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Major Tom 2009

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Everything posted by Major Tom 2009

  1. Here's someone that the victims of Project: Sunburst will have good cause to fear -- the Radiovore: This fiend's major power is the ability to "feed" upon nuclear energy -- whether generated by a nuclear power plant or (in the case of the majority of Project: Sunburst's members or victims) metahuman pow- ers -- and use it for its own ends. Major Tom 2009
  2. Here is the "stormtrooper"-type of agent in use by the Adder Legion -- the Cerastus Assault Agent: Their legs have been replaced by a powerful cybernetic attachment resembling a snake's body; this enables a Cerastus Assault Agent to move at speeds of 40 to 60 m.p.h., depending upon ground conditions. Their standard weapons loadout consists of two selective-fire energy weapons (which they normally use in a fight with one in each hand) and four fragmentation grenades (which they use to create confusion as well as casualties before an attack); heavier weapons are carried only if a specific mission calls for them. Their helmets house a miniaturized yet powerful communications system, the antennas for which are housed within the horn-like projections on top of the helmets. Major Tom 2009
  3. Here's a supervillainous "special forces" group suitable for VIPER or any of its extradimensional counterparts -- the Adder Legion: The leader of the group is Crotalus, who (like all of the Adder Legion) has been genetically altered to give him increased strength and reflexes, as well as heightened resistance to injury. He also possesses the ability to poison his victims by slashing them with the claws in his hands -- claws which are connected to venom glands in his hands. The second-in-command of the group is Lachesis, who more than makes up for her relatively small size with a vicious savagery that even makes some of her teammates flinch. The "wet work" specialists of the Adder Legion are known as Causus Assassins, and are incredibly difficult to defend against, as they are masters of stealth and the quick strike. Their uniforms allow them to blend into the darkness and shadows until they are ready to strike. There are rumors of a "stormtrooper" type of agent, but none have been seen as yet. Major Tom 2009
  4. Oh, great...as if superheroes didn't have enough trouble with the local garden-variety supervillains and their hordes of faceless minions, now they've got to deal with a gun-toting, dimension-hopping Tauren as well ( ). Major Tom 2009
  5. This is the closest that I was able to get to AM on Fabrica de Herois: Major Tom 2009
  6. This is what came to mind after seeing what the villain's name was in Invicta's backstory: Gatecrasher (conceptual image): Considering that most of the major-league cosmic-level supervillains (or forces of nature) tend to be armored and/or possess weapons of immense power, that was the theme I went for. The hammer- like weapon shown in the pic is in Mjolnir's class -- if not more so. Major Tom 2009
  7. Here's a speedster for the Teen Champions crowd -- Silverbolt: Major Tom 2009
  8. Here's someone for the fans of Lord Dark Matter to root for -- the Annihilator: Major Tom 2009
  9. I have a pic for this fellow as well; if you're going to change his name, I need to know before I post it here. Major Tom 2009
  10. Here's an American Indian superhero for Champions campaigns set in the West (mostly modern-day, but might be usable in Old West-themed campaigns as well): Thunder Eagle Major Tom 2009
  11. Thanks; I've also done a conceptual pic of her (future) nemesis Gatecrasher. The name itself suggests a villain who prefers a brute-force approach to how he does things, so I made the pic accordingly. Major Tom 2009
  12. And here's a brother-and-sister team of college-age superheroes -- Alpha and Omega: Major Tom 2009
  13. Here's a FdH version of Invicta: Major Tom 2009
  14. Here's the second one that was inspired by the website, and the name that came up when Mom entered my name into the field was "Devil-Slicer, Assassin of Women" (positively evil-sounding, isn't it?), and here he is in all of his diabolical glory: Devil-Slicer Major Tom 2009
  15. Ok, here's the most recent of the new pics that I've done lately. This one (and one other) were inspired by a 'What's your Supervillain Name' website that my mother found a couple of nights back, and hers came out as "Infinity Dragon, Rogue of the Living" (personally, I think that "Scourge" would have been a better choice than "Rogue", but for whatever reason whoever created the word lists for the site chose not to include it. Oh, well...). Anyway, here's Infinity Dragon: Major Tom 2009
  16. What if you can't find a URL for your pics? Right now the pics that I've got are in the "My Pictures" section of the laptop that I'm using, and none of them have any. MMajor Tom 2009
  17. Oooooo...Molly's definitely going to have some serious daddy issues ( ). Major Tom 2009
  18. What do you have to do to attach a picture to a post? I've got some new stuff (freshly-made FdH pics) that I'd like to post here, but I don't know which button to use. Major Tom 2009
  19. While the idea of dropping McGinty into a Champions setting is funny as all-get-out, I can't help but feel that doing so is the gaming equivalent of announcing that the End Of Days are upon us ( )... Major Tom 2009
  20. ...Are doing it for themselves. (Sorry; I just couldn't resist adding the rest of the line ) Major Tom 2009
  21. 'Tis a frightening thing indeed when an evil fantasy wench plunders fashion ideas from Lady Gaga... Major Tom 2009
  22. Yet more proof (as if we needed any more) that clowns are inherently evil and homicidal... Major Tom 2009
  23. Her powers could concievably be based upon both the absorption of certain frequencies of EM radiation that are present in stellar energy (infrared and ultraviolet light, for example), and the conversion of those frequencies into metahumanoid powers (with the infrared light providing her with energy-projection and flight powers, and the ultraviolet light giving her superhuman strength and resistance to most forms of damage). Like Starfire, she could also have a limited ability to survive in space without the need for bulky life-support gear (it's been mentioned somewhere that Starfire can survive in space for between 20 to 24 hours as a result of her powers). Major Tom 2009
  24. Was the idea for Eastern Blocs inspired in part by the Russian-themed super-character pics that have been posted over the last couple of years by The Arc over on the DC-type character creator thread? Major Tom 2009
  25. Just an observation (and an editing suggestion) for now: there's only one 'r' in the word Iridium, not two. Major Tom 2009
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