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Major Tom 2009

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Everything posted by Major Tom 2009

  1. Starting from Blackguard on down to the New Asgardians, I recognize these as heroes and heroines for whom I'd done Fabrica versions of their costumes for. Major Tom 2009
  2. You were right about the mispelling; I added an i to the word thinking that was how it was spelled. In my defense, I didn't have the book in front of me at the time to check my spelling. Thanks for the info and the help. Major Tom 2009
  3. Hello, all. As the topic title says, I need some help with finding a translation of a Hebrew word. I'd recently gotten the three Roll Call character books for the Silver Age Sentinels RPG, and one of the characters described in one of the books was an Israeli superheroine called Azure Star who recieved her powers as a result of a version of the same process that created the American Sentinel (later just Sentinel). According to the text, the project was called Ha'rishion; I've tried to find an English translation of the word, but haven't had much luck so far. Can anyone tell me what the word means? Major Tom 2009
  4. I'll go along with that; I think that you need to change the second 'e' in the word 'devient' to an 'a', though. The link as you've got it written goes to a "This domain for sale by its owner" page. Major Tom 2009
  5. Temporal Enforcement Directorate; essentially the Timecops of the Champions Universe 31st Century. Their job -- even though no one outside of the organization is aware of it -- is to ensure the integrity of the timeline against attempts by criminal parties to alter the past for their own ends. While they're not aware of it, the TED is being secretly assisted by a cosmic entity (I can't remember his name, but he's mentioned in Galactic Champions) who has the same mission in life as they do; he has actually acted in secret in order to aid the TED against some of the worst threats that the organization has faced since its creation. EDIT: I've since had the chance to refer to my copy of Galactic Champions; the entity's name is Chrono. Major Tom 2009
  6. steriaca: sorry if I haven't gotten back to you with anything lately, but there's a good reason for that. I'd gotten hit with a case of writer's block just before the 4th of July, and had set my laptop aside for a few days in the hope that some new ideas would come to mind. The problem is that, two weeks later when I went to use my laptop again, I found out that the display screen had somehow gotten broke, which meant that I couldn't use it at all (the only reason that I'm able to be online at all right now is that my folks are letting me use theirs). Because I'm having to use someone else's laptop(s), I certainly don't want to put anything related to Wicked and Company on them; trying to explain that would be interesting, to say the least. Major Tom 2009
  7. Speaking of character writeups, I've been trying to find a writeup for the character of Denise Dumont (the Champions' DOSPA liason) but haven't been having much success; I thought that it would've been in Millennium City, but no such luck on that front. Can anyone tell me where I can find it? Major Tom 2009
  8. I have no doubt that, after having danced the Masochism Tango, that Jrska's next move will be to poison pigeons in the nearest Imperial Park, whilst planning the orbital bombardment of some poor unsuspecting city-eating cockroach... Major Tom 2009
  9. I should have known -- if anyone is going to weaponize a Smut Field, it's going to be Drhoz or someone in one of his campaigns. Major Tom 2009
  10. Arc, do you have plans to post Noreia here at some point in time? Major Tom 2009
  11. Re: Quote of the Week from my gaming group... It's good to know that Australia no longer has the monopoly on the spontaneous generation of Smut Fields ... Major Tom 2009
  12. Re: A DC Animated-style HeroMachine Maybe she's the Sandman's bodyguard ()... Major Tom 2009
  13. Re: Champions of Infinity Campaign and RPG Aid! Or it could be something horrendously and truly apocalyptic, like what happened in the movie Knowing. In the case of something like that -- and if you were an alien who wanted to ensure that those you chose to rescue had the best chance to survive wherever you relocated them to -- you'd pick those with special abilities and powers (if for no other reason than to protect any normal people you might've decided to rescue as well). Major Tom 2009
  14. Re: The Enimies of The TED, featuring Malhkronos steriaca: I've made my suggestions where C-Rex and DALCYB-1 are concerned (); hopefully, they're what you're looking for. Major Tom 2009
