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Major Tom 2009

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Everything posted by Major Tom 2009

  1. Re: A DC Animated-style HeroMachine Arc, you did get the pic of St. Merlin's ghost student this time, didn't you? Major Tom 2009 Minus 46 and counting...
  2. Re: A DC Animated-style HeroMachine What draft? Major Tom 2009 Minus 47 and counting...
  3. I think what I should've asked was if the power had both the Must Be Within 10m Of Designated Partners (All At Once, -1 1/2) and All Characters Must Be Fighting (-1 1/2) Limitations, along with the Only Aid Self Limitation. The point cost that I get after applying those Limitations to the 54 Active Point cost comes out to 10.8 points; what I don't know is if this is indeed the correct cost for that version of the Array power. Is that the correct cost, or have I added some- thing that I shouldn't have? Major Tom 2009 Minus 48 and counting...
  4. What would the Array power with the Aid OCV and DCV 6d6 look like with the All Characters Must Be Fighting limitation in a writeup? Major Tom 2009 Minus 49 and counting...
  5. Re: Alien Flagship Falling From Orbit Assuming that the alien flagship in question is indeed the size of an ISD from Star Wars (about 1.5 kilometers in length -- around the same size as the Galactica from the new BSG series), letting it make landfall anywhere comes under the heading of A Very Bad Idea. Since from the sound of things that there's no way to prevent the descent of the flagship, the best that Powerstar (and any other bricks that are up there with him) would be able to accomplish would be to manage a controlled, gliding crash into the North Atlantic (controlled so far as trying to make certain that the ship comes down at an angle instead of straight down; with luck, the end result would look something like a waterborne version of the saucer section crashlanding from Star Trek: Generations). Once the ship is (more or less) safely down, the next step would be for him (and any- one else with Full Life Support) to go down underneath the ship to make certain that there aren't any hull breaches that could potentially release harmful substances into the ocean. Major Tom 2009 Minus 50 and counting...
  6. Re: Mister Wicked, 6ed Version. Here's a new henchman for Mister Wicked's organization, "Sparky" Matson, an expert with electronic security systems -- and how to bypass them in order to gain access to those they're protecting: [ATTACH=CONFIG]44404[/ATTACH] Major Tom 2009 Minus 51 and counting...
  7. Re: A DC Animated-style HeroMachine Zacharius Darkmoor, a former teacher at St. Merlin's and now its greatest enemy: [ATTACH=CONFIG]44403[/ATTACH] Darkmoor was once the teacher in charge of instructing St. Merlin's students on how to recognize and resist the Dark Arts; unfortunately, years of exposure to his subject matter eventually corrupted him, causing him to become evil. When he nearly killed some of his students, the Headmistress had no choice but to fire him, and he vowed vengeance for this "insult". Since then, he has attempted on several occasions to infiltrate and corrupt members of the student body, hoping to create an army of followers that will help him to gain great power with which to rule over others. His current goals are many: to bring about the destruction of St. Merlin's, to either corrupt or kill Albus Pen- dragon (he has recognized the youngster as being a threat to his long-term plans), and to claim Lady Pendragon for his own. Darkmoor's primary weapon is the eldritch Rod of Shadow; where and how he came into possession of such a powerful artifact is as yet unknown at this time. Major Tom 2009 Minus 52 and counting...
  8. Re: Quote of the Week from my gaming group... Well, there's a part of the book where Luke and Leia are escaping from what Ben Kenobi once called "Imperial entanglements", and a couple of their fellow escapees are creatures called Yuzzem, who could give Chewbacca a run for his money in the strength department. During the escape, the two of them come across one of the Yuzzem, who's using a droid as a melee weapon to beat a storm- trooper to death (having already done so to several others that are piled up around him). To use the author's turn of phrase, the stormtrooper was coming apart at the same rate as the droid. Reading the part of your post where MacIan's using a pair of Dark Eldar as bladed weapons simply brought that story to mind. Major Tom 2009 Minus 53 and counting...
