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Major Tom 2009

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Everything posted by Major Tom 2009

  1. Black Falcon: (Character originally created by Pizza Man) Major Tom 2009
  2. A Rocket Hero for Pulp Hero campaigns: The rocket pack's control is on the left-hand glove, while his sidearm of choice is a Luger. Major Tom 2009
  3. And here's the aforementioned evil extradimensional being from the previous post -- Lord Set: While the full range of his powers is unknown, what is known is that, like his namesake, Lord Set is able to control the weather to a limited extent, and can use storms as a weapon. Those who face him in battle tend to find themselves being buffeted by near hurricane-force winds. It is also believed that he can wield sorcerous powers as well. Major Tom 2009
  4. Here's another superhero of Egyptian World, one that the people of that alternate Earth don't even know exists -- Doctor Ptah: Possessed of extraordinary mental gifts -- both mundane and psionic -- Doctor Ptah is the reason that both Sekhmet and Bennu are not only free, but still alive as well (the Black Pharoah had put self-destruct devices in both of them which could be remotely triggered; Doctor Ptah was able to remove them using his powers, as well as to undo their psychological conditioning). He is also the secret mentor of those superheroes who oppose the Black Pharoah and his schemes for world domination, as well as being a master of the sciences. His archenemy is an evil extradimensional being who is the secret power behind the Black Pharoah, a being that has taken the appearance of one of the ancient Egyptian gods -- a being who calls himself Lord Set. It is because of Lord Set's presence on Egyptian World that Doctor Ptah has kept his existence a secret from its people; as long as neither Lord Set or his "client" know of his exist- ence, they can't take steps to counter his activities against them (there's also the fact that his small physical stature isn't really suited for physical combat, and wouldn't last very long in a fight if his psionic abilities were unable to stop an adversary). Major Tom 2009
  5. Speaking of Egyptian World, here's the newest superhero for that alternate Earth -- Bennu: Like Sekhmet, Bennu is a victim of one of the Black Pharoah's twisted genetic experiments -- in this case, to create an anti-Sekhmet weapon -- but the psychological conditioning which was supposed to make him completely loyal to his creator failed, instead making him yet another enemy of the Black Pharoah. In addition to flight and the ability to project flame-like energy blasts from his hands, Bennu has one other power which was completely unexpected by his creator -- the ability to heal any injury to himself nearly instantaneously, even if that injury results in his death. That in itself makes him a subject of great interest to the Black Pharoah, who still seeks to reclaim both of his creations. Major Tom 2009
  6. A new look for Egyptian World's first superheroine, Sekhmet: Not only is her appearance a little more leonine, there's not as much of an outfit on her as there was in the original pic (there's still a little bit more of one than a certain feline superheroine had originally -- or has she gone back to the two-piece swimsuit look?). Major Tom 2009
  7. The Ultimate Soldier battlesuit, Mk.III: The most advanced version yet of a battlesuit originally created during WWII, the Ultimate Soldier Mk.III bears only a faint resemblance to its predecessors. Where the original and Mk.II versions relied mostly upon larger hand-held versions of autocannons or single-shot light artillery pieces which were used much like submachineguns or rifles (and, in the case of the Mk.II, shoulder-mounted rocket launchers), the Mk.III makes use of palm-mounted plasma projectors. The projectors' plasma bolts can be set for any power level required by the suit's operator, from a non-lethal stun blast (at minimum power) to a bolt capable of destroying a Main Battle Tank (at maximum power); these can also be used against metahuman opponents. The suit's secondary weapons are the twin shoulder-mounted missile launchers, which hold a total of four missiles each in a ready-fire mode; an additional four missiles per launcher are carried and can be loaded and ready to fire within a short time, once the first set of missiles have been fired. Each of the missiles carries an antiarmor warhead equal to that of a TOW missile, and rely upon laser guidance either from the suit's operator or a soldier with a laser designator. Another weapon used by the Mk.III is a hand-held, multi-round rocket launcher with a total of 50 rockets; these rockets can be fired in salvos of ten rockets each, and represents the suit's primary long-range offensive capability. The laser designator which is used to "paint" targets for the antiarmor missiles is mounted on the rocket launcher. The Mk.III also has an impressive set of both active and passive defenses, of which the primary active defense is its ECM suite, which scrambles enemy targeting systems, making it difficult to hit the suit with guided weapons. Its passive defenses include its ceramic/metal armored shell, as well as a pair of "hot smoke" generator/projectors mounted in the suit's legs. These projectors work by surrounding the suit with a cloud of smoke, in which burning white phosphorous is suspended; the heat generated by the white phosphorous creates a zone of heat around the suit that prevents IR-sensitive visual gear from detecting it by its own thermal signature. The suit also has enhanced sensory capabilities, allowing the operator to see in infrared and ultraviolet light, as well as having low-light vision; ultra-sensitive auditory sensors allow the operator to hear even the faintest sounds. Its life-support system is capable of functioning for six hours before needing to be replenished, and is NBC (Nuclear, Biological, and Chemical) environment-capable. A built-in flight pack allows the suit to bypass terrain that would otherwise be impossible for it to traverse, even with the great strength that the suit's actuators provide it (enough to lift 50 tons under optimal con- ditions). (Original DCAU-type pic created by Sgt. Baloo) Major Tom 2009
  8. Star Sapphire: (Original DCAU-type pic by Sgt. Baloo) Major Tom 2009
  9. Nitro, a PC super-speedster hero from the Vibora Bay campaign our GM ran years ago: This is the closest that I could come to what the original P&P pic of him that I did for his player looked like. Major Tom 2009
