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Major Tom 2009

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Everything posted by Major Tom 2009

  1. Re: A DC Animated-style HeroMachine Biohazard: [ATTACH=CONFIG]43755[/ATTACH] (Yes, I know that I'd posted this one previously, but at the time I didn't have a team for him in mind. He's got one now, though...) Major Tom 2009
  2. Re: A DC Animated-style HeroMachine Barbaricus: [ATTACH=CONFIG]43754[/ATTACH] Major Tom 2009
  3. Re: A DC Animated-style HeroMachine Sorry for the delay in getting the rest of these posted; my laptop decided to freeze on me, and I had to let some time pass before I could post these. Urban Decay and The Bruce: [ATTACH=CONFIG]43753[/ATTACH][ATTACH=CONFIG]43752[/ATTACH] Major Tom 2009
  4. Re: A DC Animated-style HeroMachine Escafarc got it right. It is indeed the Prisoner (a.k.a. No. 6) (). You, on the other hand, need your TV geek certification revoked (). Major Tom 2009
  5. Re: A DC Animated-style HeroMachine Lord Anarchus and Lady Chaotica: [ATTACH=CONFIG]43743[/ATTACH][ATTACH=CONFIG]43744[/ATTACH] Major Tom 2009
  6. Re: A DC Animated-style HeroMachine A new villain group -- whose membership, with one exception, is entirely European -- has appeared on the scene, and their attacks upon the technological infrastructure of society (communications and computer networks, food production and distribution, housing, etc.) have made the group as a whole the focus of the Tech Squad's current anti-crime activities. This group is known as the Legion of Anarchy, and is led by a man known only as Lord Anarchus, who was once a member of the peerage of the United Kingdom and one of the strongest supporters of social order. Whatever caused the change in him is unknown, but for whatever reason, he now seeks to destroy society as a whole and to replace it with widespread chaos. It is also unknown if he possesses superhuman powers of his own at this time; what is known is that he is possessed of an extraordinary charisma, which has enabled him to gather and recruit followers from the various strata of society, and to turn them into the group's own private army. The members of this "army" are referred to as Troopers, and represent virtually every color, creed, and nation of mankind; about 70% of the membership is male, with the remainder being female. Regardless of gender, every Trooper is capable of vicious terrorist behavior if such is called for by their leader (and he does at almost every opportunity). The membership of the Legion of Anarchy (aside from Lord Anarchus) is as follows: Lady Chaotica: the wife of Lord Anarchus, this woman is a mutant mentalist whose powers enable her to induce violent behavior in her victims, causing them to carry out acts of mind- less destruction and vandalism. The Bruce: the oldest of Anarchus and Chaotica's two children, this young man is a trouble- maker who spends his time traveling from one part of the United Kingdom to another, doing his best to cause chaos and insurrection in her various territories; if he possesses superhuman powers of his own, he has been largely successful in concealing their existence. Urban Decay: the youngest child of Anarchus and Chaotica, this teenage girl possesses the mutant power to weaken the molecular bonds which hold matter together; when applied to structures like apartment or office buildings, the result is a progressive degradation of their support structures, causing the eventual collapse of the affected buildings. Barbaricus: a former member of the East German Stasi, he lost his job when Germany was reunited; he was later found and recruited by Anarchus, and was given superhuman powers to make his new job -- carrying out attacks on those institutions which protect society -- even easier. Biohazard: the sole American on the team, his job is to cause chaos by causing what appear to be outbreaks of highly-contagious disease within a target population; he accomplishes this by means of his "nano-pathogen" technology. Doctor Blight: this scientist is a firm believer in what he calls the "Niven-Pournelle Axiom" -- that any nation is little more than three meals from a rebellion at any time; his job in the Legion is to come up with ways to cause anarchy and revolution through the destruction of the food production and distribution network of a nation -- and he's been looking at a bio- chemical means of doing that job lately. La Revolucionairia: this Spanish woman is the commander of the Legion's Troopers, and she's one of the more fervent members of the team -- as well as one of the more violence-prone mem- bers. Le Saboteur: this Frenchman is an expert in the fields of demolition and industrial sabotage; his personal credo is that there are no factories or refineries that can't be shut down with a few well- placed and fused charges of high explosive. Next are the pictures of the team members. (Credit for The Bruce belongs to The Arc; the idea for the character was his.) Major Tom 2009
  7. Re: A DC Animated-style HeroMachine Yet more retro TV characters: [ATTACH=CONFIG]43740[/ATTACH] Major Tom 2009 "Open Channel D."
