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Major Tom 2009

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Everything posted by Major Tom 2009

  1. Re: A DC Animated-style HeroMachine The family of Myrmidon Mk.II battle armors -- the Standard armor, the Reconnaissance/Stealth variant, the Trans-Atmospheric Strike variant, and the newest addition to the line -- the Myrmidon-X Heavy Assault armor: [ATTACH=CONFIG]42946[/ATTACH][ATTACH=CONFIG]42947[/ATTACH][ATTACH=CONFIG]42948[/ATTACH][ATTACH=CONFIG]42949[/ATTACH] The weapons shown on the Myrmidon-X are its backup weapons only; operational doctrine for this particular model of the Myrmidon is for its operator to carry a heavy support weapon as its main armament (a weapon that, for unarmored troopers, would normally be a crew- served, mounted weapon). Major Tom 2009
  2. Re: A DC Animated-style HeroMachine The other married supervillain couple from Classic Enemies -- Panda and Raccoon: [ATTACH=CONFIG]42944[/ATTACH][ATTACH=CONFIG]42945[/ATTACH] Major Tom 2009
  3. Re: A DC Animated-style HeroMachine OK, here he is -- the redone N'hktos, a Lord of Chaos: [ATTACH=CONFIG]42943[/ATTACH] Major Tom 2009
  4. Re: Else Earth Pantheons of the ...Verse And here's yet another extra -- the Minotaur, armed and ready for action: [ATTACH=CONFIG]42942[/ATTACH] Major Tom 2009
  5. Re: Else Earth Pantheons of the ...Verse Here's someone who, like Cupid, wasn't actually described in this thread, but whose pic I did anyway -- Nemesis: [ATTACH=CONFIG]42941[/ATTACH] Major Tom 2009
  6. Re: Else Earth Pantheons of the ...Verse Aphrodite and her son, Cupid: [ATTACH=CONFIG]42939[/ATTACH][ATTACH=CONFIG]42940[/ATTACH] Major Tom 2009
  7. Re: Else Earth Pantheons of the ...Verse Hephaestus: [ATTACH=CONFIG]42938[/ATTACH] Major Tom 2009
  8. Re: Else Earth Pantheons of the ...Verse Poseidon: [ATTACH=CONFIG]42937[/ATTACH] Major Tom 2009
  9. Re: Else Earth Pantheons of the ...Verse Hades and Persephone: [ATTACH=CONFIG]42935[/ATTACH][ATTACH=CONFIG]42936[/ATTACH] Major Tom 2009
  10. Re: Else Earth Pantheons of the ...Verse Herakles: [ATTACH=CONFIG]42934[/ATTACH] I only made one real change to his pic, in that I added a cape with "lion-paw" fasteners to his outfit to symbolize the pelt of the Nemean Lion (the slaying of which was one of the Twelve Labors; upon successfully completing this labor, Herakles used the pelt of the lion as an indestructible suit of armor). Major Tom 2009
  11. Re: Else Earth Pantheons of the ...Verse Next up are Apollo and Artemis: [ATTACH=CONFIG]42932[/ATTACH][ATTACH=CONFIG]42933[/ATTACH] Major Tom 2009
  12. Re: Else Earth Pantheons of the ...Verse Here are the Fabrica 2011 versions of the Else Earth Olympian Pantheon that I'd originally done using the F2010 version, starting with Zeus and Hera: [ATTACH=CONFIG]42930[/ATTACH][ATTACH=CONFIG]42931[/ATTACH] Major Tom 2009
  13. Re: Adonis and his ladies (New Mastermind and henchwomen) OK, here she is -- the revised Gun Bunny: [ATTACH=CONFIG]42929[/ATTACH] In addition to giving her blond hair, I also took the opportunity to make a few other changes in her outfit. Her visor is bigger than what was on the original pic, mostly to allow enough space for a HUD on its inside. I also gave her a pair of heavy pistols for backup, as well as a backpack for any extra gear that she'd have a need for (extra ammo/powerpacks, gun repair kit, first aid kit, et cetera). Major Tom 2009 Feuer Frei! Bang! Bang!
