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Major Tom 2009

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Everything posted by Major Tom 2009

  1. "Trying not to be seen" as a strategy only works if there aren't any of the aforementioned homicidal cyborg space warlocks -- who can find you with their frelling minds any time they want to -- in the immediate vicinity at the time ( ). Major Tom 2009
  2. It's a shame that Dizzy Dan isn't here on the forum anymore. His Space Opera Villain thread would've been handy here. Major Tom 2009
  3. Sounds like this'd be good prep for watching the second Iron Sky movie (whenever it comes out) ... Major Tom 2009
  4. I'm kind of surprised that the Darwin's World RPG didn't make this list of PA resources. Major Tom 2009
  5. Have it put on a pair of what some folks call "birth control glasses" to conceal itself. Well, it worked for Clark Kent, didn't it?! Major Tom 2009
  6. Could ARGENT be refusing you credit because they're thinking of possibly taking over your operation for themselves? If that's the case, then VIPER's probably staying away because they don't want to get into a p****** contest with those high-tech skinflints. As for this Luther Black and DEMON...well, you've got to expect something like this every time one of these lunatic occult organizations attempts to summon hordes of Lovecraftian horrors to conquer / devour / otherwise screw over the Universe as we know it. Fortunately, we don't have anyone like that in the 31st Century. At least, I don't think we do ( )... "Dirty Tom" Rackham Pirate Scourge of the Spaceways
  7. Hmmmm...this situation has some interesting possibilities. I'll have to keep an eye out for this Helena and her "playmate"; I'd probably make a mint if I could get them onto the "exotic entertainment" circuit in the Orion Sector ( ). I know Mister Wicked'll have more than a passing interest in this situation as well ( )... "Dirty Tom" Rackham Pirate Scourge of the Spaceways
  8. Wicked, old chap: whatever gave you the notion that I see you as "nothing more than slime"? I certainly don't treat any of my business associates that way, especially ones like you who provide an exceptionally profitable -- if illegal -- service to those like myself. Doing that would soon see a major drop in the quality of service that fellows like you provide to the members of our profession. With regards to "merchandise", I haven't been able to pay you a visit due to the fact that, lately, Agent Timely has been getting a little too close to my operations for comfort. Because of that, I've been busy restructuring my network in order to frustrate the efforts of that nosy time-jumping wench to find and dismantle it. "Dirty Tom" Rackham Pirate Scourge of the Spaceways
  9. Q.U.I.R.K.: As previously mentioned, I Don't have a Twitter account; such things only make it easier for Mainline and his time-hopping Pinkertons to track people like me down (which is a monumental pain in the posterior anatomy for the most part; Agent Timely's per- sonal pursuit of my person is about the only enjoyable part of the whole affair ). As for your suggestion regarding a choice of target for my recently-acquired weapon, I do try to avoid unnecessary collateral damage; using what the people of your time period refer to as a "weapon of mass destruction" on an entire city just to eliminate one person is the sort of thing that tends to put one right at the top of the "Terminate with Maximum Predjudice" list of outfits like the TED (and yes, there's more than one organization like that in the Multiverse; the place I got the weapon from has its own version of the TED, and unlike the TED of my time, this outfit has experience not only with time-jumping criminals, but with parallel universes as well -- in other words, the kind of attention I don't need, thank you very much). "Dirty Tom" Rackham Pirate Scourge of the Spaceways
  10. Agent Timely: Wouldn't you like to know (heh-heh-heh )...? "Dirty Tom" Rackham Pirate Scourge of the Spaceways
  11. Q.U.I.R.K.: I don't know whose Twitter account you've been looking at, but it isn't mine. I don't even have a Twitter account (besides, what would someone from my particular part of the timestream even want with a 21st Century social networking service?)! And I certainly wouldn't patronize any establishment with a name like that (yes, even in the future, there are still surviving copies of the Police Academy movies that turn up from time to time like the latest xenopandemic); I do, after all, have standards and a reputation to live up to -- such as it is. If, however, you would be so kind as to point me in the general direction of the individual who's apparently and most un- lawfully appropriated my identity, I have a recently-purchased black-market missile weapon -- something called a "Quan- tum Torpedo" (and no, I'm not telling you where exactly I got it from) -- that I'm positively eager to test on him. "Dirty Tom" Rackham Pirate Scourge of the Spaceways
