'B Oh, yeah, the Narn version of the katana...I always thought that any of Ambassador Ta'Lon's* discussions with other ambassadors would tend to be interesting -- especially since you never knew when or if he was going to draw that fancy pigsticker of his. *G'Kar's replacement as Narn's ambassador to B5 after he and Lyta Alexander left the station together, not long after the end of both the Shadow War and the Earth Civil War. Major Tom 2009
  8. Re: A DC Animated-style HeroMachine And here's the last of today's pics -- Byelaya Smert (White Death): [ATTACH=CONFIG]41781[/ATTACH] (One of mine, not a published character.) Thanks to The Arc for getting these ready for posting. Major Tom 2009
  9. Re: A DC Animated-style HeroMachine And the last of the Galactic Marauders (aside from the pirate crew serving under them) -- Tarchoss: [ATTACH=CONFIG]41780[/ATTACH] Major Tom 2009
  10. Re: A DC Animated-style HeroMachine Doctor Zeinert: [ATTACH=CONFIG]41779[/ATTACH] Major Tom 2009
  11. Re: A DC Animated-style HeroMachine Phinress: [ATTACH=CONFIG]41778[/ATTACH] Major Tom 2009
  12. Re: A DC Animated-style HeroMachine Chaikayan: [ATTACH=CONFIG]41777[/ATTACH] Major Tom 2009
  13. Re: A DC Animated-style HeroMachine Thank you, thank you...and now, on with the scum and villainy. Next in line -- Synthre: [ATTACH=CONFIG]41776[/ATTACH] Major Tom 2009
  14. Re: A DC Animated-style HeroMachine Captain Richaal, leader of the Galactic Marauders: [ATTACH=CONFIG]41775[/ATTACH] Major Tom 2009
  15. Re: A DC Animated-style HeroMachine Holocaust (at least, as close as I could come to getting his look in F2011): [ATTACH=CONFIG]41774[/ATTACH] Major Tom 2009
  16. Re: A DC Animated-style HeroMachine Galaxia: [ATTACH=CONFIG]41773[/ATTACH] Major Tom 2009
  17. Re: A DC Animated-style HeroMachine Here's the latest batch of scum and villainy from the bygone days of 4th and 5th Ed. Champions, starting with Domino: [ATTACH=CONFIG]41772[/ATTACH] Major Tom 2009
  18. Re: A DC Animated-style HeroMachine Well, if you've read the stuff on the bunneh's Dr. Horrible thread, you know that Mystic Helmet's supposed to be a Doctor Fate/Doctor Strange analogue, while Wingspan is supposed to be a Bat- man homage. I simply used those written descriptions (such as they were) as guidelines for their individual looks. Major Tom 2009
  19. Re: A DC Animated-style HeroMachine And the last member of the team, Wingspan: [ATTACH=CONFIG]41671[/ATTACH] Thanks are due to The Arc for getting these ready for posting here on this thread. Major Tom 2009
  20. Re: A DC Animated-style HeroMachine Mystic Helmet: [ATTACH=CONFIG]41670[/ATTACH] Major Tom 2009
  21. Re: A DC Animated-style HeroMachine Johnny Snow: [ATTACH=CONFIG]41669[/ATTACH] Major Tom 2009
  22. Re: A DC Animated-style HeroMachine James Flames: [ATTACH=CONFIG]41668[/ATTACH] Major Tom 2009
  23. Re: A DC Animated-style HeroMachine Illumina: [ATTACH=CONFIG]41667[/ATTACH] Major Tom 2009
  24. Re: A DC Animated-style HeroMachine Next in line is Elementia: [ATTACH=CONFIG]41666[/ATTACH] Major Tom 2009
  25. Re: A DC Animated-style HeroMachine Here's some pics that I've posted over on the bunneh's Dr. Horrible thread -- all members of the Council of Champions. First up is Captain Hammer (currently listed as MIA): [ATTACH=CONFIG]41665[/ATTACH] Major Tom 2009
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