  15. Re: A DC Animated-style HeroMachine And the shade of Herbert Lom starts to get that twitch in his eye again, but for an entirely different reason... Major Tom 2009
  16. Re: A DC Animated-style HeroMachine Here's the version of him that I did some time ago based on the Pat Zircher artwork for him that was in Classic Enemies: [ATTACH=CONFIG]45416[/ATTACH] Major Tom 2009
  17. Re: The Enimies of The TED, featuring Malhkronos Here's the pic of DALCYB-1; for whatever reason it wasn't showing up on the previous post: [ATTACH=CONFIG]45415[/ATTACH] Major Tom 2009
  18. Re: The Enimies of The TED, featuring Malhkronos Among the many threats that the TED faces is the robotic lifeform known as DALCYB-1: [ATTACH=CONFIG]45414[/ATTACH] By its own admission, DALCYB-1 is a fusion of three different machine races, one of which was from a different universe than the other two. While each of the three races was different in design, all of them shared the same trait: an unremitting hostility toward the human race, with one of the three being dedicated to the total extermination of all life that was not its own. This race was not completely mechanical in nature; it was actually a small, multitentacled lifeform that had created what were -- for all intents and purposes -- personal craft which were a hybrid of a hovercraft and a tank, and which were armed with deadly weapons. They were also extremely xenophobic in nature, and had managed to exterminate virtually every organic race in its native universe -- save for one. The one organic race to survive was an advanced race of humanoids, one which had mastered temporal technology and had taken it upon themselves to watch over and maintain the integrity of their universe's timeline; the few races to learn of their existence came to refer to them as the Lords of Time. When the Destroyers (the name given to the xenophobic race) launched their genocidal crusade, the Lords did what they could to save as many sentient beings as possible; they accomplished this by selecting groups of a thousand beings each, and temported them to other, parallel universes where their races existed, but where they themselves as individuals did not (the Lords did this to protect their chosen few from the danger of what a human scientist in another universe referred to as entropic cascade failure). By the time that the Destroyers reached the Lords' homeworld ten Earth years later, the Lords had managed to send representatives of over a hundred civilizations to safety in other universes -- a small handful com- pared to the vast number that had existed prior to the Destroyers' crusade, but more than would have otherwise survived without the Lords' intervention. Time and time again, the Destroyers attempted to exterminate the Lords, only to find that the technology of their enemy was every bit as advanced as their own; indeed, the Lords' mastery of temporal technology gave them a much-needed edge over the Destroyers. Finally, after suffering numerous and frustrating defeats at the hands of the Lords, the Destroyers set one last plan in motion: they used a technology that had been stolen from one of the races they had exterminated to create a point singularity -- in essence, a controlled black hole -- with which to destroy their enemies once and for all. The Lords were hard-pressed to counter this technology; while they couldn't destroy the singularity, they were able to at least keep it from destroying their world. The result was a stalemate, with neither side able to gain the advantage over the other. It was at this point that the second of the two machine races -- the survivors of a world that had suffered an ecological apocalypse, and who had had themselves transformed into cyborgs in order to survive -- entered the picture. For years, they had been following the trail of destroyed civilizations in order to learn who was responsible, and to deal with them if at all possible. Upon discovering the superior technology of the Lords, the cyborgs saw an opportunity to acquire some of it for themselves. They launched a raid on one of the scientific facilities of the Lords' homeworld, only to run afoul of a pair of related complications -- first, an attack launched by the Destroyers at the same time; and two, a breach in the local space-time continuum caused by the singularity which allowed a heavy troop transport from another universe to crash-land near the battleground, where it disgorged its cargo: robotic warriors of an unknown design who immediately opened fire on the Lords, killing several of them. Unwilling to take the chance that either of the new arrivals