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Major Tom 2009

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Everything posted by Major Tom 2009

  1. Re: A DC Animated-style HeroMachine One of the most powerful beings in the home dimension of the Shadow Emperor is the sorceror known only as the Emerald Sage: [ATTACH=CONFIG]44149[/ATTACH] The sole inhabitant of the OZ prior to giving Princess Arianna and the Munkin refugees sanctuary within it, the Emerald Sage has since turned his power to the task of defending the interdimens- ional nexus from the Shadow Emperor's efforts to take it -- and the OZ -- for his own evil purp- oses. The arrival of the Regulators in the OZ has greatly aided his efforts in that regard, for many of the spells that he uses to protect the OZ require certain material components which he can no longer leave the OZ in order to collect. The Regulators don't really mind doing this necessary collection work, even if they do regard the sorceror as a "crotchety old coot" (an image that he has carefully cultivated over the years, and which provides him with a certain amount of amuse- ment). Major Tom 2009 Minus 96 and counting...
  2. Re: A DC Animated-style HeroMachine The most stalwart allies of the Regulators (and of Raptor Force) are the elfin-like beings known as Munkins: [ATTACH=CONFIG]44147[/ATTACH][ATTACH=CONFIG]44148[/ATTACH] Although they are short in stature (the tallest Munkin only stands about 4'6"), Munkins can be every bit as courageous in the face of the enemy as any human being, even if that enemy is several times their size. With their golden skin, orange-red hair, and luminescent green-on- black eyes, the Munkins are the most recognizable race in their dimension, and are universally trusted by the majority of the races native to that dimension. Until the rise of the Shadow Emperor, the Munkins were a peaceful people, one that had no need for war or even an army to defend themselves. After the first conquests of the Shadow Emperor, however, they saw the writing on the wall, and immediately set about the task of raising and training an army with which to defend their kingdom. Less than one Earth year later, the Shadow Emperor's forces attacked the Munkin kingdom and were repelled by the kingdom's defenders. Three more attacks followed in rapid succession; on the third attack, the emeny was successful in breaching the defenses. While a small group of volunteers remained behind to delay the enemy, Princess Arianna and 12,000 of her people -- 4,000 of whom were soldiers -- escaped to the OZ, where they were given refuge by the Emerald Sage, and where they have remained to this day. The picture above shows both Princess Arianna and a group of her Royal Guardsmen. The Munkin Rebels were originally created by The Arc, and reimagined by me. Major Tom 2009 Minus 97 and counting...
  3. Re: A DC Animated-style HeroMachine Raptor Force isn't the only enemy that the Shadow Emperor and his minions have to deal with. In his own dimension, his efforts to bring about the conquest of every living being that inhabits it are being opposed by a group of highly-unusual individuals known as the Regulators: [ATTACH=CONFIG]44142[/ATTACH][ATTACH=CONFIG]44143[/ATTACH][ATTACH=CONFIG]44144[/ATTACH][ATTACH=CONFIG]44145[/ATTACH] The members of this group are: Dorothy, a young woman from Earth that has telepathically bonded with a "sanguinosaurus", a dinosaurian lifeform that resembles a Velociraptor from Earth's distant past -- only far larger and more intelligent than its Earthly counterpart; "Crow", a masked guerilla fighter who was engaging in hit-and-run raids against the Shadow Emperor's minions even before he met Dorothy. No one has ever seen him without his mask, not even his fellow Regulators; "Tin Ranger", who was once nothing more than an autonomous forestry robot -- until an accident- al upload of an experimental computer program resulted in his gaining sentience, as well as a con- science. Recognizing that the Shadow Emperor's goals were evil and could only result in slavery for countless beings, Tin Ranger (the name that he chose for himself) joined with Dorothy and Crow to fight against the would-be conqueror and his forces; Lord Aslan, the sole surviving member of his kingdom's royal family following the Shadow Emperor's successful conquest of his homeland. Like "Crow", he carried out several guerilla attacks against his enemy until meeting up with the three freedom fighters. Recognizing that they had common cause, he joined with them to form the Regulators. The Regulators are aided in their fight against the Shadow Emperor and his forces by Arianna, Princess of the Munkins in Exile, and those of her people -- both of her army and civilian population -- who were able to escape with her to the Outerrealms Zone, a place that is home to an interdimensional nexus that provides access to many worlds and universes, including that of Earth. Another ally -- even if he is a difficult one at times -- is a mysterious masked and robed sorceror who is known only as the Emerald Sage. The Regulators divide their time between guarding the OZ against the Shadow Emperor's attempts to invade it, and carrying out raids against his forces and bases, in order to force him to tie down more of his troops in protecting his territory against them. From time to time, they are aided by Raptor Force in this endeavor. The Regulators were originally created by The Arc; I simply did my own take on them and fleshed them out a little. Major Tom 2009 Minus 98 and counting...