  10. Here's a positively evil and Machiavellian fiend from GURPS Supporting Cast -- the demon Malefactus: If this demon can be said to have a hero, then the demon who made the deal with Faust definitely qualifies. Major Tom 2009
  11. Here's Madame Mystique: Hmmm....I just noticed something in the pic that you used to provide the example for Madame Mystique. It looks like one of the goons on the left-hand side is using a Colonial Fleet-issue sidearm, complete with underslung grenade launcher. Major Tom 2009
  12. Here's Mr. Lei: His look reminds me of a funny story that I read in an issue of Reader's Digest several years ago. There was a white couple that had decided to go to dinner at a local restaurant one evening, and they arrived at the same time as a black couple. The white man was dressed in a black outfit with a white shirt, while the other was dressed in a white suit with a black shirt. Both men stared at each other in silence, until it was broken by the black man. "My God," he said, "one of us must be the negative!" I don't think that my recollection of the story is 100% word-for-word accurate (it's been at least 30 years since I'd originally read the story), but I'm fairly certain that the end line is right. Major Tom 2009
  13. A blast from the forum's past -- the superheroine Firefrost: Her outfit's probably different from the original design; unfortunately, while I probably have the original design on my laptop, I can't access it to compare the two. Major Tom 2009
  14. Antares, a Russian cosmonaut turned superhero: Antares has the power to grow from his normal 6' to a height of 60' in a matter of seconds; his strength increases as he grows, enabling him to lift up to 200 tons at his maximum height. He considers himself a patriot; accordingly, his costume was designed to resemble the Russian flag, with the addition of a large, 8-pointed red star on the chest panel. Major Tom 2009
  15. Dwarfstar: An alien teen superheroine, Dwarfstar has the ability to shrink herself down from her normal 5' to a height of 5" (and maybe even smaller). In both her normal and reduced size, she has the ability to fly and to survive unprotected in outer space. Her strength level at her normal height is that of a Earth teenage athlete of the same size who engages in regular exercise (STR 12 or so); however, at her 5" height her strength is even greater (STR 50). Major Tom 2009
  16. Nebula, an energy-being with an unusual power set: First, it grows to three times its normal height (from 8' to 24'), before switching from its humanoid form to a gaseous form resembling that of its namesake and engulfing its target; from the target's point of view, he has suddenly found himself in outer space. That's when Nebula launches its real attack -- multiple beams of energy which appear to come from the "stars" surrounding the target. Only the mightiest of beings has any chance of withstanding this attack. Major Tom 2009
  17. Lightrider, a superheroine whose powers are the result of a symbiotic union with an energy-being: Major Tom 2009
  18. Collapsar, a supervillain with super-strength, flight, and gravitic powers: Major Tom 2009
  19. Here's the idea that I'd PMed you about -- an evil, alternate-universe version of Erik Duncan called the Tyrant: The new addition to this idea is the woman standing next to him -- a combination of aide-de-camp and lover, not to mention having precognitive abilities which enable her to 'see' potential threats to her paramour, even across dimensions. Her true name is unknown, and she is known only as Consort to his minions. Major Tom 2009
  20. I forget which 5th Ed. book that she was mentioned in, but there was a character called Terala Shain who was listed as one of Malva's many super-gladiators: She wasn't statted out or anything else, but I thought of her as being able to use wind as her weapon, so I did her pic with a hint of wind-control power. Major Tom 2009
  21. Here's something for the Dark Champions crowd -- the Inspector: A Detective Inspector with many years' worth of experience in the Police Department of a major city on the U.S.'s West Coast, the Inspector has a well-earned reputation for giving short shrift to violent perpetrators of all sorts, courtesy of the large-caliber Magnum revolver he carries -- and even short- er shrift to 'bleeding-heart' liberals who seem to think that the aforementioned perpetrators should have more rights than their victims. This stance has, needless to say, gotten him in trouble with his superiors on more than one occasion. The Inspector has a tendency to attract the worst sort of trouble, and because of that -- and what he does to resolve said troubles -- he's earned a nickname which is well-known to both criminals and law-abiding citizens alike. Major Tom 2009
  22. Here's a redesigned version of a power-armored villian whose pic used to be up here on the boards (both here on this thread and on one of the Else Earth threads), and his new partner in crime -- Doctor Tunguska and Disruptor: The "good" Doctor's main weapons, as in the original version of the armor, are back-mounted fusion cannons (for a good idea of what they look like when they're being fired, check out the YouTube clip of the Space Battleship Yamato 2199 version of the Wave Motion Gun's first firing, and multiply that by two). The armor also provides the wearer with protection from both energy- and kinetic-based weaponry, as well as from any potential radiation exposure from the firings of the fusion cannons. It also has flight capability and a full-spectrum life-support system, as well as giving the wearer superhuman strength and enhanced sensory abilities. Disruptor's armor has the same abilities as Tunguska's armor -- except for the fusion cannons -- but is designed with different functions in mind. The armor's only weapons are a pair of palm- mounted force-blasters, and are intended primarily for self-defense. Disruptor's armor is designed to allow the wearer to both infiltrate computer systems in preparation for taking control of them, as well as to disrupt their functions in order to keep their owners from using any of their built-in weapons and defense systems. She must touch the computer in question in order to perform either task, however. Major Tom 2009
  23. Here's a little something for the Swamp People fans amongst us -- the Swamp King: Major Tom 2009 Shoot him! Shoot him!
  24. I don't speak French (flunked it back in my Junior High days), but does her quote roughly translate into "Hello, have you ever seen a dancer like the Razor Girl?" Major Tom 2009
  25. OK, which of these do you like for Guardian's look? Major Tom 2009
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