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Major Tom 2009

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Everything posted by Major Tom 2009

  1. Re: The Powerpuff Women (or "Grown Up in Townsville") Just in time to give Magnus a hand with the robot fighting... Major Tom 2009
  2. Re: A DC Animated-style HeroMachine Hey, don't blame me for that. Like most of the pics that I did for that thread, I used the pairings and descriptions of the folks that came up with them to make those pics. Major Tom 2009
  3. Re: The Enimies of The TED, featuring Malhkronos Oh, yes -- someone who is definitely in dire need of a case of retroactive birth control. And you wouldn't have to worry about tripping your CvKs to do it, either. Major Tom 2009
  4. Re: The Powerpuff Women (or "Grown Up in Townsville") Sort of; there's also the fact that one of the few times that I actually saw one of the episodes, it happened to be the one where the Girls got pounded into the dirt by the RowdyRuff Boys. I simply figured that, after some- thing like that happening to his girls, the good Professor would come up with some sort of protective outfit for them for when they got older (and were facing enemies whose power level was on a par with their own, or even better). Major Tom 2009
  5. Re: The Powerpuff Women (or "Grown Up in Townsville") Yeah, and we all know who Daddy's Little Rebel would be in that case, don't we? (Discreet nod of the head toward the one in green and silver) Major Tom 2009
  6. Re: Paradox Timely of the TED (6ed, PG-13) Here's the latest addition to the TED's roster -- Agent Cadet Sunny Dhail: [ATTACH=CONFIG]45320[/ATTACH] Sunny has yet to finish her training as an Agent, therefore she hasn't yet been given her first trainee mission. She has a rather upbeat personality, and always has a smile for her fellow TED employees -- which in its own way is almost as annoying to Director Mainline as some of Paradox's personality traits are. In fact, he has often thought of sending Agent Cadet Dhail to the 21st Century to be Paradox's assistant for training purposes; at least, that's his official story. What he really wants is to drive Paradox just a little bit nuts; he figures that enough exposure to Sunny's relentlessly-perky nature will be enough to drive her blood pressure up a few points (whenever he imagines Paradox being driven slightly nuts by Sunny, he gets what can only be described as an expression of diabolical pleasure on his face; those seeing it don't know the cause for it, but they do know that Mainline's thinking evil thoughts about someone when he does get that expression on his face). Major Tom 2009
  7. Re: The Enimies of The TED, featuring Malhkronos Here's the pic that goes with that post -- Malkhronos himself: [ATTACH=CONFIG]45296[/ATTACH] Malkhronos' outfit is basically the same as that of the TED, except that it's in black and red. The belt buckle badge is also identical to that of the TED uniform, with one exception: there's a dagger plunged through the infinity symbol. Major Tom 2009
  8. Re: Paradox Timely of the TED (6ed, PG-13) Next up is Fergus Templeton, an agent who joined the organization at the same time as Paradox: [ATTACH=CONFIG]45288[/ATTACH] Fergus' knowledge of the past is as great as Paradox's own, which has made him the ideal choice for a special assignment to the Records Division -- that of a one-man rescue team. One of the dangers facing TED agents in the field is that they could be seriously injured -- or worse, captured by someone who knows what and who they are -- with no opportunity whatsoever to send an emergency message to their own time. Fortunately, standard pro- cedure for agents in the field (i.e., the past) is to find someone that they can trust in what- ever time period that they happen to be operating in to be their "mailman" -- someone who is entrusted with a simple message that can be placed in the Classifieds section of the local newspaper (or electronic equivalent) if they haven't been contacted within a certain period of time by the agent. The Records Division of TED houses the computerized archives of the newspapers or electronic bulletin boards; upon detecting such a message, the Division's main computer broadcasts a distinctive alert sound throughout TED Head- quarters, letting everyone know that an agent may be in trouble and need to be rescued. Fergus is then briefed on the situation as they know it before being temported to what- ever time period that the missing agent is operating in, where he immediately begins an investigation, starting with the "mailman". Whenever possible (and when they're both in the same time period), Fergus and Paradox try to spend some "quality time" together; while they're not boyfriend and girlfriend in the usual sense of the word, they do enjoy a close relationship. Out of consideration for the Victorian-age sensibilities of her mothers, Paradox keeps her relationship with Fergus very discreet (there's also the fact that Mainline wouldn't be too happy about the relationship if he knew about it). This hasn't stopped her from what she calls "popping the question" to Fergus (no, it's not that question; the question that she does ask someone is meant to see how the person being asked reacts to it, and is done for amusement more than any- thing else); having been on the recieving end of her question, Fergus feels a mix of heart- felt sympathy and amusement for those upon whom she's sprung it. He has noticed, how- ever, that those she does ask are the ones who she really likes. Because of his special duties, Fergus has the unofficial code name of Tempus Fugit. Major Tom 2009
