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Major Tom 2009

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Everything posted by Major Tom 2009

  1. Thanks; the laser blade was probably the hardest piece of the pic to do. The more you put into a pic on FdH, the slower the PC or laptop starts to get. Major T om 2009
  2. Here's a Northern high-tech superhero for Confederate World -- Ironclad: Major Tom 2009
  3. Here's a cosmic-level protector for both modern-day Champions and Galactic Champions campaigns -- a Cosmo Knight: Other than the fact that they appear at times of great peril to the innocent -- natural disasters of the "extinction- level event" category or planetary invasions -- nothing is really known about these enigmatic and powerful beings. Appearing as tall, muscular humanoids, Cosmo Knights wear armored suits which are gold in color with blue high- lights, and a red cape which hangs from the upper rear portion of the armor. Those parts of their bodies which are uncovered appear to resemble a starfield, save for their faces. A Cosmo Knight's face appears as a black void, with the only visible feature being eyes which glow with a bright yellow-white light. While they don't carry weapons, they do have the ability to manifest melee weapons composed of pure energy, which last only as long as their wielder needs them to (the duration of a fight, for instance). Major Tom 2009
  4. Somebody'd better give Duncan MacLeod a call and let him know that there's another psycho out there with a leather fetish and a yen for razor-sharp toys ( )... Major Tom 2009
  5. OK, it's taken me three tries to get an acceptable design, but here she is at last -- the Red Queen: Major Tom 2009
  6. Hmmm...this one's definitely going to be a challenge. Major Tom 2009
  7. I did this one yesterday morning, but couldn't get onto this site due to a driver error to post it. Here's a villainess from the V&V supplement Super-Crooks and Criminals -- Siren: Major Tom 2009
  8. Was this what you had in mind for her appearance? Major Tom 2009
  9. It's fabricadeherois/blogspot.com, IIRC; I usually just type the first part of the name into the search field and the rest of the website's name comes up in the white pop-up box, and go from there. Major Tom 2009
  10. And here's a redone -- and renamed -- member of Projekt: Sturmfront, a WWII German superteam whose pics I had posted to this thread a few years ago. Without further ado, here he is -- Steel Eagle: Major Tom 2009
  11. Here's a cosmic-level villain that's at the other end of the spectrum from the White -- Lord Umbros: Quote: "Welcome to the Darkness Eternal." Major Tom 2009
  12. From what I remember of that article, refusal wasn't one of the options available to Va'Dor's "gene donors"... Major Tom 2009
  13. This is as close as I could get to a punk-style Gargoyle with FdH: Gargoyle, Version 2: Major Tom 2009
  14. This is as close to the above pic as I was able to get with FdH: Blanc Major Tom 2009
  15. Enforcer84: have you considered the Greater Magellanic Clouds (a twin galaxy located some 100,000 light-years from our own) as a possible origin point for the T'shol? Major Tom 2009
  16. OK, here's Oberon, in both his normal and winged forms: The second pic represents him in his shrunken form (I had decided against trying to add a reduced- scale version to the first pic). Major Tom 2009
  17. It took a while, but here's the FdL version of Canadian Shield: Unfortunately, I couldn't get the shield to look right, so I had to leave it off the pic ( ). Major Tom 2009
  18. I make no promises, but I'll give it a shot once I get the chance to use the laptop that I've been using lately. Major Tom 2009
  19. I can only think of one other (unofficial) alien race that fits this general pattern: the Vandries, a race that, like the Asgard of Stargate SG-1, had brought themselves to the brink of racial extinction due to both a degenerative mutation in their genetic makeup and their over-reliance on cloning as a means of repro- duction. The race was originally mentioned in an article of the old Adventurers' Club magazine (I can't remember what issue it was, though). Major Tom 2009
  20. A punk-style gargoyle -- now there's an interesting concept (not that Gargoyles -- the Disney version -- didn't come close to it on occasion). Oh, well...back to the grindstone ( ). Major Tom 2009
  21. This is the image that came to mind after reading this post: Gargoyle Major Tom 2009
  22. The only details that seem to be missing from his description are hair and eye color. Major Tom 2009
  23. Just got through whipping this up over on FdH: Titania Major Tom 2009
  24. I think that the word that you wanted in the last sentence of Titania's description is "inconspicuous", not "indiscreet". Major Tom 2009
  25. Has anyone been able to use the basic version of Fabrica de Herois 2014 at all? If so, can anyone point me in the direction of any English-language directions for it? Major Tom 2009
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