  14. Re: What Fantasy/Sci-Fi book have you just finished? Please rate it... I just got through with a small Weber-fest this last week (Worlds of Honor #5: In Fire Forged, A Rising Thunder, and A Beautiful Friendship). I can't think of too many books out there right now where you've got to look up other books set in the same universe just to find out about events that are referred to in whatever book in the series you happen to be reading at the time. And if that isn't bad enough, the folks who write Honorverse fanfics have followed suit where this technique is concerned as well. Major Tom 2009
  15. Re: A DC Animated-style HeroMachine OK, I'll grant you that the torso armor on the two Lords of Chaos are the same, but the only one who's actually got shoulder pads is N'khtos. Still, it probably wouldn't hurt to redo his armor a bit; there are enough choices in FH Lab to make it a fairly easy job. I just wish that there was a female body template in FH Lab, though -- more than a few of the clothing options are better suited for women than they are for men. Major Tom 2009
  16. Re: A DC Animated-style HeroMachine And here are the rest of the Predators -- Desmodus, Naga, Sagittarius, Suzumebachi, and Trapdoor: [ATTACH=CONFIG]42868[/ATTACH][ATTACH=CONFIG]42869[/ATTACH][ATTACH=CONFIG]42870[/ATTACH][ATTACH=CONFIG]42871[/ATTACH][ATTACH=CONFIG]42872[/ATTACH] Major Tom 2009
  17. Re: A DC Animated-style HeroMachine Cerberus, leader of the team of superhuman mercenary villains known as the Predators: [ATTACH=CONFIG]42867[/ATTACH] Major Tom 2009
  18. Re: Take a Teammate to a Movie That'd last only as long as it took for Amethyst to somehow get a hold of Vitus* and ask him for his DS spell. Under any circumstance, that would count as a most emphatic "no". *From Drhoz's "Kingdom City" and CoC campaigns. Major Tom 2009
  19. Re: The Cage Opens Another one of Weber's books that's worth taking a look at is Out of the Dark. In this book, there's a multi-species alliance whose members (with one notable exception) are certified pacifists for whom the idea of violent behavior is out of the question (this is apparently be- cause except for this one canine-like species, every member race of the alliance is herbiv- orous). In the story, an observation team from one of the alliance worlds came to Earth in centuries past to study humanity to see what it was like. Unfortunately, they came upon the Battle of Agincourt and, from that single incident, decided that humanity was too dan- gerous to let into space (once its technology advanced to the point where it could travel beyond the solar system). Fast-forward to the present day, at which point Earth is invaded by the canine aliens (I forget what their race name was), who in turn were more or less pointed at the planet by one of the representatives of the alliance in the hope that the canines would do their dirty work -- the extermination of the human race -- for them. Unfortunately for both the canines and the pacifists, humanity has two things going for it: the Demon Murphy (to use one of Weber's favorite expressions) and the Law of Unintended Consequences. They also have help from a decidedly...unexpected...source. EDIT: The name of the canine race is the Shongairi; I found it on the David Weber forums. Major Tom 2009
  20. Re: Adonis and his ladies (New Mastermind and henchwomen) I think that I can accommodate your suggestion with regards to Gun Bunny, but what are the TKT forums? Major Tom 2009
  21. Re: Time Hero How about adding your favorite method of time travel (like, for example, the seemingly suicidal way that it was done in Timecop -- riding a rocket-boosted sled at high speed toward a solid wall, only to pass through the temporal wall between the present and the past)? Major Tom 2009
  22. Re: A DC Animated-style HeroMachine Niice. Is she part of the happy family of Gunsen Corp's martial artists / ninjas? Major Tom 2009
  23. Re: Adonis and his ladies (New Mastermind and henchwomen) Here they are -- Gun Bunny and Gun Moll: [ATTACH=CONFIG]42850[/ATTACH][ATTACH=CONFIG]42851[/ATTACH] Major Tom 2009
  24. Re: (In Character) The Q.U.A.R.K. Column begins anew! Mr. Wicked: have you considered looking up the Fiendish Order of Evil (F.O.E.) or whichever organization has assumed its responsibilities? I'm sure that said organization would be willing to provide a somewhat more loy- al class of henchman for your villainous activities (not to mention providing whatever legal advice and/or representation may be required as a result of said activities). As for ARGENT, they're probably your best bet for some of the more sophisticated deathtrap equipment which is available these days; any personnel that you might hire from them should probably be technicians who can ensure that your diabolical deathtraps are in perfect working order when you need them. About your warehouse HQ: I'd go over the entire place with a fine-toothed comb before setting up shop in it; just because it appears to have been missed by the police and local superteam (or Heaven forbid, whatever mystery-solving, meddling kids and their talking dog might be living nearby) doesn't necessarily mean that they're not keeping a discreet eye on the premises on the off-chance that you might be setting up shop there. If that is indeed the case, they've probably got it wired for sound and video in the hopes that, if you do pick up where you left off, you'll give them probable cause to toss you back into the calaboose. Major Tom 2009 A.K.A. Dirty Tom Rackham, Slave Driver and Pirate Scourge of the Spaceways
  25. Re: Take a Teammate to a Movie Said teammate could always invite Amethyst to a home showing of the Matrix trilogy -- with some of the stuff that Neo was pulling in those films, Amethyst just might find some ways to do the same kind of things to the XD invaders using her powers (ways that she might not have otherwise thought of). Major Tom 2009
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