  8. Re: A DC Animated-style HeroMachine Speaking of old TV and movie characters, I just got my latest set of pics back from The Arc today (thanks again), and here's the first one: [ATTACH=CONFIG]43739[/ATTACH] Major Tom 2009 "We want information. Information. Information."
  9. Re: Quote of the Week from my gaming group... You sure that Magni isn't actually related to Clubber (from the Agency)? That bit about hitting a bunch of roadies with an elephant sounds a lot like something that Clubber would've said... Major Tom 2009
  10. Re: Zl'f portrait by Storn I think that there might be a downloadable version of the program, but I don't know if it's a free download or if you'd have to pay for it. Major Tom 2009
  11. Re: Quote of the Week from my gaming group... Their chances of blowing up the planet will increase exponentially if they should -- in the course of their debauchery -- encounter a certain pair of young, scantily-clad women, one of whom wields a "smart" weapon that the Adeptus Mechanicus would sell their mothers for (provided that they haven't already been sold for spare parts, that is) to get their hands on it. Major Tom 2009
  12. Re: Zl'f portrait by Storn I'd done a pic of Zl'f (excuse me, El'f) some time ago based on the original Animated/Timm- style pic, and after seeing the new drawing of her that Storn did, I thought that I'd see if I could come close to doing a F2011 version of her. I just got her pic back today, so here she is: [ATTACH=CONFIG]43709[/ATTACH] Major Tom 2009
  13. Re: A DC Animated-style HeroMachine Here's a fellow who's been a regular visitor to Q.U.A.R.K.'s supervillain advice thread not only in the past, but a little more recently as well -- steriaca's very own Mister Wicked, a bit of a retro-style villain: [ATTACH=CONFIG]43708[/ATTACH] Major Tom 2009
  14. Re: A DC Animated-style HeroMachine I just got the latest set of pics back from The Arc (thanks again), and here are the first of them -- the redone mystic martial artist Thunderbird, both in his normal armor and in his Thunderbird Omega armor: [ATTACH=CONFIG]43705[/ATTACH][ATTACH=CONFIG]43706[/ATTACH] The difference between the two armors is that the Thunderbird Omega is something of a "weapon of last resort" type of armor, in that it only appears in extremis -- that is, only if the wearer has exhausted all of his combat options and has no other means of fighting his enemy but that (and even then, he can't consciously summon the armor; it appears on its own upon sensing the need of its wearer). The Thunderbird Omega armor not only gives its wearer access to greater levels of power, it also enhances his fighting abilities (to the level of what some would call being able to crack open a 55- gallon drum of whoop-a$$ on the bad guys). Major Tom 2009
  15. Re: A DC Animated-style HeroMachine Heh. He'd get along great with this guy -- the techno-terrorist Biohazard: [ATTACH=CONFIG]43688[/ATTACH] Major Tom 2009
  16. Re: Quote of the Week from my gaming group... Ewwww...Gretchin and Squig sliders. Not something I ever want to see on the menu at White Castle's (). Major Tom 2009
  17. Re: Quote of the Week from my gaming group... The team leader forgot the part about how the entire population is likely to show up at one of his pool parties with a fistfull of pesos and a million-dollar smile -- after, of course, spend- ing a week up in the Arctic Circle wearing nothing but a pair of bikini underwear. Major Tom 2009
  18. Re: Quote of the Week from my gaming group... You know...after reading this, I have to wonder if the Imperium should've created a mental health organization just to deal with people like MacIan -- something like, say, the Adeptus Psychosis (or whatever the frell you'd call it). Major Tom 2009
  19. Re: Idunn, Goddess of Youth...Trolling for powers. As it happens, I have the cleaned-up pic already, and here she is: [ATTACH=CONFIG]43591[/ATTACH] Major Tom 2009
  20. Re: A DC Animated-style HeroMachine Niiice birdie! Welcome back, BTW. Major Tom 2009
  21. Re: Idunn, Goddess of Youth...Trolling for powers. So, what did you think of the new pic of Idunn (with the change in her attire that you asked if I'd be able to do)? Major Tom 2009
