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Major Tom 2009

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Everything posted by Major Tom 2009

  1. Here's a conceptual image of Princess Aquaria, in both formal attire (where Xongonians are concerned, anyway) and when wearing a special life-support helmet when adventuring with the Defenders of Sol: My reasoning for the LS gear was this: while Earthborn amphibious lifeforms can extract oxygen from water in order to breathe underwater, there are probably worlds in our galaxy whose hydrospheres have a chemical composition that might well be toxic to such lifeforms -- basically, they'd be trying to breathe cyanide instead of oxygen, for example. So what Aquaria's LS gear does is to provide her with a supply of fresh water that is recycled and kept oxygenated for however long she needs to wear it, on those occasions when she has to swim in any body of water other than Earth's or Xongo-4's. As for young DNPCs for our intrepid adventurers, I've posted a pic over on the Jet Justice thread for a teenage twin brother and sister* for the Nick Arroyo character (as if having an on-again, off-again girlfriend wasn't enough -- ). *That's an adopted brother and sister, BTW. Major Tom 2009
  2. Here's some junior DNPCs for Nick Arroyo -- Peter and Erica Falcone: The teenage twins are the children of one of Nick's Air Force friends who was killed in a training accident; with no surviving family of his own who could take care of the twins, he requested in his will that Nick adopt them if he was able to. Ever since then, the twins have been part of Nick's life -- both as family members and as part-time summer employees of his piloting business. Major Tom 2009
  3. Chakram and Mongwanga, brothers and partners in crime: Major Tom 2009
  4. The Terror Farmer, a victim of contaminated vat-grown food: Major tom 2009
  5. Most of what I've been posting pic-wise lately has been going to the Jet Justice threads, so it's time I put some stuff up here on this thread. First up is a pair of aliens from GURPS Space: Space Atlas 4 from a race known as the Kinski: Before anyone asks if these pics need to be color-corrected, the answer is no; Kinski fur is supposed to be green, with some places having a darker shade of green in certain areas. Major Tom 2009
  6. Just to add a little something extra to the mix, you could have him be a descendant of the original, Civil War-era Confederate raider of the same name. Major Tom 2009
  7. freakboy6117: thanks. Major Tom 2009
  8. If I knew how to switch posts from one thread to another, I'd put the ones that I've posted on the Jet Justice thread on this one; unfortunately, all I can recommend is that anyone who wants to look at what I've posted for the DoS should go to the Jet Justice and the Defenders of Sol thread (unless someone knows how to transfer posts from one thread to another). The same goes for the Enemies of Jet Justice thread. Major Tom 2009
  9. And finally, here's Chakram's brother and partner in crime -- Mongwanga: Like his brother, Mongwanga takes his name from his signature weapon, in this case the African multi-bladed weapon known as the mongwanga. While it is designed and intended for use as a throwing weapon, in the hands of Mongwanga, it becomes a devastating close-quarters weapon. Like his brother, Mongwanga is very strong, but not superhumanly so; in his case, it comes from extensive physical conditioning rather than steroid use. As a result, Mongwanga is a more dangerous fighter, as he doesn't allow rage to get the better of him in combat. NOTE: I was wrong about FdH16 not having the mongwanga as an option, I simply didn't realize where it was in the menus ( ). Major Tom 2009
  10. And here's Diabolon's robot servant -- 1GOR: 1GOR is particularly well-suited for both close-quarters and ranged combat, both in the air and on the ground. The alien alloy claws on its hands and feet enable it to tear all but the strongest Earthly super-alloys to shreds, while the plasma flamer built into its mouth enables it to breathe a jet of flame powerful enough to penetrate the armor of a MBT. For flight, 1GOR has a flight pack with built-in wings; in an emergency, 1GOR can accelerate to supersonic speed for a brief period of time (long enough to evade pursuit). 1GOR's armored shell is strong enough to resist damage up to and including light anti-tank weaponry. Major Tom 2009
