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Major Tom 2009

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Everything posted by Major Tom 2009

  1. Here's a bit of a creature feature for this thread -- the Hydra: Major Tom 2009
  2. Here's her pic (I did forget about the billy club and throwing disc, though; you could always say that they're hanging on the back of her belt ): Major Tom 2009
  3. Here's what I came up with for Cerberus, appearance-wise: Major Tom 2009
  4. I don't remember where I saw it, but 'nova' is one term that's been used to refer to metahuman beings in the past. Major Tom 2009
  5. Is it possible that your term is inspired by the New Mutant character of Cannonball? He certainly qualified for most of the terms in the F.I.S.S. acronym, and he was most definitely a 'rocket'. Major Tom 2009
  6. Had a bit of an idea on how students of the New Salem Academy might look (training outfit-wise), and this is what I came up with -- Gabriel Hawthorne and Lyrielle Oakheart, both of whom are currently in their sophomore year at NSA: Gabriel is a seventh-generation wizard-in-training (a seventh son of a seventh son), while Lyrielle is the half-elven daughter of a full-blooded Elven nobleman and a human sorceress. While both of them are now the best of friends (with a bit of a romantic attachment thrown in), this wasn't always the case; in- deed, when they first met, they nearly came to blows due to an accidentally-cast spell on Gabriel's part (he'd been trying to change the form of a vase into something else, only for the spell to be changed and deflected away from the vase because of an existing enchantment upon it). The spell in question struck Lyrielle and permanently changed her hair color from its original black to the platinum blonde that it has remained to this day. Although she was upset with the change, she eventually accepted it (along with Gabriel's heartfelt apologies) and came to appreciate the attention she got because of it, especially from the male student body. But it was Gabriel's attention that she appreciated most of all, and the two event- ually became friends. Their families have likewise become friends, and they all spend their Summer vacations together, alternating between Else Earth and the Land of Legends (where Lyrielle's family lives). Although the two teens don't realize it, this closeness between their families has come about as the result of a visit from an Elven seeress, who told both families that Gabriel and Lyrielle were not only destined to be together, but that they would also face great danger to themselves in the future, and that only together could they hope to survive it. Since then, their families have been giving the two teens additional instruction in the mystic arts, both in the Elven and Human traditions. Neither has been told of the seeress' pronouncement regarding them as yet. Major Tom 2009
  7. This was the only way that I could think of to represent Noqx -- as a non-humanoid being resembling a giant molecular cluster with an electron cloud-type of field surrounding it: The field surrounding Noqx could be a way for it to absorb ambient energy from its environment, giving it additional energy with which to fuel its transformations without exhausting its own energy. Major Tom 2009
  8. Here's what I'd come up with for a possible look for A-L-X: I'd decided to depict her as having blond hair in her human form (the memories she got from her "father" suggested that blondes had a reputation for being stupid, so she decided to use that to her advantage; if her enemies thought that she was less intelligent than she actually was, that they would severely underestimate her, and discount her as a threat). Her pic shows her transforming into a Homid/Lycan-like form, with her right arm already transformed. She'd probably carry a bag with a duplicate set of clothes like those that she happens to be wearing at a given moment (I'm assuming that, while there's a size limit to what she can transform into creature-wise, some of her forms are probably very destructive to her attire -- unless, of course, the DoS has access to a Reed Richards- type with expertise in unstable molecular fabrics ). Major Tom 2009
  9. There was a plot seed in the Champions/Silver Age Sentinels crossover book Reality Storm that applies to that situation. Basically, the PC heroes get hold of a copy of a brand-new superhero comic, in which the adventures of a superhero team called the Guard fights supercrime and other threats in their hometown of Empire City (the New York of that comic universe). The only ones who know that the Guard is a real team are the PCs, who had joined forces with them to pre- vent the destruction of both of their Earths during the Reality Storm. One possibility is that the comic book creators (as well as TV and movie producers and screenwriters) are being enabled to "see" these other universes in what they believe to be dreams, but which are actually psychic projections from a being (or beings) not unlike the Q or Trelaine of Star Trek, and are inspired to write about these 'fictional' characters (or to make TV shows or movies about them). Major Tom 2009
  10. The good thing is that FdH16 has the 8-pointed star in its symbol menu, which made it easy to include it in her pic. Major Tom 2009