  22. Re: Idunn, Goddess of Youth...Trolling for powers.
  23. Re: A DC Animated-style HeroMachine When the Tech Squad -- and its protective detail, the Firewall Squad -- go out into the field, they can count on behind-the-scenes backup to provide them with any data that they might need to accomplish their mission. This backup takes the form of the A.I. supercomputer named Edison, and his human creator, Dr. Gayle Carter: [ATTACH=CONFIG]43582[/ATTACH] Edison -- who has not only been programmed with the sum total of human knowledge, but who has also had the Three Laws of Robotics programmed into him by Dr. Carter as well -- is far more than the unit shown in the above picture. He is actually a series of mainframe computers, each of which has been programmed with a specific knowledge base covering certain fields of technology; these mainframes are not only capable of analyzing and collat- ing data in their respective areas of expertise, they can also cross-reference their data with one another. While their collective capability is considerable, they lack Edison's A.I. capability and self-awareness. In addition, there are also research labs available to Edison, which are capable of carrying out the analysis of any technological devices or weapons that the teams may discover in the course of a mission. Like the mainframes, these labs have links to Edison, allowing him to perform his own analyses in conjunction with those of the labs and mainframes. While Edison could, in theory, run the missions of the Tech Squad on his own, he is far more comfortable with having Dr. Carter present to provide the necessary human supervision -- as well as the human insight and percept- ion that, for all of his sophistication, he has yet to develop for himself. Dr. Carter herself, although she was perfectly qualified for membership in the Tech Squad, is far more comfortable in the lab than in the rough-and-tumble of a field mission. Her performance as the mission coordinator has been exemplary, to say the least, and her efforts to improve Edison's performance have been just as successful. When not involved with a mission, the two of them spend their time with a project that Dr. Carter considers to be every bit as important as supporting the teams in the field: to provide Edison with a full appreciation of the human experience. This has involved exposing him to various types of human endeavors -- art, literature, politics, etc. One element of the human experience to which Dr. Carter has exposed her creation is one which she's since come to have mixed feelings about: humor. Not long after viewing some old TV comedies -- one of which involved a character that was similar to himself in some ways -- Edison adopted the mannerisms of that character, much to the dismay of his creator (it wasn't until much later that she realized that Edison had done this to appear as though he was flawed, so that other people wouldn't think that he was too intelligent). Major Tom 2009
  24. Re: Weberverse HERO At the time that this topic (and the part about a possible HH movie) first appeared here on the boards, I knew absolutely nothing about the Honor Harrington stories, so I decided at the time to refrain from posting anything about a topic of which I knew nothing. Since then, I've had the opportunity to read all of the existing Honorverse novels (post-op recovery does leave one with ample opportunity to catch up on one's reading), and have come to the following conclusion regarding any attempt at doing a HH movie -- whether it's a theatrical release or something made for TV: that the only real way that such a movie could be done would be to do it in CG. Think about it: given that the characters in these stories benefit from a genetic alteration procedure that extends their lifespans to (at the most) 300 years, and that because of this procedure they tend to look extremely young -- a 25- or 30-something tends to look like a preteen, depending upon the specific generation of the Prolong therapy that he or she received -- there's no way that these stories could be done as live-action films, for the simple reason that -- even if the stories can (and often do) take place several years apart from one another -- the actors and actresses playing the parts are going to age. It may not happen right away, but sooner or later visible signs of aging will start to appear, and there's only so much that makeup or other measures can do to hide them. Then again, I have yet to see any character in these stories make it to the 300-year mark; between death by assassination or space combat (not to mention that thoroughly nasty Mesan mind-control nanotech), most of the folks in these tales are doing good just to make it to 100 years old (and Honor herself, from the last that I read, is pushing 90 as of the most recent novel). Major Tom 2009
  25. Re: Idunn, Goddess of Youth...Trolling for powers. I noticed that in her writeup that one of her Disads is Distinctive Features: Ethereal Beauty. About how many levels of Attractive Appearance does that translate into? Major Tom 2009
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