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Major Tom 2009

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Everything posted by Major Tom 2009

  1. Re: The Crimson Emperor -- Build Critique Wanted
  2. Re: A DC Animated-style HeroMachine Yet another fiendish plot from those wonderfully diabolical people over at the evil Foxx Empire... Major Tom 2009 Minus 72 and counting...
  3. Re: A DC Animated-style HeroMachine I got the idea for this one after reading one of the posts in the WWYCD: Last Dance With Mary Jane thread, and did it as a bit of whimsy: [ATTACH=CONFIG]44291[/ATTACH] The Mighty Poltron, Defender of the Henhouse Major Tom 2009 Minus 73 and counting...
  4. Re: A DC Animated-style HeroMachine I see this, and the first name that comes to mind is Father Gatling, leader of the Brothers of the Eternal Minigun ()... Major Tom 2009 Minus 74 and counting...
  5. Re: Else Earth: Dr.Chimera (5e, 700+pts) (WIP) Here's a pic of the "good" Doctor that I came up with based upon Enforcer84's description: [ATTACH=CONFIG]44283[/ATTACH] Major Tom 2009 Minus 76 and counting...
  6. Re: A DC Animated-style HeroMachine Here's an Infernal adversary to throw at your heroes -- the Hellwing: [ATTACH=CONFIG]44282[/ATTACH] Major Tom 2009 Minus 77 and counting...
  7. Re: A DC Animated-style HeroMachine Not to mention being a lot more co-ed than this ()... Major Tom 2009 Minus 78 and counting...
  8. Re: Last Dance With Mary Jane... You know, when I first saw the title of this thread, my initial thought was that some villain had decided to re-enact the events shown in the video for the Tom Petty song of the same name...but then I asked myself, what villain in the Champions Universe would be creepy enough to use the necrophiliac's anthem as the basis for a crime ()...?! Major Tom 2009 Minus 79 and counting...
  9. Re: A DC Animated-style HeroMachine Obviously a demon who reads way too much Shakespeare...after all, most lawyers would be satisfied with their figurative pound of flesh, but nooo, not this guy ()... Major Tom 2009 Minus 80 and counting...
  10. Re: A DC Animated-style HeroMachine Remington Jones, a former Texas Ranger turned private investigator: [ATTACH=CONFIG]44244[/ATTACH][ATTACH=CONFIG]44245[/ATTACH] Remington is shown here in both his casual clothes (at least, what's casual for him), and in his working clothes (when he's expecting serious trouble). A good way to des- cribe him would be as a cross between Thomas Magnum and Cordell Walker; he has a devil-may-care attitude at times, but when the chips are down, he can kick a$$ with the best of them. Major Tom 2009 Minus 81 and counting...
  11. Re: Mister Wicked, 6ed Version. There was one genre that I'd forgotten to include when I made the post about other genres that Mister Wicked could be used in: Post-Apocalyptic. When you consider that one of the tropes that that particular genre deals with are individuals who prey upon the innocent in many of the same ways that Mister Wicked does, it wouldn't be hard to imagine him in such a setting -- a tad more raggedly-looking, perhaps, but there nevertheless. With the pronounced lack of any law-enforcement organization to worry about, there'd be little to stop him from expanding his operation into the single largest slave-trading operat- ion in the post-Ooops world -- with the possible exception of the PCs. Major Tom 2009 Minus 92 and counting...
  12. Re: A DC Animated-style HeroMachine The sixth and last of the Asuras is Mukasura, the "boar-demon": [ATTACH=CONFIG]44213[/ATTACH] The most foul-tempered of the Asuras, Mukasura is very quick to anger, and will charge any foe in battle, regardless of how strong that foe may be. Major Tom 2009 Minus 83 and counting...
  13. Re: A DC Animated-style HeroMachine The fifth of the Asuras is the "rakshasa-demon" Jatasura: [ATTACH=CONFIG]44212[/ATTACH] As previously mentioned, Jatasura has the power to appear as someone who his intended victim trusts -- a loved one or family member -- which he uses to lure the victim close enough to seize. This power, however, would be use- less without his other power -- that of telepathy. While he cannot use it to read his victim's mind for thoughts in the usual sense of the word, Jatasura can use it to see the images in his victim's mind of those whom he or she trusts most. Major Tom 2009 Minus 84 and counting...
