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Major Tom 2009

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Everything posted by Major Tom 2009

  1. Wherever there are two equal yet opposite forces, there exists a third, neutral force which ensures that the balance between them is not tipped in either direction. In the case of the entities known as the White and Lord Umbros -- manifestations of Good and Evil -- that neutral force takes the form of the entity known as the Grey Eminence: Major Tom 2009
  2. I know that you haven't posted anything regarding his appearance, but I just had to post this idea for his superheroic look: Major Tom 2009
  3. Captain Victory, greatest hero of the USA on Confederate World: Major Tom 2009
  4. Another Northern superhero for Confederate World -- the lycanthropic Black Wolf: Major Tom 2009
  5. Here's the national hero of Barbados -- Mariner: Mariner possesses superhuman strength (STR 50) and agility, the ability to survive underwater without the need for bulky life-support gear, and incredible resistance to most forms of damage -- up to and including antiarmor weapons such as the TOW missile. He can also fly at near-supersonic speeds. His costume contains a pressure-resistant and waterproof radio and communications system, allowing him to become aware of any emergency or crime, and to respond to it in a short period of time. Major Tom 2009
  6. The last -- and perhaps the most terrifying -- of these creatures is a massive, serpentine beast known as a Mist Cobra: Larger than any known species of Earthly snake -- but not as massive as the prehistoric Titanoboa -- the Mist Cobra is the most cunning and stealthy of Drakharos' minion creatures. What makes it especially terrifying to face is that, until it's ready to kill its chosen prey, it exists in an intangible state, making it virtually impervious to any known conventional weapon. When it is prepared to strike, it does so by spray- ing its venom at its prey, in the same manner as the ringhal (a.k.a. spitting cobra). The venom of the Mist Cobra is different from that of any Earthly snake, due to the fact that, instead of causing celluar damage or nerve paralysis in its victims, it causes a gradual breakdown in the molecular cohesion of their bodies, eventually causing them to dissipate into a cloud of mist. Once this happens, the Mist Cobra feeds upon its victims by inhaling them into itself. Major Tom 2009
  7. The second of these fearsome creatures is a felinoid creature known as a Helltiger: Like the Frost Spider, this beast is an ambush predator, using concealment and natural camouflage to hunt its prey -- namely, whoever Drakharos tells it to hunt and kill. While it does resemble one of the big hunting cats of Earth, there are some notable differences between the Helltiger and its Earthly kin -- the first and most immediately noticeable of which are the horns on top of its head. It also has crimson-colored fur with orange-red stripes on its body. Another feature of the Helltiger which sets it apart from Earth cats is that, like venomous snakes, it possesses poison glands and hollow fangs, which enables it to inject a neurotoxic venom with its bite. A victim of a Helltiger's bite is doomed to a slow and agonizing death by suffocation as his nervous system slowly shuts down, unless he has friends that can get him to a hospital in time. Major Tom 2009
  8. Here is the first of three other servitor creatures that serve Drakharos -- a Frost Spider: This demonic arachnid is not only capable of moving with inhuman stealth, it also generates a field of near-absolute zero cold; this field is so intense that it can instantly weaken a normal human being, leaving him or her helpless -- easy prey for the perpetually-hungry arachnid. It can also spin an extremely strong crystalline web, which it uses to ensnare its enemies -- especially when it's confronted by multiple foes. As this webbing dries, its temperature drops rapidly, simultaneous- ly causing the body temperature of those trapped within it to drop rapidly, eventually resulting in death. Major Tom 2009
  9. Drakharos' archenemy and friend and mentor to E-Force -- Mistress Shadowflame: Major Tom 2009
  10. Drakharos has recently managed to make contact with an old friend of his -- a seductress named Lady Alura: Alura's job, for the most part, is to seduce and tempt men who might be of use to Drakharos into his service, and she is generally successful in this task. On those rare occasions when she can't seduce or tempt her target, she transforms into her true form -- that of a succubus -- and drains him dry, leaving behind the shrunken husk of her victim. Major Tom 2009
  11. One of the many servitor creatures that Drakharos can summon to do his bidding -- the Salamander: Major Tom 2009
  12. Here's the villain responsible for the creation of E-Force -- a time-displaced Abyznian sorcerer-priest called Lord Drakharos: Originally from the period near the end of the Valdorian Age, Drakharos and his minions had kidnapped a young Valdorian woman who was possessed of great, though untapped, mystical potential. His plan was to sacrifice his captive at the climax of a dark ritual; as well as to claim her mystical energies at the instant of her death. Unfortunately for his scheme, a band of Valdorian warriors broke into the ritual chamber and engaged the sorcerer-priest and his minions in combat. During the fight, the captive girl -- who was still bound to the sacrificial altar -- unknowingly tapped her mystical potential and teleported herself, altar and all, out of the chamber and through a "hole" in time. Witnessing the sudden escape of his intended victim, Drakharos followed in the hope of recapturing her and -- with luck -- attempting the ritual in a more secure location. As fate would have it, the few seconds that had passed between her departure and his entry into the "hole" translated