  4. Re: A DC Animated-style HeroMachine Ah. OK; I'm not much of a Doctor Who fan, so that's not something I would have known right off the bat. Thanks for the info. Major Tom 2009 Minus 99 and counting...
  5. Re: The Crimson Emperor -- Build Critique Wanted Hmmm...gimme time to think of something. Major Tom 2009 Minus 100 and counting...
  6. Re: Post apocalyptic HERO The horror...the horror ()...!!! Major Tom 2009
  7. Re: Genre-crossover nightmares The Hobbit: An Unexpected Journey to the Center of the Earth. Major Tom 2009
  8. Re: The Crimson Emperor -- Build Critique Wanted You're welcome; BTW, does he have a henchwench whose job is to seduce or otherwise distract the heroes while His Evilness does his dirty work? Major Tom 2009
  9. Re: Kara Loft: Lost In The Sands Of Egypt What'd really be funny is if the hieroglyphics turned out to be ancient Kobolian ()... Major Tom 2009
  10. Re: Else Earth Superteams: Crime Fighter Legion (5e) Here's my take on Starwalker: [ATTACH=CONFIG]44137[/ATTACH] Major Tom 2009
  11. Re: A Wicked Situation... ROVER's intentions might be the best, but something tells me that if he plays the aforementioned scenes on his chest screen, he'll gain direct experience of full-bore, terrified-out-of-her-mind hysteria ()... EDIT: Wait a minute -- Vitus actually has a moral compass?! Astounding ()... Major Tom 2009
  12. Re: The Crimson Emperor -- Build Critique Wanted Just for fun, I thought that I'd take a shot at doing a pic of what the Crimson Emperor might look like, and this was what I came up with: [ATTACH=CONFIG]44136[/ATTACH] Major Tom 2009
  13. Re: A DC Animated-style HeroMachine Who's Prisoner Zero? Major Tom 2009
  14. Re: A DC Animated-style HeroMachine Here's someone I put together for the "Mister Wicked" thread -- a serial killer known as the Gorehound: [ATTACH=CONFIG]44121[/ATTACH] BTW, that's a specially-designed mask that he's wearing, and its description can be found on the MW thread. Major Tom 2009 "Chh-chh-chh...Haa-haa-haa..."
  15. Re: Mister Wicked, 6ed Version. Well, the way that Mister Wicked was originally presented here on the boards (back when he was seeking Q.U.A.R.K.'s advice on that thread years ago), he wouldn't have been out of place in the Batman TV show (the one with Adam West and Burt Ward) as one of the more eccentric costumed villains in the second-string Rogue's Gallery. To use him in a lighter-themed Champions campaign, just alter his background so that, instead of being the head of a nearly 200-year-old white slavery operation, he's an eccentric supervillain who kidnaps innocent bystanders in order to attract the attention of his real target: whatever super- herione has captured his fancy at the moment. Once he's managed somehow to capture her, he has Miss Helga dress her in Victorian-era dress (while she's out cold, that is), after which he puts said superheroine/damsel-in-distress in the Deathtrap Of The Day and leaves her to her fate (at least, that's his general plan). Of course, just as in the Batman shows, the superheroine/DiD should have the chance to somehow escape the deathtrap (but not easily). Of course, there's also the option that I'd suggested years ago on that thread: instead of trying to maneuver the superheroine into the deathtrap, Mister Wicked could always find a way to have his intended victim walk, however unwillingly, into the deathtrap by her own choice -- especially if he's somehow managed to learn her secret identity, and who her DNPCs are. All he has to do in that case would be to capture her DNPCs, and then make an anyonomous phone call to her ("If you want to keep [insert names of DNPCs here] from suffering an...unpleasant fate, then come alone to [insert location here] before [insert time here]."), and let matters proceed from there. Naturally, his more repellent Disadvantages would have to be changed accordingly, so that he's less of a sadist and sexual predator (who would most likely go right to the top of some local vigilante's Terminate On Sight With Maximum Prejudice list) and more of the kind of villain who'd be given a cell in the Champions Universe's version of Arkham Asylum. Major Tom 2009
  16. Re: The Mastermind's Trophies Welll...the frozen alien may not be as frozen as everyone might think that it is. Just because the body is frozen doesn't necessarily mean that its mind is frozen as well -- it could very well be orchestrating things behind the scenes with some sort of mental powers while its body remains inert, using them to influence the villains into taking one of these objects each. Major Tom 2009