  9. Re: Paradox Timely of the TED (6ed, PG-13) I was hoping to get these posted last night as well, but was stopped by a data error in the website when I attempted to use the Attachment function. Oh, well... Anyway, here are the remaining TED personnel (with the exception of Sunny Dhaile[?], for whom I have no picture as yet, having only learned about her last night), starting with "Gazer" McGee: [ATTACH=CONFIG]45286[/ATTACH] "Gazer" (his real first name is known only to Director Mainline) is a longtime friend of the Director, and is in charge of the organization's Records Division. Now, most people who aren't aware of TED's true purpose might think that such a job would be a waste of a good man's talents -- after all, keep- ing records is the sort of job that you give to a bureaucrat instead of an agent with years of experience in the field. Those who do know what the true function of the Records Division is know that "Gazer" -- with his attention to the smallest detail and his unrelenting (some would say almost paranoid) vigilance -- is the perfect man for the job. This is because the true purpose of the Records Division is to not only monitor the timeline for signs of temporal tampering -- or an outright invasion, an all-too-real possibility given the V'hanian invasion of several years ago -- but also to devise countermeasures that will enable their field agents to correct the damage to the timeline and restore it to what it's supposed to be. "Gazer" and his personnel are assisted in this endeavor by a gift from Professor Timely: a complete historical database which was compiled by the computers of his time machine during his original journey to the past. The database -- which is stored in a special vault that is protected by force fields of Professor Timely's and Dr. Masters' devising, and which prevent the database from being affected by any changes in the timeline -- contains a record of every historical event dating from the time of Timely's arrival in the mid-Victorian Age to the present day of the 31st Century. In addition to the protected database, there are several computer monitors in the Records Division, all of which have copies of the records housed within the database, but which do not have the same level of protection. These monitors are manned on a constant basis, with rotating shifts to allow those manning them to get needed rest. In the event that a temporal alteration has occurred -- which would show itself as a discrepancy in the unprotected records when compared to those of the protected database -- the computer which monitors the two systems immediately sounds an alert, followed by a verbal description of the alteration in the timeline and when and where it occurred. The next step in the process is a notification of a discrepancy in the records which is made by "Gazer" to the Director himself, followed immediately by a mobilization of a response team as well as a plannng session to decide upon the best course of action to take in order to restore the timeline to what it was. Major Tom 2009
  10. Re: Paradox Timely of the TED (6ed, PG-13) Here's Dr. Masters' pic; for some reason it doesn't show up in the previous post: [ATTACH=CONFIG]45283[/ATTACH] Major Tom 2009
  11. Re: Paradox Timely of the TED (6ed, PG-13) One of the key people in the TED's Science Division is Dr. Timothy Masters, the chief of the Division's Technical Section, which has the responsibility for maintaining and repairing the special gear that TED agents use in the field, as well as responsibility for the Temporal Transport Field Generator which is used to send agents to any time period -- or to retreive them in the event of an emergency: [ATTACH=CONFIG]45282[/ATTACH] For a while after coming to work for the TED, Dr. Masters was somewhat jealous of Professor Timely's greater ability as a scientist, not to mention his prestige within the organization. Following the incident with Chronosaurus Rex, however, Masters was able to correctly ident- ify the saurian criminal as being from a parallel timeline; because of this, Professor Timely recommended to Director Mainline that Masters be given charge of a new Section within the Science Division -- that of Crosstime Research and Defense. Timely's recognition of Masters' contributions and his recommendation did much to lessen that jealousy, to the point where the two men are friendly rivals. As the head of CR & D, Masters has the responsibility of watching out for signs of an imminent crosstime incursion, as well as conducting research into possible ways of sending an agent to the timeline in question, and to be able to return him or her to their own time safely. Major Tom 2009
