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Major Tom 2009

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Everything posted by Major Tom 2009

  1. OK, here's my attempt at Sav'ge Magnus; unfortunately, I was unable to work out the bit with his cybernetic lower left jaw. Wouldn't he probably hide that beneath some fake skin anyway? Major Tom 2009
  2. As it's now July 4th, here's something I've been saving just for today: Enjoy your fireworks! Major Tom 2009
  3. And here's the Scarlet Spectre (inspired by the Phantom): I'd come up with the idea for her after reading the background on Sav'ge Magnus, and his "fund-raising" efforts by kidnapping people and holding them for ransom. She could've been the daughter of a family that had run afoul of one of Magnus' kidnappings -- one which went bad for some reason and resulted in the deaths of her family. As with the Phantom, this event would have been enough to push her onto the path of vengeance against all pirates as a costumed avenger. The red hair that she sports as part of her costume is actually a wig (think of the Yvonne Craig version of Batgirl on the Batman TV series). As for potential superpowers, she could somehow have some combination of Desolidification and Invisibiity powers. Where her weapons skills are concerned, I'd probably consult the writeup of John Preston over at Surbrook's Stuff (in particular, the Gun-Kata martial art described in it). Major Tom 2009
  4. Next up is Lady Mystica and her Gurkha bodyguard/friend/manservant Alebahadur (inspired by Mandrake the Magician and his assistant Lothar): Possible powers: Lady Mystica would most likely possess actual magical powers, which could be cast using her wand, or -- in extremis -- wandlessly. In order to disguise the fact that she possessed real magic, she would have to pretend that it was (very well-executed) stage "magic" of the sort practiced by conventional magicians. As for Alebahadur, he'd probably have certain Characteristics near or at the maximum possible for non-superhuman characters, as well as some military skills (more than a few Gurkhas who leave Nepal for a time wind up in the famed Gurkha regiments of the British army, even today). His languages would be Nepalese (native) and English (fluent w/ literacy; spoken with a British accent), and his skill with his kukri blade should be fairly high. EDIT: Lady Mystica's real name is Morgana Blackthorne. Major Tom 2009
  5. OK, this is what I've come up with thus far pic-wise (aside from Captain Trident, who's pic has already been posted here): First up are Jet Justice and Milinda Terra: I've added the pic of what Jet looks like in his full gear (the result of a PM correspondence with steriaca regarding the inspiration for Jet and Milinda). As for the badge on Jet's uniform, there is a symbol of balanced scales (representing the scales of Justice) on the center portion. Major Tom 2009
  6. Oh, my...you are a bit of a newbie not to have experienced the run of Mister Wicked here on the threads, aren't you? Major Tom 2009
  7. You know, I can't but help think of how much Diabolon has in common with a certain masked fiend with a Victorian Age obssession -- at the very least, they share some of the same hobbies where members of the fairer sex are concerned ( )... Major Tom 2009
  8. This is what I'd come up with earlier today for Diabolon's look: EDIT: I'm going to have to have to go back and redo Diabolon's pic; I hadn't seen the bit in his writeup about his armor having wings. As for his armor's Life Support power, I'm thinking that it might work like the life-support belts which were used in the Star Trek animated series -- instead of a helmet and suit to keep in the air, the armor would create a 'skintight' force field around him that would perform the same function (can you imagine trying to design a space helmet for someone who's got a horned head?). Major Tom 2009
  9. Well, the month's young yet...and I've got three more pics ready with a couple more yet to do. There's also one of Diabolon in my folder, and there's the other villain in the Enemies of Jet Justice thread that needs a pic too. From what there is of his description, it seems like he might look something like Vandal Savage. Major Tom 2009
  10. OK, here's an idea for a member of the Defenders of Sol, one that's inspired by (to a certain extent) Popeye the Sailor -- Captain Trident: Background: Project Trident was the latest attempt by a branch of the U.S. military -- the Navy this time -- to create a prototype "super-soldier". The project involved two different approaches in order to create their subject -- genetic alteration to provide him with strength sufficient to enable him to function normally even at great depths, and a high- tech battlesuit which would not only provide him with protection against energy and physical attacks, but also enhanced mobility in air, sea, and land. Due to the advantages that the battlesuit would provide to its wearer, the decision was made to recruit their candidate from the ranks of the SEALs, as it was felt that one of them would be able to make the best possible use of the suit. Following a rigorous selection process, the project heads ultimately chose Captain