wouldn't attack them as well, the Destroyers opened fire on both parties, killing or destroying many of them. Once the remaining cyborgs had retreated from the battleground, and the robotic warriors had been completely destroyed, one of the higher-ranking Destroyers had its subordinates gather samples of both the cyborgs and the robots for study. What it discovered about both the cyborgs and the robots was, from its point of view, incredible: not only were the "bodies" of the cyborgs shells which housed organic components in much the same way that their personal craft did, but were more versatile as well as a result of their humanoid design. What it learned from its examination of the robotic warriors was just as incredible -- that their sensory capabilities were superior even to that of Destroyer sensor technology. These discoveries led the Destroyer scientist to carry out an extraordinary experiment: to see if it could create a humanoid body of its own using technologies from both the cyborgs and the robotic warriors. It took several days to accomplish, but eventually the Destroyer was successful in creating a new body for itself -- one that not only incorporated technologies from the cyborgs and robots, but Destroyer weapons technology as well. As an added touch, one of the devices created by the Lords -- a personal temport field generator -- was also added to the body. Having its organic body transferred to the new metallic one, the Destroyer was preparing to demonstrate its new form to its fellows when a malfunction in the device that was generating the singularity caused it to expand out of control. Realizing that the world and everything upon it was about to be destroyed, the Destroyer made the only decision that it could: it used its built-in temport field to escape from the soon- to-be destroyed world. An instant later, the Destroyer -- now calling itself DALCYB-1 -- arrived upon the Earth of the 31st Century, the time of the Galactic Federation. It wasn't long before the cybernetic villain discovered that there were just as many races in its new home as there had been in the old one -- and that because it was only one being, that it would be difficult, if not impossible, to destroy them all. But DALCYB-1 wasn't going to let a minor detail like that keep it from trying to do just that. Now, if it can just keep those annoying organics calling themselves the Temporal Enforcement Directorate off of its back while it goes about its business... Major Tom 2009
  19. Re: Sickle Syndicate You're welcome to use this fellow if you want: [ATTACH=CONFIG]45392[/ATTACH] Byelaya Smert (White Death) is an assassin who possesses superhuman powers over cold and ice. His name comes from his primary means of killing a victim -- using his pow- er to create a tightly-packed mass of snow inside of his victim's throat. While the snow does eventually melt from the victim's body heat, the mass lasts long enough to suffocate him or her; once the victim is dead, his/her residual body heat is enough to melt the re- maining mass, leaving nothing but a small amount of water behind. Major Tom 2009
  20. Re: The Enimies of The TED, featuring Malhkronos One of the most dangerous adversaries to face the Directorate -- and the first-ever member of Paradox's "Rogues' Gallery" -- the evil reptilian super-genius Chronosaurus Rex: [ATTACH=CONFIG]45390[/ATTACH] Chronosaurus Rex is a native of a parallel Earth which, millions of years ago, managed to avoid the Alvarez Event -- the impact of a five-mile-wide across asteroid which, in our universe, struck the area of what is now the Yucutan Peninsula of Mexico, and resulted in the extinction of the dinosaurs. Because of this, the dinosaurs of Rex's Earth were able to eventually evolve into a smaller form which was possessed of human-level intelligence ("small" is a relative term where the inhabitants of Rex's Earth are concerned; Rex himself stands 9 feet tall, and his tail adds at least 6 more feet to that). Over a period of several thousand years, the dinosaurians gradually created a peaceful civilization, one in which crime and war were unknown; even those dinosaur- ians that had evolved from carnosaurs had willingly given up the hunting of their herbivorous cousins, as they had come to regard it as an act of barbaric cannibalism. The only criminal member of his race, Rex first appeared in the 31st Century, when he tried to steal advanced technology for his own ends. He was opposed in this by Paradox, while she was still only a trainee agent. Although she was considerably outmatched by Rex's greater size and strength, Paradox was able to hold him at bay long enough for more heavily-armed troops to arrive on the scene. Although he was angry and frustrated by her actions, Rex was also impress- ed by Paradox, and told her so before making his escape -- but not before adding an ominous warning that they would one day meet again. It was Paradox who dubbed the reptilian criminal Chronosaurus Rex, after Dr. Masters identified him as being from another, parallel timeline. Major Tom 2009