  12. If nothing else, Commisar Betyljuce'll have the opportunity to let his pet deathworm out to play (assuming he has one)... Major Tom 2009
  13. The character of Ultraman (from the Japanese live-action show of the same name) is a perfect example of a character whose super-abilities only last for a certain amount of time; whenever the human who was symbiotically bonded with Ultraman used his "beta-capsule" (IIRC, that was what it was called) to transform into Ultraman, he had at most somewhere between 5 to 10 minutes to defeat the monster du jour before automatically transforming back to human. You always knew when it was getting close to Ultraman's return to human form when this light at his waist started to flash on and off, while at the same time a two-toned sound was going off; as it got closer to the end of the time limit, both the flashing light and the sound became faster. Major Tom 2009
  14. That'll work, thanks. I've only just read the Infernal package deal in FH, and there's some stuff that'd have to be stepped down somewhat before it could be used to create a Tiefling/Hellborn PC (somehow, I don't imagine that there would be a lot of Tieflings runing around with 800-year lifespans -- unless they'd performed some truly heinous magical rites to live that long). Major Tom 2009
  15. And all that it'll (probably) cost is your soul -- or your firstborn; whichever would amuse her the most. Major Tom 2009
  16. I don't have any kind of setting, but I do on occasion (when there's enough free time for me to do it) like to sit down with my HERO stuff (mostly 5th Ed stuff) and do some character writeups. While I do have Fantasy HERO, I've never actually played a character of any sort in that genre, but I do like the idea of having some pregenerated characters ready for use (especially since I've got minis representing most of the AD&D character types, past and present -- including Dragonborn and Tiefling). I hadn't really noticed the Infernal writeup; thanks for pointing it out. Major Tom 2009
  17. Could Revolution be considered a post-apocalyptic setting? Major Tom 2009
  18. It's been a while since I last visited the boards here, so I don't know if anyone has posted a FH version of the AD&D Tiefling character type (Hellborn is the term used by Reaper Miniatures for the same kind of being). Has anyone here created such a writeup, and what does it look like? Major Tom 2009
  19. Actually, the comment I was talking about was where Jrska quoted the Space Marine motto ("And they shall know no fear"), followed immediately after by her "Bulllll*********" comment (which was where I said she forgot to add 'Klaus' to the end of it). Major Tom 2009
  20. I just recently finished with Treecat Wars, the third of the Star Kingdom YA series by David Weber and Jane Lindskold(?) set some three to five hundred years before the events in the main Honorverse stories, and am currently reading Come And Take Them, the fifth in a series of novels by Tom Kratman (the previous books in the series are A Desert Called Peace, Carnifex, The Amazon Legion, and The Lotus Eaters) set on an Earthlike world whose major power blocs are similar to those of modern-day Earth. Major Tom 2009
  21. Go to YouTube and type 'George Carlin give my love to Klaus' into the search field; that should explain things fairly well. Major Tom 2009
  22. Don't forget to add Tom Clancy's Rainbow Six to the mix. In that one, a rich scientist/corporate CEO/environmentalist (along with his ex-wife -- who also happened to be a White House advisor -- and some of his employees) had plans to kill off a large portion of the world's population by using a modified version of the Ebola virus; the plan was to use a cooling system at the stadium where the Summer Olympic Games in Australia were being held to infect the spectators on the last day of the Games. The idea was for the spectators to carry the virus back home to their various countries, thereby starting a global pandemic. As for the Cussler novel you mentioned, was it by any chance called Black Rose? Major Tom 2009
  23. Jrska forgot to add the word 'Klaus' after her statement following her Space Marine quote ( )... Major Tom 2009
  24. I'm only surprised that, with all of the insanity that was transpiring on the ship just then, that Vitus didn't put in an appearance -- after all, how often does he pass up an oppurtunity to both take advantage of chaos and insult humanity as well? Major Tom 2009
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