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Major Tom 2009

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Everything posted by Major Tom 2009

  1. Just had an interesting thought -- what if Tri-Colore was a heroine with the power to split into three identical duplicates of herself, with each one wearing an outfit of one of the three colors that make up the French flag -- one in blue, one in white, and one in red? This power would be in addition to any Captain America-type super-soldier abilities. Major Tom 2009
  2. I read this post last night and it got me thinking about what these folks might look like, so I went ahead and whipped up some pics for your perusal -- All-American, Hauptmann Deutschland, Legionario, and Samurai Ichi. I'm also adding the pic of John Bull that I'd posted over on the D.C. thread; he doesn't have a shield in this pic, though: What do you think of them? Major Tom 2009
  3. OK, I can see why you wouldn't want something like that within the limits of the rebuilt city. But what if, instead of it being built within the new city itself, it was built in the general area of the old city (I'm thinking that, with the kind of collateral damage caused by super-fights -- the Spider-Man vs. Firelord fight comes to mind -- that the damage caused by a fight with an entity of the sort you're describing would wreck the support infrastructures beyond any possibiity of repair, so you'd probably want to build a new city on an entirely different location. The remnants of the old city could become a memorial of the sort you mentioned)? Major Tom 2009
  4. Was he one of yours? If so, sorry about the misidentification. Major Tom 2009
  5. Here's an idea for you: The Keep, Metronova Style: When the (as-yet unnamed) godlike alien fell in battle to the combined forces of both the extraterrestial heroes that had pursued it and the heroes and villains of Earth that had joined forces with them, it left more than physical damage behind in the aftermath of its defeat -- it also left an invisible and potentially dan- gerous mark on the planet: an interdimensional nexus, a rift leading to other parallel worlds. While a few individuals saw the nexus as a potential source of profit -- from the exploitation of other worlds' resources -- there were others that saw it as a danger, since it could be used as a means of invasion by an enemy. With that in mind, the city of Metronova funded the Citadel Project -- the construction of a huge fortress which would be built around the nexus. Unlike normal fortresses, whose weapons faced outward to defend against an enemy, the Citadel's weapons systems -- a mix of normal and high-tech systems -- faced inward, at the 100-meter-radius "kill zone" surrounding the nexus. The Citadel was built with four fortifed and heavily-armed defensive rings around the nexus; the idea was that, in the event of an attempted invasion via the nexus, that the innermost ring would hold the enemy at bay while giving the rest of the facility time to bring its defenses and weapons online. In addition to the personnel who normally live and work in the facility, the Citadel is also home to a battalion-size unit from the U.S. Army. The final layer of defense for the Citadel is a superhero team known as Nexus Force. While the membership of the team varies from time to time (a typical tour of duty for a Nexus Force member is six months), their task remains the same: to provide support for both the facility's personnel and the Army unit in the event of an attack. To insure that the team is the best that it can be, Metronova's city council regularly sends recruiters to other parts of the country to locate potential recruits (this would be a good way to introduce a PC from a different campaign into the setting). Major Tom 2009
  6. A reimagined version of an old friend from the Cosmic Centurions thread, plus some new additions to his forces -- Lord Dark Matter: Given that some of the really big baddies in the comics have recently updated their looks (with the notable exception of a certain Eastern European megalomaniac tyrant who hasn't changed his style since his first appearance some 40 or 50 years ago), I thought it was only right to give LDM a new look, especially since I've gotten the hang of FdH16. As for the new additions, I figured that someone like LDM would have an elite group of bodyguards/soldiers, not unlike the Praetorian Guards who protected the Roman Emperors centuries ago. To that end, I came up with the Red Praetorians, a legion-sized group of the finest warriors of the Nth Legion of Infinity whose sole responsibility is to protect Lord Dark Matter (and his immediate family) from any and all threats. The leader of this force is a woman known only as Lady Entropia, who holds the rank of Tribune. (Lord Dark Matter originally created by Egyptoid [iIRC]; let me know if I'm wrong) Major Tom 2009
  7. Malchronos the Time Tyrant, one of T.E.D.'s greatest enemies: Major Tom 2009
  8. Regarding the third picture: someone had better get hold of Reed Richards and tell him his Negative Zone files need updating ( )... Major Tom 2009
  9. An old friend from the Mister Wicked thread, upgraded with the latest in time-travel technology -- Paradox Timely, agent of T.E.D.: Major Tom 2009
  10. From the Silver Age Sentinels sourcebook Roll Call 2: The Sidekicks Club -- Azure Star, Israel's answer to the Sentinel: Major Tom 2009
  11. Totem, an Amerind superheroine who possesses powers derived from certain totemic animal-spirits (think BraveStarr, only female instead of male): Major Tom 2009
  12. Giant monster-fighting robot No. #5 (and the only one built with a 'female' form) -- Silver Shiva: Major Tom 2009
  13. Giant monster-fighting robot No. #4 -- Iron Berserker: Major Tom 2009
  14. Necromus, an evil sorcerer for Fantasy Hero, Champions, and Pulp Hero campaigns: Major Tom 2009
  15. "Crush your enemies -- drive them before you -- and hear the lamentations of their women!" Major Tom 2009
  16. Giant monster-fighting robot No. #3 -- Bronze Centurion: Major Tom 2009
  17. Giant monster-fighting robot No. #2 -- Nova Dragon: Major Tom 2009
  18. The Revisionist, a villain who uses time-suit technology of his own: Unlike most villains -- who would most likely use such technology to set themselves up as dictators -- the Revisionist is solely interested in making himself rich by any means necessary, even if doing so would change the timeline in some fashion (such as making it possible for some of history's most aggressive cultures -- the Mongols or the Vikings, for example -- to completely dominate the world). Fortunately, the Revisionist's schemes have run afoul of a certain "complication": a fellow time- traveler known as Tempest, who has not only been able to track him down wherever he goes from one time period to the next, but also to undo whatever scheme he has for making himself wealthy. Needless to say, he's starting to get more than a little frustrated. And if that wasn't enough, his activities have attracted the attention of the Temporal Enforcement Directorate, an organization from the 31st Century dedicated to the protection of the timeline from any and all threats to its integrity. Major Tom 2009
  19. A more advanced version of the Tempest time-suit: Major Tom 2009
  20. No. #2 is better-suited for combat (not as many chances for a wardrobe malfunction) than No. #1, so that'd probably be my choice for which is the best of the two. Major Tom 2009
  21. Giant monster No. #4 -- Karcharozon: Major Tom 2009 Oh, when the shark bites...
  22. Giant monster No. #3 -- Ringaiju: Major Tom 2009
  23. Giant monster No. #2 -- the Mantulon: Major Tom 2009
  24. Let's get ready to ruuuummmmble!! Major Tom 2009
  25. Another high-level supervillain, this time from Japanese World -- the Jade Shogun: Major Tom 2009
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