Patrick Denton of SEAL Team 6 to be their candidate. After an extensive training program in the use of the battlesuit and its capabilities, Captain Denton was subjected to the next phase of the project -- the genetic alteration which would give him superhuman strength. Due to an unsuspected quirk in Denton's genetic makeup, the alteration process was more successful than the project's heads had anticipated. Apparently, if Denton was in a situation where life-threatening harm -- either to himself or another -- was a possibility, he could somehow increase his strength temporarily; once the danger was past, his strength would return to its normal level (in game terms, he normally has STR 40, but when subjected to great danger to himself or others, it can go up to a maximum of STR 60). Captain Denton, or Captain Trident as one of the project's scientists had dubbed him, experienced his baptism of fire when a group of strange-looking -- and even more strangely-armed -- intruders stormed the base in an apparent attempt to steal the project's technology (the attackers were some of Diabolon's men, who had been sent on their mission by their master following his discovery of Project Trident). Captain Trident was more than up to the challenge, successfully driving the intruders away and preventing the theft of the project's technology. He would not learn the identity of the mastermind behind the attempted theft until a few days later, when a pair of individuals identifying themselves as Jet Justice and Milinda Terra paid a visit to the base and informed him, Dr. Olivia Madison -- the head of the scientific part of the project and Denton's romantic interest -- and Admiral Raymond Farragut, the military head of the project, about Diabolon and the threat that he posed to the planet. They also told them of their plan to assemble a group of people with special abilities and training to fight Diabolon or any being who posed a threat to the Earth and its people, and asked the Admiral if the Navy would allow Captain Trident to become part of that group. Having seen what lengths the alien pirate mastermind was prepared to go to to steal the project's technology -- and what damage said technology could do in the hands of such a man -- Admiral Farragut was more than willing to let Captain Denton join this group, but wanted to leave the actual decision up to him. For the Captain's part, he was more than willing to join Justice and Terra in their proposed group (needless to say, the Admiral was more than happy that that was the case, as it gave him and the Government a set of eyes inside the group to insure that they weren't up to any shennanigans). Captain Trident thus became the first member of the Defenders of Sol. Description: The battlesuit worn by Captain Trident enables him to not only travel through water at considerable speed, but also to fly through the air as well. The wings which are part of the thruster pack provide improved mobility in both air and water. As for land movement, the legs of the suit have artificial muscles which are capable of allowing the wearer to run at high speed for an extended period of time. The suit's life-support system can keep its wearer alive in both NBC (Nuclear/Biological/Chemical) environments and undersea for six hours; eight when the rebreather system is engaged. The swim fins shown in the picture can retract into the boots when in airborne or land mode. The trident shown in the picture wasn't part of the original equipment; it was a gift from the people of Atlantis following a successful defense of the undersea city by the Defenders against an attack by an as-yet unknown pirate group. The trident can not only be used as a melee and thrusting weapon, it also has a built-in energy blaster weapon that can either stun or kill, depending on Captain Trident's intent. Major Tom 2009
  11. Am I understanding correctly that Jet Justice and Milinda Terra are from outside the Champions Universe as your PCs understand it (possibly from Pulp Space Opera Hero World; just so you know, I have no knowledge of Jet Justice whatsoever)? Major Tom 2009
  12. A Red Cossack, one of the members of the Red Commissar's noble-hunting death squad: The standard weapons used by the Red Cossacks are the PPSh-41 submachine gun and the TT-30 automatic pistol. None of the Red Cossacks are aware of the true nature of their commander (he's not crazy enough to 'turn' one of them, as whoever he'd do it to just might be ambitious enough to try to take his place), as he's made certain of their loyalty by making certain 'perks' available to them so they won't ask any questions that might prove more than just a little dangerous to his continued existence. EDIT: I had to change the pistol from what I'd originally posted here, as the Makarov pistol wasn't in use until the '50s. Major Tom 2009