  9. Re: Quote of the Week from my gaming group... True enough...even though in the grim darkness of the far future there is only war, there is at least one corner of it that is illuminated by the power of the Blazing Sword. Speaking of bladed weapons, MacIan's been reading a copy of Alan Dean Foster's Star Wars novel Splinter of the Mind's Eye, hasn't he? Major Tom 2009 Minus 54 and counting...
  10. Re: Quote of the Week from my gaming group... Yeah, I probably would've said that myself, but I don't want to jinx myself when I'm so close. The first time that I got close to the 1,000-post mark, I was somehow deregistered from the board and had to re-register under a new username. Then it happened again under the new name, and had to go through the whole thing all over again. Major Tom 2009 Minus 55 and counting...
  11. Re: Quote of the Week from my gaming group... You forgot one: Picture that same tank with plasma cannons that can reduce orbiting starships to their component atoms. (I think that one of the best Bolo stories to date is The Road to Damascus. Any story where an intelligent war machine talks about going to town to smite some Phillistines just rocks.) Major Tom 2009 Minus 56 and counting...
  12. Re: So: What Superpowers would your Parents get if they had a "Radiation Accident" My mother would have the power to cause mushrooms to materialize in any dish that she cooks. BLEECCCHHHHH!!!! Major Tom 2009 Minus 57 and counting...
  13. Re: Quote of the Week from my gaming group... Fun of the sort where they're persuaded to camp out on the shore of Loch Ness in the (locals') hopes that Nessie will decide to pop out for a midnight snack, or Fun Of The Sort That Man Was Not Meant To Experience? Major Tom 2009 Minus 59 and counting...
  14. Re: A DC Animated-style HeroMachine Introducing the latest Space Marine chapter for WH40K -- the Steel Cossacks. Major Tom 2009 Minus 60 and counting...
  15. Re: Quote of the Week from my gaming group... Good thing that it wasn't a Scottish Nationalist cabbie that they asked for advice -- they would've been reduced to shacking out in some dark alley somewhere. Major Tom 2009 Minus 61 and counting...
  16. Re: A DC Animated-style HeroMachine So...which of the teachers shown so far is an analog for Professor Snape? Major Tom 2009 Minus 62 and counting...
  17. Re: A DC Animated-style HeroMachine Are the Blackthornes and the others shown so far part of a Charmed/Harry Potter-type background? Major Tom 2009 Minus 63 and counting...
  18. Re: Mister Wicked, 6ed Version. Here's one of Mister Wicked's many clients -- a DEMON Morbane known as Black Mano: [ATTACH=CONFIG]44338[/ATTACH] Major Tom 2009 Minus 64 and counting...
  19. Re: A DC Animated-style HeroMachine Here's a character from the sci-fi novels of the late Leigh Brackett -- Eric John Stark, A.K.A. N'Chaka and the Dark Man: [ATTACH=CONFIG]44337[/ATTACH] Major Tom 2009 Minus 65 and counting...
  20. Re: The Crimson Emperor -- Build Critique Wanted OK, it's time now for the minions to get their day in the sun art-wise. Here's my take on Klaus Gorgo, shown here with a couple of the Crimson Emperor's cultists: [ATTACH=CONFIG]44336[/ATTACH] Major Tom 2009 Minus 66 and counting...
  21. Re: Algernon HERO Does anyone know where the color pics of the Algernon Files characters can be found? Major Tom 2009 Minus 67 and counting...
  22. Re: Last Dance With Mary Jane... Heh. Sounds like Septa could use some pointers from Jim Ellison and Blair Sandburg on how not to zone out over something... Major Tom 2009 Minus 68 and counting...
  23. Re: The Crimson Emperor -- Build Critique Wanted
  24. Re: Snake Sisters Since these three sisters use song-based powers to influence people in order to get what they want, perhaps they should be called by a different name -- say, for example, the Sirens Sinister? Major Tom 2009 Minus 70 and counting...
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