  17. Re: The Mastermind's Trophies Yeah, I'd go along with that, especially where the Spartan armor and weapons are concerned. It'd just be the luck of the poor SOB that finds it who finds out that the armor was worn by one of the 300, and that it absorbed some serious juju as a result of the Battle of Thermopylae ()... Major Tom 2009
  18. Re: Mister Wicked, 6ed Version. Here he is -- the Gorehound, in both the Victorian-age clothes that he wears when attending one of Mister Wicked's costume balls for charity (or to one of the secret slave auctions that are held at the hidden dungeon and auction facility), and in the outfit that he wears when he's hunting some poor victim down in the middle of some out-of-the-way stretch of woodland far from any city or town: [ATTACH=CONFIG]44101[/ATTACH][ATTACH=CONFIG]44102[/ATTACH] The "dog's-head" mask worn by the Gorehound contains a sophisticated, miniaturized sensor suite that has the following features: Acoustic sensors: Located in the "ears" of the mask, these sensors are acute enough to pick up the sounds of human breathing at about 25 yards, or a human heartbeat at about half that. Low-light and Enhanced Thermographic sensors: These sensors not only enable the Gorehound to see at night, they also provide a means of detecting even a hidden victim.* Olfactory sensor: Located in the "nose", this sensor is capable of detecting the chemical traces left by a person's body -- such as the ammonia given off as part of human sweat. The mask also has a built-in voice distortion module which alters the Gorehound's voice, giving it a deep, growly sound like that a dog might make if it could talk. It also has a layer of armor pro- tection capable of stopping up to a .44 Magnum round. The Gorehound is accompanied by a pair of highly-trained Doberman Pinschers whereever he goes, whether it's to a party or on one of his hunts. *Think of the computer-enhanced IR display shown in the Predator films, and you'll have an idea of what it looks like when the Gorehound looks at something through his mask. Major Tom 2009
  19. Re: Mister Wicked, 6ed Version. Well, considering all of the prison camp flicks that were out back in the 60s and 70s, I suppose you could have picked a worse example than Soon-Teck-Oh's NVA POW camp commandant in Braddock: Missing in Action 2. Major Tom 2009
  20. Re: Mister Wicked, 6ed Version. Bwahhahaha (rubs hands together in a gleefully evil sort of way...)!! Major Tom 2009 "Chh-chh-chh...Haa-haa-haa..."
  21. Re: A Wicked Situation... Powerstar: His initial response would be to free the poor girl first, then get her to where she can recieve medical attention. Once that part was out of the way, his next step would be to determine if she was, in fact, from the time period suggested by her clothing; if that was indeed the case, he'd go about trying to help her to adjust to her new time period (as someone who comes from another time period himself -- the late 1940s, post-WWII -- he'd consider it only right and proper to help her to adjust to her current circumstances, the way that he was on his arrival in 2006). If, however, the medical examination turns up evidence of medical procedures that didn't exist during the Victorian age -- bone grafts, joint fusion/replacement sugery, organ transplants, etc. -- then his next step would be to bring in a fellow teammate of his: Thespian, who possesses telepathic abilities, and who could perform a telepathic scan upon the poor girl to find out (if possible) what happened to her, and who was responsible for it. From that point onward, it'd be a straightforward investigation. Major Tom 2009
  22. Re: Quote of the Week from my gaming group... Trying to O.D. on your Kathleen Beller fix, were you ()? Major Tom 2009
  23. Re: Quote of the Week from my gaming group... I can safely say that I've never seen that one. Besides, Spacehunter: Adventures in the Forbidden Zone (a 3-D movie, IIRC) was bad enough, with Michael Ironsides as the cheesiest-looking cyborg in sci-fi film history. I actually found my- self feeling sorry for Peter Strauss (I think that's who was playing the male lead role alongside Molly Ringwald) for having been roped into such a godawful waste of film. Major Tom 2009
  24. Re: Genre-crossover nightmares I'm not even going to try and touch this one ()... Major Tom 2009
  25. Re: Else Earth Superteams: Crime Fighter Legion (5e) Well, from his description, that's basically what he was -- a human version of a fighting rooster, so yeah, you could say that he's ready for a cockfight. Major Tom 2009
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