  13. Here's another WWII pic that I'd originally done with FH2011, but as a villain -- the Red Commissar: The idea behind this character was that he had a pair of life-threatening secrets -- first, that he was a member of the Russian nobility under the reign of the Romanovs before the revolution that transformed Czarist Russia into the Soviet Union, and second, that he was a vampire. His skills enabled him to create a new identity as a dedicated member of the Communist Party, and worked his way into the intelligence apparatus of the new nation -- as, in a particularly ironic way, a hunter and eliminator of those members of the Russian nobility that had managed to avoid capture. This enabled him to eliminate those who would be most likely to expose him to the authorities as one of them. He managed this by having his men carry out the actual captures of the fleeing nobles and their families, and -- with the exception of any attractive of-age daughters, who he would 'turn' and make into his slaves -- executed for "crimes against the people". He was so successful in this task that he earned the nickname of the Red Commissar (because of all the noble blood that he'd spilled), and eventually took to wearing red versions of the Russian military uniforms. His collective of slave 'brides' provided him with a force of assassins and spies that would have been the envy of Soviet Russia's espionage establishment -- had they known of it (he was very careful to conceal every aspect of his life from those who would use it against him). Major Tom 2009
  14. If you're thinking that this guy looks a bit like Ankylosaur, then yeah, he looks a little bit familiar... Major Tom 2009
  15. OK, I've gotten rid of the Stars & Stripes pic and replaced it with a single-character one. In the meantime, I'd like to contribute a couple of overseas-based freedom fighters for Else Earth's WWII period. First up is Golden Gryphon, a superheroine from the British Isles who fights the Nazis using a suit of magical, winged armor. Not only does the armor protect her from harm, it also gives her superhuman strength (which comes in quite handy when she uses the armor's talons to rip enemy tanks to shreds) as well as the ability to fly faster than the swiftest fighters of the time (including the Me-262, the first jet fighter to see actual combat) and to outmanuever them. She is also able to fly at altitudes where normal flyers need oxygen in order to function, and possesses superhuman visual acuity while she wears the armor. Next is the Musketeer, a member of the French Resistance who, in some inexplicable fashion (he has no memory of the prescise event) came into possession of advanced weaponry -- a sword made from an unknown and seemingly indestructible alloy, and a pair of energy pistols that resemble 17th- century musket pistols -- which he uses to fight the Nazis occupying France and their collaborators. His uniform resembles the outfits worn by the King's Musketeers, with the addition of a domino mask. I'd done these once before using FH2011, but now that the Beta version of FH2016 is out (with all of the extra image options), I decided to make improved versions of them. Major Tom 2009
  16. I find myself suddenly imagining what would happen if a new player showed up on this MMO looking like Linus Van Pelt (complete with blanket), and immediately getting into trouble by announcing that he's looking for the Great Pumpkin ( )... Major Tom 2009
  17. Here are the villains that were mentioned earlier in this thread -- two of whom were actually named and the third for which I came up with a name for. In alphabetical order, here are Ameriking, Anguish, and Lady Chrysanthenum (the Japanese espionage agent that seduced the super-soldier compound out of the scientist mentioned in the early part of this thread, and which made Samurai Ichi what he was): Major Tom 2009
  18. That is just so...so...deliciously, delightfully, and dementedly Machiavellian. Not to mention being funny as hell. I salute the Great Evil Pumpkin ( :hail: :hail: ). Major Tom 2009
  19. Here are the rest of the good guys -- American Steel, Patriette and Stars & Stripes: Next up will be the baddies. EDIT: I needed to replace Stars & Stripes' pic with a new one after Enforcer84 mentioned that the character was a single individual, so here he is. Major Tom 2009
  20. This was what I'd come up with for Captain Atlas last night: Major Tom 2009
  21. Thanks; I've got five more for this batch yet to do, as I've already done one for Captain Atlas. Major Tom 2009
  22. Dr. Americanna and Lady Nightingale: Major Tom 2009
  23. And here are some more of them -- Achilles, Maiden America, Osvoboditel', Red Ensign and Tri-Colore: In my defense regarding Osvoboditel', I'd done his pic based on your description of him as 'the Russian man of iron', which suggested a battlesuit trooper-type character. As for Tri-Colore, I decided to do the character as a male since, at least in the WWII comics, no female would have been accepted as a test subject for a super-soldier program (the Axis, on the other hand, weren't quite as fussy in that regard) sponsored by any of the Allied powers (most of which were run -- for the most part -- by male-chauvinist [and sometimes racist] Establishment types); those superheroines that appeared in the ranks of Allied supers tended to be the result one one sort of accident or another). EDIT: OK, after reading the post about MA's appearance, I put together a new pic for her, and replaced the old one for the new one. Major Tom 2009
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