  11. OK, here's the pic of the first of the two baddies -- the Terror Farmer: He looks like this because of a batch of contaminated vat-grown food (he and his family had volunteered to test some to see if they'd be interested in switching over from farm-grown food to lab-created foodstuffs); while his family died from the contaminated food, he wasn't so lucky. Instead, he was mutated into a being possessed of superhuman strength, and his face was severely disfigured. Using a burlap sack as a mask and using a scythe as his weapon, the man now known only as the Terror Farmer has gone out into the world on a mission of vengeance against all who would seek to replace "true" food with "lab-grown abomin- ations". Quote: "As they have sown, so shall they be reaped -- and I'm only too glad to do the reaping." Major Tom 2009
  12. Here's a hired assassin who could be on paid retainer to Sav'ge Magnus --Chakram: His true name and land of birth unknown, the man known to international law-enforcement authorities as Chakram has a long record of brutal murders to his name, all of which have been carried out using his signature weapon, an Indian-made chakram. This particular weapon, however, has been technologically- enhanced. At the moment of being thrown, an energy field is activated which enables the chakram to slice through metal and stone as easily as human flesh and bone. In addition, internal mechanisms allow the chakram to return to its thrower. Chakram himself is an impressive physical specimen, with strength that -- while not superhuman -- is slightly greater than the human norm, the result of long-term steroid usage. Unfortunately, this strength has come at a cost, in the form of severe psychological ailments, of which the worst are sudden bouts of extreme rage. NOTE: I'd originally wanted to do the pic with the mongwanga instead of the chakram, only to find out that the mongwanga wasn't an available option in the FdH16 weapons menu ( ). Oh, well... Major Tom 2009
  13. Nick Arroyo's DNPC and sometimes partner -- Dallas McKenna: Dallas is the owner and chief pilot of Pegasus Air Transport, a cargo- and passenger-transport service that she put together with help from Nick following his stint in the Air Force. PAT's business covers the North American continent, with clients in the U.S. and Canada. Whenever her schedule permits, she and Nick spend time together. While PAT is based in Wyoming, the company rents hangar space as needed, depending on the job (cargo hauls or passenger transport). Major Tom 2009
  14. And here are the people involved with Magistrate Phobos -- Chief Magistrate Leonidas, Magistrate Artemis, and Magistrate J.G. Kali: Leonidas has been Phobos' mentor from the time that he was first inducted into the law-enforcement corps, while Artemis had been Phobos' partner from the time that they became full Magistrates until the day of his disappearance. Kali had been assigned to Phobos and Artemis for additional training prior to the time machine incident. Ever since Phobos' disappearance, the three of them have been involved with a project to locate and return him to their own time, using the confiscated time machine. Major Tom 2009
  15. I figured that, since I'd added a pic of Lady Mystica's DNPC to her post, that it'd only be fair if I gave any DNPCs of the other DoS candidates equal time. So without further ado, here are the first ones -- Dr. Olivia Madison and Admiral Raymond Farragut -- from Captain Trident's entry: Given his status as the miitary head of a top-secret government project, Admiral Farragut does his best to downplay his importance; to this end, he wears civilian clothing when appearing in public or in secret meetings. As for his general appearance, he bears a close resemblance to the late Richard Basehart (Admiral Harriman Nelson from Voyage to the Bottom of the Sea). Major Tom 2009
  16. Speaking of adding things, I forgot to add a bit of info to the Dragon Queen's post. She picked up the name because of her choice of "pets" -- a half-dozen Komodo Dragons. Not only are they pets, they're also a means to dispose of any underlings -- or investigators poking their noses where they don't belong -- who have caused her "difficulties". And they're usually still alive when they're thrown to the dragons ( ). Major Tom 2009