  21. Re: The Enimies of The TED, featuring Malhkronos Another of TED's enemies is the Darktyme Organization, an alliance of temporal criminals who use time-travel technology to carry out their crimes: [ATTACH=CONFIG]45378[/ATTACH] They are very careful about the crimes that they commit, in that they prefer to steal valuable items whose theft won't alter the past in some drastic fashion; indeed, whenever possible, they replace the item to be stolen with a cleverly-crafted duplicate -- so cleverly-crafted that they can even fool the experts into believing they're the real thing. They also draw the line at temp- oral assassinations; you never know when someone's distant ancestor is going to be instrumen- tal in preventing the destruction of the human race, or who will ultimately sire the protector of the universe as they know it. This caution also extends to their obsessive protection of their true identities, from the ruling council and their immediate subordinates to their paramilitary operatives as well; every mem- ber of the organization wears concealing outfits which prevent them from being identified (the upper echelons wear hooded cloaks and robes in purple and blue, while their paramilitary oper- atives wear jumpsuits and helmets in the same colors; the faces of all are concealed by a jet- black hood, whose only features are the glowing red eyes they all have). Darktyme is to TED what organizations such as DEMON and VIPER were to PRIMUS and UNTIL; in fact, the current incarnation of VIPER has attempted in the past to infiltrate Darktyme in pre- paration for a takeover attempt, but without much success. TED's Intelligence Division has recently picked up on some disturbing rumors that Darktyme may be about to offer Dirty Tom Rackham membership in its ranks; should they prove to be true, it would make Rackham even more dangerous than he already is, as he would have the resources of a small army at his disposal. Major Tom 2009
  22. Re: The Enimies of The TED, featuring Malhkronos Here's some more of the TED's "Most Wanted" -- the Temporal Trio: [ATTACH=CONFIG]45375[/ATTACH][ATTACH=CONFIG]45376[/ATTACH][ATTACH=CONFIG]45377[/ATTACH] These three thieves -- named Gorp, Xalp, and Xar, respectively -- have been a thorn in the side of TED since they first appeared. Efforts to identify and track them down have been less than successful due to the fact that, not only are they able to enter and exit from the scenes of their crimes without leaving a trace, they also bear no resemblance to any of the known races of the Federation (or outside of it); there are those within the organization that have speculated that the Temporal Trio are, in fact, beings from another universe or timeline -- in fact, possibly more than one -- and that they were somehow able to enter the universe during the abortive V'hanian invasion. Major Tom 2009
  23. Re: The Enimies of The TED, featuring Malhkronos In that case, here he is -- Father Time: [ATTACH=CONFIG]45372[/ATTACH] Major Tom 2009
  24. Re: The Enimies of The TED, featuring Malhkronos Nope, the zat'ni'kiel was a Gou'ald weapon that was introduced in one of the seasons of Stargate: SG-1. It was basically a folding pistol that looked a little like a cobra when it was opened and ready to use; as originally presented, it had three different effects on a victim. The first time a victim was hit from a shot from a "zat", it knocked him out; the second time killed him, and the third shot vaporized his body com- pletely. Why the second and third shots were retconned out of existence, I don't know; unless it was a case of the show's creators thinking that the "zat" was just a little too powerful, even for a handheld weapon of alien origin (there's also the fact that Our Heroes managed to get hold of some "zats" of their own, and that it might have been just a little too tempting to dispose of the opposition -- any opposition -- in that way). Major Tom 2009
  25. Re: The Enimies of The TED, featuring Malhkronos TED's agents had better hope that Malkhronos doesn't figure out how to accomplish crosstime travel, otherwise they may find themselves on the recieving end of a pre-retcon zat'ni'kiel one day ()... Major Tom 2009
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