  12. Re: Paradox Timely of the TED (6ed, PG-13) While Professor Timely is responsible for running the scientific and technical functions of the Directorate, it's his significant others -- sisters Grace Timely and Melody Timely, who also happen to be Paradox's mothers -- who handle the details of the TED's day-to-day operations, as well as the public-relations duty that comes with the organization's cover identity: [ATTACH=CONFIG]45280[/ATTACH][ATTACH=CONFIG]45281[/ATTACH] Grace (the brunette) handles the bureaucratic and financial details of TED's Administrative Division, while Melody (the redhead) serves as the head of public relations for the organi- zation's cover identity -- the Old Earth Historical Preservation Society*, whose stated pur- pose is to preserve historical sites and treasures from Earth's past from decay or -- in some cases -- outright theft by illegal collectors. In this role, Melody got to work closely with Para- dox prior to her assignment to the 21st Century, as Paradox was often presented as the public face of the Society to those unaware of its true purpose. As products of Earth's Victorian Age, both Grace and Melody tend to be rather conservative where certain matters are concerned -- especially where clothing is involved. The "rather daring" skirts worn by the female members of the organization are just a little too daring for their taste, so they've both had duty uniforms designed for them that have longer skirts, as that was what they'd grown up with and were used to. Their preferences in this regard piqued Paradox's interest enough that she included at least one Victorian-style outfit in her nanocloth wardrobe's inventory before she left for the past on her mission. *The idea of a top-secret organization with a public cover identity -- at least, a fictional version of a real-world organization -- isn't exactly a new one; in the James Bond films, British Intelligence sent its '00'-rank operatives into the field under the cover of being employees of a company called Universal Exports. Major Tom 2009
  13. Re: Paradox Timely of the TED (6ed, PG-13) While Director Mainline is the overall head of the Directorate, he relies upon the heads of its various Divisions to handle as much of the responsibilities of running the organization as is possible; in the case of the Science Division, that task falls to Professor Justin Timely: [ATTACH=CONFIG]45278[/ATTACH] The creator of the time machine that was incorporated into the design of the timeship that was stolen by Dirty Tom Rackham, Timely understands better than most just how dangerous his technology can be in the wrong hands -- and that understanding is what drove him to not only suggest the creation of the Directorate, but also to provide it and its agents with the tools that they would need to do the job of protecting the timeline from temporal criminals such as Rackham. That there would be as many as there are was something for which he hadn't been prepared -- or that one of their own would turn traitor and try to kill the Director, becoming the Directorate's greatest enemy in the process (the attempt was very nearly successful, due to Malkhronos' managing to maneuver Jasmine away from the Director's office on a false errand; it failed only be- cause of the intervention of Agents Timely and Templeton). While Professor Timely does have a regular duty uniform, more often than not he can be found in the laboratories deep within the organization's headquarters wearing a simple jumpsuit and a white lab coat; his only concession to regulations is the badge that he wears on the upper left breast of the jumpsuit (part of which can be seen under the edge of the lab coat). His subordinates, recognizing that their boss considers himself to be more of a scientist than a bureaucrat, handle as much of the paperwork for their Division as they can so the Professor can concentrate on doing what he considers to be his real job; in exchange, he stands up for them whenever the need arises if one of them runs afoul of some "nit-picking, blundering bureaucrat with an IQ smaller than his hat size" (his own words). Major Tom 2009
  14. Re: Paradox Timely of the TED (6ed, PG-13) As mentioned in the previous post, Director Mainline has a secretary who takes care of most of the minor details where the running of the TED is concerned, and here she is -- Jasmine Aianbatafurai: [ATTACH=CONFIG]45277[/ATTACH] Jasmine is a young Oriental woman of about 20 to 25 years of age, and is without a doubt the most efficient and professional secretary in the entire Directorate. She is also considered to be one of the most attractive women in the entire organization, but in spite of attempts by some of the more adventurous single men in the TED, she has remained single, preferring to concentrate on her job as Mainline's secretary. Needless to say, this has given rise to the universally-held opinion of the Directorate's personnel that Mainline is the luckiest man in the entire organization. These people would be very surprised, then, to learn Jasmine's secret -- a secret that a very select few are privy to: that she is, in fact, a sophisticated android -- an android which has been constructed to appear and to feel just like a human being in every way, and which has been given an experimental AI/neural-net computer. Her computer "brain" -- which has been programmed with the Three Laws of Robotics created by 20th-Century author Isaac Asimov -- allows her to act as a human being would under virtually any circumstance; this is because of the neural-net processor that is a part of it, and which enables her to learn through experi- ence. Although her primary programming is to serve as Mainline's secretary, she also has a secondary function -- that of a bodyguard. Considering the knowledge that Mainline possesses, both from his previous career as well as his current one, a bodyguard is a necessary thing in- deed in his case -- and if the bodyguard doesn't look like one, so much the better. Under normal circumstances, androids like Jasmine have built-in -- and very strong -- inhibitions against the taking of life for any reason. In her case, however, a