  14. Re: A DC Animated-style HeroMachine The fourth of the Asuras is Gajasura, the "elephant-demon": [ATTACH=CONFIG]44211[/ATTACH] One of the tallest of the Asuras, Gajasura has an elephant's head and tail on a humanoid body, and possesses the power to transform himself into a gigantic elephant at will. Al- though reliable measurements are understandably difficult to come by, at least one estim- ate of Gajasura's elephant-form puts it at being 40 feet tall. His hide is also superhumanly tough as well; Gajasura has been observed taking direct hits from MBT main guns without suffering any ill effects whatsoever. Major Tom 2009 Minus 85 and counting...
  15. Re: A DC Animated-style HeroMachine The third of the Asuras is Chanda, the "moon-demon": [ATTACH=CONFIG]44209[/ATTACH] Although possessed of superhuman strength like the other Asuras, Chanda differs from them in that his physical strength increases upon direct exposure to moon- light; he has been obseved to lift weights in the 100-ton range on a clear night. Major Tom 2009 Minus 86 and counting...
  16. Re: A DC Animated-style HeroMachine The second of the Asuras is Bakasura, the "cannibal-demon": [ATTACH=CONFIG]44207[/ATTACH] Bakasura could almost pass for human, if it weren't for his fang-filled mouth, pointed ears, and slitted, reptilian eyes. And as for his moniker, it's apparently well-earned -- several of his victims have vanished from the face of the Earth, leaving no traces other than a huge puddle of blood and some scraps of what were once their clothes nearby. Bakasura often hunts for victims in concert with Jatasura, the rakshasa-demon. Bakasura's part in these hunts is that of a beater, as he prefers to chase his prey into the waiting arms of Jatasura (who has used his power to appear as either one of the victim's loved ones, or some- one that they trust). Once the victim is in Jatasura's grasp (and Bakasura catches up to them), the rakshasa-demon drops the illusion, allowing the victim a brief instant to realize that he or she is doomed before being killed by the two Asuras; nothing gives them as much pleasure as that moment of terrible realization in their victim's eyes. Major Tom 2009 Minus 87 and counting...
  17. Re: A DC Animated-style HeroMachine Recently, a new group of supervillains made its appearance in India, where they have proceeded to terrorize the populace. Although humanoid in appearance for the most part, each of them is possessed of animalistic features of one sort or another. They collectively refer to themselves as the Asuras, after the demons of Indian mythology, but it is as yet unknown if they are actually supernatural beings, or mutants who are attempting to take advantage of their appearance by playing upon the beliefs and fears of the Indian public. The first of the Asuras is Aghasura, the "serpent-demon": [ATTACH=CONFIG]44206[/ATTACH] Possessing a humanoid upper body with a cobra-like head and a serpentine lower body, Aghasura is a massive being indeed, with a length of 30 feet. What is truly frightening, though, is that he apparently has the power to grow to even greater size -- one reliable account put his length in his larger form at over 120 feet. In addition, he also possesses a venomous bite, and can spray his venom at an oppon- ent as well. The venom itself is an extremely potent neurotoxin; while someone who has only been sprayed in the face with it has a chance to avoid blindness if they're able to wash it out before that happens, a bite victim has less than a min- ute before the venom shuts down his autonomic nervous system -- leading to the victim's death by suffocation as his lungs and diaphragm stop working. Major Tom 2009 Minus 88 and counting...
  18. Re: A DC Animated-style HeroMachine Here's one to add to the bad babes that The Arc has posted here so far, and the idea came from him in the first place -- the enemy of Vigil the Vanquisher, Sister Kali: [ATTACH=CONFIG]44205[/ATTACH] Sister Kali wields six "energy-katanas", two of which she holds and the other four which float in mid-air near her, and which she is able to control. Major Tom 2009 Minus 89 and counting...
