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Major Tom 2009

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Everything posted by Major Tom 2009

  1. Re: Quote of the Week from my gaming group... Damn...it really sucks when some evil high priest tries to pull a Richard Moll on one of the PCs in a game. Major Tom 2009
  2. Re: Quote of the Week from my gaming group... Was this your group's first experience with the unexpected manifestation of a Smut Field? Major Tom 2009
  3. Re: Mister Wicked, 6ed Version. This character isn't one of Mister Wicked's henchmen, but she is likely to become one of his victims at some point in the near future -- Pauline Dubois, a junior high school English teacher and the fiancee of Phillipe Bouchard (Mister Wicked's costume designer): [ATTACH=CONFIG]44032[/ATTACH] Not only is she very popular with the student body of the junior high where she works, she's also an exceptionally attractive blue-eyed blonde; between her drop-dead gorge- ous appearance and her first name, it's no wonder that Mister Wicked has begun to cast covetous eyes upon Miss Dubois. Pauline Dubois could be a plot hook in a campaign in which there are teen superhero PCs; one or more of them could be students in her class. If and when Mister Wicked gets around to kidnapping her, the teen heroes could become involved with the attempt to find her be- fore she suffers a fate worse than death (). Major Tom 2009
  4. Re: Quote of the Week from my gaming group... Was there a spontaneous shout of "For the honor of the Dinochrome Brigade!" from the other players after what the first player said? Major Tom 2009
  5. Re: Mister Wicked, 6ed Version. Whenever Mister Wicked has a dead body that he needs to get rid of (and never be found), or a captive he needs to make an example of in order to terrify the others, he calls upon the services of a supervillain known as the Eliminator: [ATTACH=CONFIG]44031[/ATTACH] The Eliminator has two specialties which are of considerable use to Mister Wicked: not only does he dispose of any of Mister Wicked's captives who have died from one cause or another (this usually entails the complete destruction of the corpse, either by dissolv- ing it in a vat of powerful acid, or dismembering it and scattering the pieces over a wide area), he also eliminates those who have displeased Mister Wicked (either by being very resistant to Mister Wicked's conditioning techniques, or being rude to him in some way). It is in the second case that his superpower -- that of teleportation -- comes into play. His standard technique for murder by teleportation is to transport the victim into a situation where he or she is certain to die within instants (or minutes) of arriving at the Eliminator's chosen destination. In the past, he has teleported his victims into natural disasters such as the wildfires that occasionally break out in the Western U.S., industrial facilities where there is a high risk of serious injury or death (steel mills are one of his favorite locations; his standard procedure is to teleport the victim so that he or she materializes several feet over a vat of molten metal), or to remote locations somewhere on the face of the Earth where extreme environmental conditions are the norm (the Antarctic, for example). He hasn't yet teleported anyone into the middle of an ocean, but it's only a matter of time before he does. One of his more recent techniques -- and one which has endeared him to Mister Wicked -- is to teleport the victim directly into the path of an oncoming train. Prior to disposing of a living victim in this way, the Eliminator places TV cameras at the loc- ation where the victim will materialize; Mister Wicked's desire, in this case, is for the rest of the captives to see the consequences of giving him any trouble whatsoever. No one -- not even Mister Wicked -- knows what the Eliminator looks like outside of his costume; he was hired through an intermediary who provided Mister Wicked with a con- tact number to use whenever he had a job for the Eliminator. Major Tom 2009
  6. Re: A DC Animated-style HeroMachine My, what a pair of big...guns. It does make one wonder what he's overcompensating for ()... Major Tom 2009
  7. Re: A DC Animated-style HeroMachine Are Max and G'Nen supposed to be part of a '50s-style Science Patrol (or similar organization)? Major Tom 2009
  8. Re: Mister Wicked, 6ed Version. steriaca: Check your regular email box; there's a couple of new ideas there. Major Tom 2009
  9. Re: Quote of the Week from my gaming group... Yeah, I expect that that particular accomplishment would take some doing, all right... Major Tom 2009
  10. Re: Why Your Heroes Shouldn't Kill I don't think that you'd have to worry about killing civilians where the Death Star is concerned; remember, we're talking about a weapon of mass destruction created by Palpatine's Empire, not a starship of the 24th Century Federation's family-friendly Starfleet. It's a given that there's no way in hell that there'd be civilians serving in any capacity aboard that monstrosity, nor would there be any families of said civilians be aboard it. As for the hypothetical case of the Red Army private popping a cap in Herr Hitler, I think that it would be considered more a case of that soldier having cheated the war-crimes court and the hangman of the opp- ortunity to see that justice was well and truly done, and that that genocidal psychopath had had his day in court to answer for his crimes. Major Tom 2009
  11. Re: A DC Animated-style HeroMachine I'm surprised that you didn't show her as having a bowl-shaped depression on top of her head filled with water. Major Tom 2009
  12. Re: Quote of the Week from my gaming group... Whoever said that last line was just asking for trouble -- you realize that, don't you? Major Tom 2009
  13. Re: There shall soar... the surfer girl! OK, here's the redone Cosmic Surfer Girl, as per Claire's description (or at least as close to it as Fabrica will allow): [ATTACH=CONFIG]44017[/ATTACH] Major Tom 2009
  14. Re: Eccentric but plausible ways a character could be rich? I don't know just how plausible this method would be, but it's certainly eccentric enough: the Edmond Dantes method of getting rich -- the character inherits a map from a dying friend, which details the location of an enormous fortune. The character follows the instructions on the map, finds the fortune, and becomes disgustingly wealthy as a result. Major Tom 2009