special override was installed in her "brain" which, upon the reciept of a two-word code phrase addressed verbally to her by Mainline (and Mainline alone), allows her to use lethal force against anyone who presents a clear and present danger to the Director. The words of the code phrase don't even have to be spoken at the same time, provided that they follow one another in the correct sequence. In Jasmine's case, her code phrase -- which was suggested to the Director by Paradox -- is "Crom- well Approval" (like a lot of things associated with his young agent, Mainline suspects that the phrase has something to do with her fascination with the 20th and 21st Centuries). While Jasmine does carry out the normal duties of a secretary, she has also added a few extra duties to her job load. After seeing the effect that reading Paradox's reports often has on the Director, Jasmine has taken to bringing a bottle of liquid antacid with her whenever she delivers one of Paradox's reports to him; anyone seeing this knows that steering clear of the Director would be a wise choice indeed. Sample dialogue: JA: "Agent Timely's latest report, Sir. Oh, yes, and here's your Pepto." DM: "Oh, God. What in Einstein's name has she gotten herself into this time?!" Major Tom 2009
  15. Re: Paradox Timely of the TED (6ed, PG-13) Here are the descriptions of those who are part of the Directorate, starting with its current head -- Director Mainline: [ATTACH=CONFIG]45276[/ATTACH] The most senior and experienced of the agents chosen from the various intelligence and law- enforcement agencies of the Federation, Mainline (not his real name) was the natural choice to head the new agency. While he enjoys the challenge of running a new -- but highly covert -- agency, there's one part about it that's caused him to go prematurely gray: Paradox Timely. While he realizes that she doesn't deliberately go looking for trouble, her knack of finding her- self in the thick of the most dangerous incidents to take place since the Directorate's creation has had the tendency to not only add to his daily paperwork, but has also increased the level of antacids and stress-relief medications he's having to take these days. Fortunately, he has a very able and competent secretary who handles most of the minor details of the job, which leaves him free to focus on more important matters -- such as ensuring the integrity of the timeline against those who would alter it for their own ends. He can also rely upon the rest of the Timely family -- Professor Timely and his SOs, Grace and Melody -- to help carry some of the load, along with a few others. Major Tom 2009
  16. Re: The Powerpuff Women (or "Grown Up in Townsville") I decided to try and come up with a costume design for the grown-up Girls, and this was what I came up with: [ATTACH=CONFIG]45259[/ATTACH] The basic idea is for a single-piece, two-tone outfit, with the colors being silver and whatever color represents the particular wearer (green for Buttercup, pink for Blossom, and blue for Bubbles). A single, stylized letter 'P' in bright yellow adorns the chest area. Now before all you PPG purists out there jump on me about their eye colors, in my defense PPG wasn't one of those shows that I would watch (with the only times that it'd even be on our TV being those times when my niece was over at our house after school), which is why I didn't realize that their eye colors matched their outfit colors. As it is, Bubbles is the only one that I got right in that regard. We could always say, though, that with the penchant some teenybopper girls have for trying new things, that Buttercup and Blossom decided to try wearing colored contact lenses so that they'd at least look normal in one respect (and in Blossom's case, so that she doesn't look like she's got a terminal case of conjuctivitis). I went with the jumpsuit-type outfit because I was looking at the problem from Professor Utonium's point of view -- a science geek, yeah, but a science geek with three superpowered teenage daughters. If you were in that position, and you knew that there was a virtual legion of pervs out there with their cameras just waiting for the upskirt shot of the millennium to post on YouTube, would you let them out of the house wearing a schoolgirl outfit?! I didn't think so. Major Tom 2009
  17. Re: The Powerpuff Women (or "Grown Up in Townsville") Oh, you mean something like that Keystone of Reality* that was supposed to be somewhere in the Outback (where two different villains with a variation of the same name just might find it and bring the whole cosmic house of cards down upon us)? That particular Cosmic MacGuffin? *A.K.A. the Cosmic Locus, IMS. Major Tom 2009
  18. Re: Creepy Pics. "In space, no one can hear you slip on a banana peel..." Major Tom 2009
  19. Re: Creepy Pics. Definitely the look of a bunneh that's just gotten through with watching a showing of Night of the Lepus and is wondering how you'd taste with a side of sauteed carrots ()... Major Tom 2009
  20. Re: Create a Villain Theme Team! The woman now known as Backstep was once an ordinary martial artist until a freak exposure to an energy "fragment" of the Kolvel Event triggered a latent mutation within her body, giving her the power to not only summon temporal versions of herself from a few seconds in the future, but from other timelines as well. This ability to create an army out of her future selves has caused more than a few problems for TED agent teams that have attempted to apprehend her, as her martial-arts training is sufficient to allow her to easily fight off their efforts. Major Tom 2009