  19. Re: World War Two Campaign There were mini-subs used by the Japanese during the Pearl Harbor operation (2- or 3-man craft, IIRC), whose mission was to attempt to penetrate the antisubmarine defenses of the base and do their best to damage as much of the Navy ships there as possible. Aside from the one that was detected and sunk by the U.S.S Ward, there were at least two of the mini-subs that managed to enter the harbor. As for Lt. General Short, I can't help but wonder if he didn't get saddled with a nickname like "Short On Brains" following his less-than-stellar decision to group the planes together on the airfields. I've also never heard if, like Kimmel, he was relieved from his post following Pearl Harbor. Major Tom 2009 Minus 90 and counting...
  20. Re: A DC Animated-style HeroMachine Among the servitor races that make up the Shadow Emperor's forces are a race of winged primates, who are known throughout the dimension as Demon-Apes: [ATTACH=CONFIG]44173[/ATTACH] These horned, magenta-furred beings serve as slavers to the Shadow Emperor, using their power of winged flight to silently raid unsuspecting villages or isolated homesteads, taking only the most healthy (and, in the case of female captives, most beautiful) of their inhabitants. While they don't set out to kill anyone during these raids, casualties among their victims -- especially where the family members of their victims are concerned, and who, more often than not, do their best to keep their relatives from being carried off into slavery -- can be high. Following the forced exodus by Princess Arianna and her people to the OZ, the Shadow Emperor sent a large party of Demon-Apes there to try and capture as many of the Munkins as possible, including the Princess. Needless to say, the mystical defenses of the OZ proved to be more than sufficient to stop the raid cold. This setback, however, hasn't dissuaded the Shadow Emperor from continuing to try to gain access to the OZ; indeed, recent rumors suggest that the conqueror has recruited a group of warriors known as Gareth Shocktroopers to carry out a ground attack in support of the next Demon-Ape aerial assault... The Demon-Apes were inspired by The Arc's Flying Munkies pic. Major Tom 2009 Minus 91 and counting...
  21. Re: The Crimson Emperor -- Build Critique Wanted Here's the pic of the (possible) henchwench for the Crimson Emperor -- the Crimson Empress: [ATTACH=CONFIG]44172[/ATTACH] There's two ways that this character could be done, the first of which is the "Daddy's Little Villain" option that Steve mentioned. At some point in the past before becoming the Crimson Emperor, the future villain met an exceptionally beautiful woman of Middle Eastern or South American descent, and had a child -- in this case, a daughter -- with her. Following his transformation into the Crimson Emperor, he set about the task of grooming her to be his second-in-command and eventual successor. As a result, she has powers of her own which are identical to those wielded by her father, only not as powerful (at least, not yet). As for where her loyalties lie, she could either be slavishly loyal to her father, or she could be a conniving backstabber who's only waiting for the right moment to supplant Dear Ol' Dad (they're not called femme fatales for nothing). The second option is that she's a sorceress herself, and entirely unrelated to the Crimson Emperor. Attracted to him because of his greater power, she's hoping to learn everything she can from him before she attempts to dispose of him and take his place as the head of his organization/cult. Of course, if this option is used, the heroes could find themselves facing "Mother's Little Villain" several years down the road ()... Major Tom 2009 Minus 92 and counting...
  22. Re: A Wicked Situation... Vitus has ethics? Major Tom 2009 Minus 93 and counting...
  23. Re: Mister Wicked, 6ed Version. Well, Captain Rackham is pretty much your basic space pirate (one with a time-travel capability, but a space pirate nevertheless), and as such he's just one of many. But someone like Mister Wicked, on the other hand -- a villain who goes around dressed as a Victorian-era gentleman in the 31st Century, and who subjects his victims to antiquated (by the standards of the 31st Century) deathtraps -- is someone who's definitely going to stand out in a crowd; even more so depending upon which version (the light-themed version or the darker one) of the character is being used. Major Tom 2009 Minus 94 and counting...
  24. Re: Mister Wicked, 6ed Version. It'd probably be a good idea to also include guidelines for using His Wickedness in other genres as well -- Cyber Hero, Horror Hero, Star Hero, and especially the upcoming Victorian Hero. Major Tom 2009 Minus 95 and counting...
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