  11. OK, when I made the statement about the Rangers' guns doing 1 to 2 DCs less than the Justice Blaster, I was basing my estimates on a damage of 12d6 for Jet's weapon, with the Rangers' guns doing between 10 to 11 dice of damage. Major Tom 2009
  12. I had a bit of an idea, and I'd like to bounce it off of you as a possible addition to the DoS: While the Defenders themselves are a fairly skilled and powerful group, the forces and resources available to Diabolon and his ilk are considerably greater than their own, meaning that they could find themselves in a situation where they'd find themselves being overrun and captured. To avoid this possibility, Admiral Farragut suggested to the Defenders that a group of agents be selected from the ranks of the FBI and U.S. Special Forces personnel -- Army Rangers, Marine Force Re- con, and Navy SEALs -- cross-trained in the others' specialties, and armed with the most advanced weapons possible. These agents -- who would be known as Justice Rangers -- would provide support to the Defenders when necessary, and would also provide any after-action assistance (most likely emergency first-aid procedures) to any victims unfortunate to be caught in the vicinity. Farragut turned to the scientists of Project Trident for aid in this endeavor, and -- with the help of Jet Justice, who was able to provide the necessary technological knowledge for them to work with -- they were able to create the equipment and weaponry for use by the Justice Rangers. The uniforms worn by the Rangers -- designed to resemble Jet's own uniform -- are a hybrid mix of Kevlar and Nomex (for protection against bullets and fire), plus a network of microtubes which can provide cooling or warmth (depending upon both the particular chemical pack installed and the climate where they may find themselves operating in) for up to six hours; there is also a mesh of wiring which serves as the projection grid for a protective force field, which can block all but the most powerful hand-held (or crew-served) energy weapons. Both the microtube and projection grid systems are concealed beneath the outer layers of the uniforms, and are powered by a thermo- conversion energy source, which converts the wearers' body heat into usable electrical power; part of the TC system is a step-up transformer, which amplifies the electrical energy produced by the wearers' body heat to levels sufficient to power both systems at once. A set of backup capacitors in each uniform provides emergency power in the event of main power failure. The helmets, in addition to the armor protection provided to their wearers, have built-in secure communications gear as well as hybrid infra-red/low-light vision capability. As for weapons, the scientists were able to duplicate the Justice Blaster (in function if not form), even if the results of their labor weren't quite as powerful as the original (at least a DC or two lower than Jet's weapon); as for heavier weapons, the Rangers make use of weapons such as the USAS-12 12- gauge semiautomatic shotgun (using beanbag, flechette, and high-explosive antipersonnel rounds as needed), with heavier weapons -- antiarmor rockets, for instance -- used on an 'as needed' basis. The only piece of Jet's gear that the scientists haven't yet been able to duplicate is his flight pack. Major Tom 2009
  13. This is as close as FdH2016 will let me get to your description of Ishtar: Major Tom 2009
  14. "Beeeaaaaammmss...Beeeaaaaammmss." (Battle cry of a tech zombie) Major Tom 2009
  15. Disruptor beam (Energy RKA) Pulsar Beam (Autofire EB w/Explosion) Neural Inhibitor beam (NND, defense is force field or not having a nervous system) Neutralizer beam (Suppress vs. electronic devices) Torch beam (AP EB; used like a laser cutting torch) What do you think of these names for the Justice Blaster's beam settings? Major Tom 2009
  16. Here's an idea I had for how the Headmistress of St.Mary's might look (both in her public persona and in her secret persona): Major Tom 2009
  17. Yeah, there is that -- but then again, I seem to remember that the Wicked family has managed to survive for generations by means of their morally questionable customs. So I think it'd be more than likely that, even if the current Mister Wicked were to shuffle off the mortal coil due to the actions of a superhero (or superhero group), it would only be a matter of years before a new Mister Wicked appeared to pick up where his pro- genitor left off. Major Tom 2009
  18. Here's an old friend from one of steriaca's past threads -- Mister Wicked: He's being posted here mostly for Nothere's benefit, since he'd asked about "a masked fiend with a Victorian-age obsession" (as I'd put it). Major Tom 2009
  19. Here's a Fdh16 version (two, actually) of my old character -- Powerstar: When in his native universe and time period (the Champions Universe), he looks as he does in the first pic. When in alternate universes or time periods, however, he not only wears a mask but also uses a small part of his power to make his eyes glow (not unlike how the Green Lanterns' eyes are disguised by their power). Major Tom 2009