  21. Re: Paradox Timely of the TED (6ed, PG-13) I'll give it a shot. The Temporal Enforcement Directorate -- an extremely top-secret organization whose mandate is to prevent the unregulated use of time-travel technology, and to apprehend those who use such technology for criminal ends -- was formed in the early part of the 31st Century, not long after the Kolvel Event* brought about the invasion of Istvatha V'han. During the chaos caused by the extradimensional invasion, Thomas Rackham -- a former officer of the Galactic Federation's space forces turned pirate and slaver -- came upon a top-secret research facility in the course of his raids. Because the security force assigned to the facility was called away to reinforce a critical location, it -- and the scientists who called it home -- found itself without any protection whatsoever, and thus easy prey for pirates on a raid. While most of Rackham's pirate crew occupied themselves with sorting out and taking the more attractive of the female scientists prisoner (to be eventually sold into slavery elsewhere in the galaxy), the renegade captain and a few other members of his crew searched for exotic technology that could be sold to certain "interested" parties -- and it was in the course of this search that Rackham found what he considered the crown jewel of this raid in a hangar: a starship with an experimental drive which would enable it to not only travel vast distances through hyperspace, but also to travel through time as well. What he didn't tell his crew was that he'd known about the timeship even before they arrived at the facility, courtesy of the daughter of the man who'd created it (it gave him no small amount of pleasure to remember the look of abso- lute frustration on her face after he'd trussed her up, gagged her, and left her helpless in his hotel room). Deciding to steal the timeship and use it for his own purposes, Rackham had his crew transfer their belongings -- as well as the loot and prisoners they'd taken -- to their new ship. After destroying the emergency evacuation systems of the facility, Rackham had the reactor of his old ship set to overload before leaving the facility -- and the scientists who hadn't been taken -- behind to be destroyed. Rackham believed that, by destroying the facility, there would be no evidence left behind to indicate that the timeship had been stolen; unfortunately for his plan, however, a hidden security camera recorded the entire incident and transmitted it to Earth. As a result, a small handful of high-ranking officials in the intelligence and law-enforcement communities -- and the President of the Galactic Federation -- were soon made aware of the fact that a ruthless criminal now had access to a ship that would enable him to travel to any part of the space-time continuum that he wished. The problem that they now faced was simple enough: what could they do to stop Rackham from using his ill-gotten gains to plunder the timeline? As it turned out, there was something that could be done, and it was proposed by Professor Justin Timely, the creator of the time machine that was incorporated into the timeship's design. Professor Timely suggested that the heads of the various intelligence and law-enforcement agencies of the Federation select a group of their best agents, who would in turn create an entirely new organization -- one dedicated to the fight against those like Captain Rackham who would use temporal technology for criminal ends. It would be the responsibility of the new organization's creators to recruit their operatives from the full spectrum of Federation society -- not only from the various intelligence, law-enforcement, and military organizations throughout its territory, but from the civilian population as well -- and to train them for their new job and the responsibilities that came with it. It was decided by its creators that the new organization -- which from that time onward would be known as the Temporal Enforcement Directorate -- would be a top-secret one, with its existence known only to the heads of the agencies from which they'd originally come, as well as to the Federation President. There had, at first, been some discussion as to whether or not to make the current incarnation of the Champions aware of the existence of the TED, but it was decided that the presence of a Varanyi on the team posed an unacceptable security risk to the organization's secret. Among the first group of Federation citizens chosen for membership in the TED -- a group representing every sentient member species -- was Paradox Timely herself. After learning of the organization's existence from her father and its purpose, Paradox immediately volunteered to join; she saw the TED as her best chance to redeem herself for having told Rackham about the timeship, and she was also carrying no small amount of guilt because of all the people that had died because of it. She therefore had a tremendous incentive to suc- ceed in her quest, which manifested itself in the intensity with which she approached her training. Although there were some within the organization who questioned her abilities at first, those doubts were soon laid to rest following her trainee mission, during which she was able to prevent the theft of advanced Federation technology by a trans-temporal criminal -- an intelligent saurian being from a parallel