into a ten-year separat- ion between her arrival on 21st-century Earth in 2005, and Drakharos' arrival in early 2015 (this would have the effect of giving the young woman the time she needed to both accept the fact that she had the power to wield magic*, and to learn how to use it as a force for good). Finding himself stranded in an unfamiliar time, the evil Abyznian began searching for a way to acquire enough mystical strength to (hopefully) return to his own time, hence his attempt to steal power from four Elemental beings. An attempt that, ironically, was not only stopped by the very woman he had sought to kill -- now known in our time as Mistress Shadowflame -- but also resulted in the creation of the superteam that would prove to be the bane of his existence: E-Force. (*Remember, in TVA it's mentioned that the Valdorians have a pronounced hatred of magic/sorcery, and considered it a tool of evil; imagine how someone with such a deep-seated attitude would feel to discover something like that about herself [ ].) Major Tom 2009
  13. Here ya go -- Loot and Plunder, teen super-pirates: Loot possesses the power to project what he calls "disinegtrator beams" from his hands; however, he chooses to project them through his cutlass in order to convince people that it's it that has the power. The cutlass itself is constructed of an unknown alloy which is impervious to the disintegration effect. Loot is what most people -- especially women of all ages -- would call "devilishly handsome", and he's not above making shameless use of that talent. He is also an expert swordsman. Plunder has the ability to emit pheromones from her body which have the effect of making those exposed to them her willing love-slaves, who will do anything she asks them to. Plunder usually shoots her victims with darts filled with a will-deadening drug before she "turns on the charm", which makes it easier for her to use her powers on them. She is also what her victims have unianimously described as "drop-dead gorgeous" -- which makes it even easier for her to enthrall them. Both teens are Olympic-level athletes in excellent physical condition as well as being brother and sister; while both have red hair, Plunder chooses to dye hers blonde (her eyebrows, however, have been left their original color, for reasons only she knows). Major Tom 2009 Aaaarrrrr!
  14. I had a thought earlier today regarding E-Force, especially after reading the posts about Captain Element and Captain Planet, and figured: why not give them a fifth member -- but with a twist. Like Marvel's Thunderriders (formerly Team America), E-Force has the ability to combine their powers to create a composite entity called Tempus: As a fusion of the four members' powers, Tempus has the ability to use any of the Elemental powers that they can, plus superhuman strength (STR 40). In addition, he/it has the ability to control time to a certain extent (slowing time or speeding it up in order to gain a tactical advantage over an enemy, or to view past events). Major Tom 2009
  15. Hardy-har-har . I wasn't going for Captain Planet or the Planeteers when I cooked up these pics; rather, I was going for a young team with a theme suggesting the Elements. Major Tom 2009
  16. Here's a demonically-enhanced minion suitable for either Fantasy Hero or Supers-and-Sorcery campaigns -- Karrnag the Ravager: Major Tom 2009
  17. OK, here's the corrected pic of Skyrider: Major Tom 2009
  18. Here's a young superteam that occupies the middle ground between Teen Champions and Champions supergroups -- E-Force: Each of the team's members -- Flashfire, Waveskimmer, Earthbreaker, and Skyrider -- possess powers which represent the Four Elements known to the ancients: Fire, Water, Earth, and Air. The source of their powers remain unknown; if anyone is privy to that knowledge, they're keeping quiet about it. (The members of E-Force gained their powers when they inadvertantly stumbled upon a dark magical ritual while hiking through the forest nearest their hometown. The sorcerer performing the ritual was attempting to summon a number of elemental beings from the planes of Fire, Water, Earth, and Air in order to steal their powers for his own, when the local mystic protector interrupted his conjuring. In the course of the fight, the bindings holding the elementals in place weakened, allowing portions of their essences to escape. These portions struck the four friends, with each of them manifesting the abilities of the elementals from which they had come. Using their new powers, the group aided the mystic protector against the evil sorcerer, successfully driving him off. Deciding to use their powers for good, the four friends -- with the help of the mystic protector -- formed E-Force, with the 'E' standing for Elemental.) (EDIT: I didn't realize until after I'd posted the pics here that I noticed that I'd forgotten to put an insignia on Skyrider's costume [ ]; talk about a D'oh moment. I'll get a corrected pic for her on here ASAP.) Major Tom 2009
  19. Here's an upgraded version of a villain that was originally mentioned in steriaca's Paradox Timely/TED threads (and the Mister Wicked thread, IIRC) -- the time- and dimension-hopping Chronosaurus Rex: Major Tom 2009
  20. OK, here's the Consul: Major Tom 2009
  21. OK, I went ahead and did a pic of the Consul, and changed her hair color for versions A through F. The only things that I screwed up were her goggles and the earpiece. The colors are: Blonde (A), Brown ( ), Auburn ©, Red (D), Platinum Blonde (E), and Black (F). Major Tom 2009
  22. Thanks; I was hoping though that the darker gray spots that I'd put on his hands would've shown up better. Unfortunately, the "ultraviolet" glow of his aura kind of obscured them. At least the ones on his neck did show up. Major Tom 2009
  23. Ooooo...frosty to the max. Major Tom 2009
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