  15. Re: There shall soar... the surfer girl! Glad that you like her, although I wasn't exactly trying to do a unitard when I did the outfit; I was trying for more of a one-piece bathing suit. I'll give her another shot though, once I've had the chance to look up this Samus Aran to see what the character looks like. Major Tom 2009
  16. Re: Why Your Heroes Shouldn't Kill Welll...Mechanon could show up and make like Darth Vader with Luke Skywalker ("Come, join me, my cybernetic son -- it is your destiny.") (). Major Tom 2009
  17. Re: Kara Loft: Lost In The Sands Of Egypt Thanks for posting this list; when I made my post, I was going by the movies (and what few TR gameplay clips that I've seen on YouTube), as I've never played any of the games myself. Major Tom 2009
  18. Re: A DC Animated-style HeroMachine OK, since Legatus has established the gold standard with Hyperia's pic, I guess that it's up to me to establish the silver standard. Presented here (and on the "surfer girl" thread) for your review -- Cosmic Surfer Girl: [ATTACH=CONFIG]44010[/ATTACH] Major Tom 2009
  19. Re: Mister Wicked, 6ed Version. Here's a new character who's associated with Mister Wicked and company, courtesy of The Arc. He'd emailed me tonight with both the character pic and the idea behind him; I suggested an addition to his background which he agreed to, so here he is -- Lev Gregorivich Pahlen (formerly Pahlenkov), a.k.a. "The Baron": [ATTACH=CONFIG]44009[/ATTACH] One of those people who is associated with Mister Wicked, but who isn't a regular employee, is a man who is known only as "The Baron". The Baron -- whose true name is Lev Gregorivich Pahlen -- is perhaps the most successful fence in the city where Mister Wicked's primary operation is located, and has the enviable reputat- ion of never having been arrested or charged with any major crime, despite the fact that the authorities know that he's dirty as hell; this is because Pahlen is care- ful to never become personally involved with any illicit business enterprise in which he has an investment of any kind. He is equally careful when it comes to recieving and reselling stolen goods, as he always has one of his minions acting as his agent in such transactions. However, he is also loyal to his employees, and if one of them is arrested in the performance of a crime, he sees to it that that employee is set free on bond, and arranges for that employee to be relocated to another city; he also arranges for one of his professional colleagues to take the former employee into his service. In the years that he's been one of the finest fences in the city, if not the finest, the Baron has established an extensive network of contacts -- in the Far East, Mexico, Russia, and South America -- which has allowed him, on occasion, to "import" cer- tain items such as exotic technology, new designer drugs, and other contraband into the U.S.; these same contacts have also enabled him to "export" certain comm- odities (such as enslaved women that have been purchased from Mister Wicked) to those countries as well. These contacts -- and the Baron's connection to them -- have proven extremely useful to both Mister Wicked and Professor Peril, as they have allow- ed them access to equipment which they would otherwise not have had. Both Wicked and Peril have been impressed, to say the least, by the size of the network to which the Baron has access; the only thing that would impress them more would be if they knew the Baron's deepest secret: that he is, in fact, a Russian nobleman -- one from the time of the October revolution which saw the overthrow and subsequent massa- cre of the Romanov family, and the establishment of the Soviet Union. Lev Pahlen -- whose true last name is Pahlenkov; he dropped the -kov from his name after destroying all records of his noble birth and status -- is, like Heather MacGowrie (a.k.a. Cateran), an immortal. He wasn't always one, however; he was a normal hum- an being up until his 35th birthday, at which time whatever unknown genetic factors were responsible for Cateran's immortality activated themselves within his DNA. From that time onward, he ceased to age, and found himself having to resort to disguise in order to hide his secret. When the Russian Revolution broke out, he immediately took steps to hide who and what he was, and gathered as much of his wealth as he could in preparation for his escape; unlike many in the nobility, he had no illusions what- soever about the Tsarist army's ability to surpress the revolution -- or of the chances of the nobility to survive what was about to happen to them. Managing to escape from Russia, Pahlen eventually made it to America, where he set about earning his citizenship in his new home. During this time, he made a number of "business connections" with members of the Russian emigre community -- some of whom were less than respectable citizens. Over the next few years after coming to America, Pahlen worked his way up through the businesses being run by the more criminally-inclined members of the Russian community, until at last becoming one of its upper-level bosses himself. His condition, however, made it necessary for him to leave the community about 20 years later; people were beginning to ask questions which he couldn't answer about how he could look so young, when everyone else around him was starting to look their age. From then on, he only spent no more than ten or fifteen years in any given city, before leaving for greener pastures. In the course of these travels, he began to establish the first parts of what would become a network spanning the globe. Ultimately, he arrived in the same city where Mister Wicked had set up his own shop, and, before too much time had passed, established a business relationship with the eccentric villain. He's sufficiently entertained by Mister Wicked and his activities that, for the first time in many long years, he's actually considering staying in one city for more than a decade. (Character art by The Arc; background story and details by The Arc and Major Tom 2009.) Major Tom 2009
  20. Re: There shall soar... the surfer girl! After reading what there is of this thread so far, I wondered what a female Silver Surfer-type character might look like, so I got onto the Fabrica website and came up with this: [ATTACH=CONFIG]44008[/ATTACH] Major Tom 2009
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