Earth who called him- self Chronosaurus Rex. While Paradox was able to stop the reptilian criminal from stealing the technology he'd come for, she wasn't able to prevent his escape back to his native timeline -- but not before leaving her with the ominous warning that they would meet again one day. Two years later, Paradox became involved with an incident which would later prove to be the darkest period in the history of the TED, when one of its top agents attempted to assassinate the Director of the organization and frame Professor Timely for the deed. With the aid of fellow TED agent Fergus Templeton (a.k.a. Tempus Fugit), Paradox was able to thwart the assassination attempt in time. The traitorous agent -- who would later become known as Malkhronos, the greatest enemy of the TED -- was able to escape before he could be appre- hended, but not before swearing to one day destroy the Directorate and everyone connected to it. Paradox's next mission following the Malkhronos incident -- the apprehension of a device-using criminal calling himself Father Time -- very nearly proved to be her last. Among Father Time's weapons -- which included a "disruptor scythe" whose energy emissions were capable of not only neutralizing security systems, but rendering living beings unconscious as well, and another device which looked like a high-tech hourglass which he called a "time matrix" -- were what he called the "Sands of Time", which he used against Paradox. The young agent found herself suddenly shifting from one time period to another, with no time for her to adjust to the rapid changes; the stresses on her body caused by the temporal distortion put her into a comatose state which lasted for two months (the TED hadn't yet adopted the practice of implanting its field agents with protective nanotech which would prevent attacks such as Paradox experienced from working; Paradox would be the first to undergo the procedure following her recovery). During her convalescence, an event took place which ultimately led to her current assignment. A joint operation carried out by law-enforcement and spaceborne forces had recently brought about the destruction of a major pirate stronghold; during the cleanup operation to make sure that no pirates were hiding out in the base, one of the search parties came across a high-security cell block, whose cells were all occupied by beautiful yet odd- ly-dressed young women. When they were questioned as to where they came from, the women all claimed to have been kidnapped and sold into slavery, before being brought to the pirate stronghold from the 20th and 21st Centuries. At first, their story was regarded as the product of months of mistreatment, until one of them described Captain Rack- ham in every detail. Upon hearing the captive's description, one of the search party members -- who was a deep-cover operative of the TED -- immediately sent an encrypted message to TED Headquarters on Earth advising them of what had been discovered. Once they'd had time to consider their agent's report, the upper echelons of TED quietly took over the handling of the situation with regards to the outtime women, as well as the report of Rackham's involvement. The Director of TED, in particular, wanted to know just how extensive Rackham's contacts in the past were -- and who it was who was supplying him with so many captive women. The problem with that, though, was that it would entail a journey to one of the most violent periods of Earth's history, and whoever he sent would have to have an extensive knowledge of that time (and possibly other periods as well, depending on what the agent learned). At the Director's urging, an exhaustive search of their agent records was conducted in order to find an agent with the necessary skills and knowledge to carry out the mission. And so, it came to pass that Paradox Timely found herself being sent on her first -- and from her point of view, most important -- major assignment for the Directorate. It's an assignment that she has no intention of failing; fortunately, she isn't alone in this task, for she's made the acquaintance of several other people of our time who, without realizing it, have been involved with the same case. Given the unique set of skills and special abilities possessed by her new friends, Paradox feels that it's only a matter of time before she's able to fulfill her promise to bring "Dirty Tom" Rack- ham to justice for his crimes -- and to make amends for the lives that were lost because of her mistake. *As described in 5th Ed. Galactic Champions. Major Tom 2009
  22. Re: Paradox Timely of the TED (6ed, PG-13) Darien Lambert was the main character in the television series Time Trax, and he was a cop from a future time period in the U.S. where certain things had become illegal (fast food, electing any non-minority candidate to the Presidency, etc.). When a brilliant but evil scientist came up with a method for time travel, he sold opportunities to wanted criminals as well as to those already in prison to escape to the past (the past being the late 20th Century); eventually, his crimes were discovered and he wound up using his technology to escape into the past himself. Lambert volunteered to go into the past himself in order to bring the scientist to justice for his crimes, as well as to track down all of the criminals who had escaped into the past as well, and to return them to their own time. Major Tom 2009
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