  20. Here's a possible member of the DoS whose inspiration shoudn't be too hard to guess -- Prince Bjorn: Bjorn is a descendant of Vikings who were transplanted on an Earth-like world by an advanced race centuries ago in order to preserve the Norse culture of that time; while many of the more savage customs have faded with the passage of time, the Vikings of Skyhaven -- their name for their world -- have remained formidable warriors to this day. While their martial prowess is known throughout the civilized worlds of the galaxy, they are also known for one other thing, one that has caused a great deal of trouble for them -- that some of the most beautiful women in the galaxy can be found on Skyhaven. Needless to say, this has had the effect of attracting pirates and slavers in droves, all hoping to get that million-credit cargo: a hold full of Skyhaven women to sell on the galactic slave market. The warriors of Skyhaven, however, were more than able to keep their womenfolk safe from that fate -- that is, until the day that Diabolon and his forces arrived to plunder the planet. In spite of the ferocious defense mounted by the Vikings, Diabolon's forces managed to capture a large number of young women -- among whom was Bjorn's own sister, Brunnhilde, who was regarded as the most beautiful of Skyhaven's women. Before the last of the pirate raider craft left to rejoin Diabolon's flagship, Bjorn managed to board it in the hope of being able to rescue his sister and the other kidnapped women. Before he could do any- thing, however, the ship executed a hyperspace jump, which took it to Earth's solar system. Upon its arrival, the pirates -- led in person by Diabolon -- launched a raid in order to kidnap some of Earth's women for the same purpose (minus, of course, those who Diabolon kept for himself); however, the Defenders of Sol were quick to intercept them before they could carry out their raid. Taking advantage of the distraction, Bjorn managed to free the women from their captivity -- with the exeception of Brunnhilde, who had been locked in Diabolon's own quarters -- and launched an attack from the rear. With the help of the Defenders, Bjorn and the kidnapped women were able to escape from the pirate ship. Enraged by the failure of his plan, Diabolon fled from the fight, swearing vengeance upon the Defenders and Bjorn as he did so. Having heard from the rescued women that their arch-foe still held the sister of their Prince captive aboard his ship, the Defenders pledged their support to Bjorn to find and free Brunnhilde from her captor, and extended an offer of membership in their group to him. Impressed by the fighting skills of the Defenders, Bjorn accepted, and has been a member ever since. NOTES: As a member of Skyhaven's Viking society, Bjorn is an expert with all of the traditional weapons of his people, which is reflected in his choice of weapons -- dagger, longsword, and a weapon called the Maul of Ragnar, which he inherited from his father. The Maul -- forged from a metal native to Skyhaven called 'demi-uru' -- weighs 30 lbs, and in Bjorn's capable hands is a terrifying, man-crushing weapon. The picture next to Bjorn's is of his younger sister Brunnhilde. Major Tom 2009 Skoal!
  21. Was this more or less what you had in mind for how the Gray Ghost is supposed to look? Major Tom 2009
  22. And yet another conceptual image, this time of the Gray Ghost: I went with a bit of a Moon Knight look with this one, only in shades of gray instead. I had originally wanted to have a cloud of mist down around his lower body, to add a little bit of creepiness to the pic, but there wasn't any real way to do it (bummer). Major Tom 2009
  23. Here's the FdH16 version of Guardian: Major Tom 2009
  24. And here's a conceptual image of Capt. Patience Prudence: I drew inspiration from two different sources when doing this one: the Space Patrol uniforms from E.E. "Doc" Smith's Lensman novels, and the Angelina Jolie character from Sky Captain and the World of Tomorrow (definitely a nod to Nick Fury there; she even had a Helicarrier, for crying out loud!). I figured that any woman in a position of power in such an organization would be a no-nonsense type who, if she smiles at all, does so rarely. I also decided to give her a memento of her early SSF career: a leftover remnant of a scar on the left side of her face, running diagonally from near her left ear to just shy of the corner of her mouth (I figured that, even if the medical science of Jet Justice's universe is advanced enough to completely remove scars like hers, she'd go ahead and keep it so that she could use it to impress upon new members of the SSF just how dangerous their career choice is likely to be) -- the result of a fight with some of Diabolon's lackeys. While it's too small to see in this pic, the organization badge on the left side of her uniform is shaped like the badges worn by the Texas Rangers, with a chess rook (the castle piece) representing the sanctuary part of the organization Major Tom 2009
  25. I finally figured out where the transparancy function is on FdH16. In the section where the color palette is, there are boxes next to the first and second color choices, with the number 100 in all of them. By clicking on the 'down' box, you can reduce the 'solidity' of a chosen part, such as the glass dome piece (a square-shaped piece with rounded corners at the top and a round bulge at the bottom) in the Helm 2 menu. I found that out yesterday when I was doing the pic of Princess Aquaria for the Defenders of Sol part of the Create A Hero Team thread, and accidentally clicked on the button a few times before I saw the head start to show through the helm piece. Hope that this is of use to my fellow perusers of FdH16. Major Tom 2009
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