  17. Here's the latest addition to the lineup of (potential) Defenders of Sol -- Magistrate Phobos: Phobos (not his real name; upon being granted membership in the law-enforcement corps, a Magistrate either chooses or is given a name by which his -- or her -- fellow Magistrates and the general public call him/her in everyday usage, much like the call signs used by fighter pilots) is from an alternate Earth, one that has been cast into a post-apocalyptic age due to a global pandemic. The surviving military and pol- ice forces were consolidated into a single corps by the world government, and were given the authority to act as judge, jury, and executioner as needed. They were also provided with the most advanced tech- nology of the time -- antigravity jet-cycles, body armor superior to that of 20th and 21st Century Earth, and hand-held mass-driver weaponry using gravitic technology -- and sent out into the plague-ravaged world to restore order to it. Unfortunately, this world's malcontents have access to advanced technology themselves, and one such group -- who were involved with illegal time-travel research -- was responsible for Magistrate Phobos' arrival on Champions Earth. When their activities were discovered by government agents, Phobos led a team of his fellow Magistrates in an assault against them. In the course of the fight, the experimental time machine was activated, and its power source was building up to an overload state. At a critical moment, gunfire struck the power source, causing an energy surge that boosted the time machine's operation to a level beyond that of what its designers had intended. As a result, Phobos -- who was closest to the machine -- was not only transported back in time, but across dimensions as well. When he recovered from the trans-temporal displacement, he found himself on a world that was not only free of the pandemic, but was also home to people possessed of extraordinary powers. Not knowing if it was possible to return to his home dimension, Phobos decided to make the best of his situation, and used his technology and training to battle the evildoers of Champions Earth. His activities soon brought him to the attention of Jet Justice and the Defenders of Sol. Major Tom 2009
  18. And here's a femme fatale who's got designs on Jet Justice (in the way that Princess Ardala did with Buck Rogers) -- the Dragon Queen: One of the major leaders of the underworld in the Chinatown of the Defenders' home city, the Dragon Queen was attracted to Jet Justice from the first time that she saw him, along with the Defenders of Sol, on a TV news broadcast following their first public battle against Diabolon's forces. Ever since then, she has been looking for a way to win the handsome hero to her side. The only thing standing in her way -- as far as she's concerned -- is Milinda Terra. As the head of a major criminal organization, the Dragon Queen has a number of resources upon which she can call -- professional criminals, youth gangs, and corrupt officials in her pay -- to accomplish her aims. But the most terrifying asset at her disposal is a group of Lin Kuei -- Chinese ninjas -- who perform whatever "wet work" she needs done. Major Tom 2009
  19. And here are the femme fatales who're involved in one way or another with our two villains -- Diabolika and Thaluna (at least my interpetations of them): I pictured Thaluna as having Vulcan-type ears; because of her crown, however, they wouldn't really show much. The gauntlets that I'd included as part of her costume could be more than merely decorative; they could have powers like those of a Goa'uld hand device (healing abiities, a close-range killing attack, and a ranged energy attack). As for Diabolika (considering who she's associated with), I decided to give her outfit a bit of a dominatrix slant. Major Tom 2009
  20. And here's the next in the lineup -- Nick Arroyo (inspired by Steve Canyon): Nick is an ex-Air Force pilot whose last combat assignments were to provide close air support to coalition ground forces during the conflict in Iraq; if the Defenders were to have a jet transport of some sort, he'd be the one chosen to fly it (with Milinda as his co-pilot, assuming she has the right skills for the job). If he were to be written up with some more-than-human abilities, they'd probably be faster reflexes and an above-normal DEX. Major Tom 2009
  21. OK, here's the new version of Diabolon, complete with warp-drive devil wings: Major Tom 2009
  22. Thanks; in case you were wondering about the cane that I gave him, I'd seen where you'd written that if he has a chance before a fight, he would come up with some sort of device to give himself an advantage. So I figured that he'd have a remote control hidden inside of something fairly ordinary-looking -- like a cane, for instance. Major Tom 2009
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