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Major Tom 2009

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Everything posted by Major Tom 2009

  1. So Xongo has two resident heroines, eh? And both of royal blood, as well. Major Tom 2009
  2. Vixiana, the commander of Diabolon's starfighter wing: When the evil pirate mastermind needs air support to further one of his diabolical schemes, this alien foxgirl is the one to whom he turns for that support. Possessed of reflexes comparable to those of Earth's finest fighter pilots and with dogfighting skills to match, Vixiana was the scourge of both the SSF and the space police of Jet Justice's universe. Until she came across the dimensional barrier from her universe to Champions Earth, she hadn't really encountered anyone who could match her in air-to-air combat -- until she came up against Nick Arroyo during one of the earliest battles against Diabolon following the creation of the DoS. During the course of the fight, the two adversaries found themselves evenly matched, with neither being able to gain the kill-shot position until a surprise maneuver by Nick put him on her 'six'. Choosing not to destroy her outright, Nick chose to cripple Vixiana's fighter instead, forcing her to call a retreat from the scene of the battle -- the first time that anyone had ever accomplished such a feat against her. Ever since her defeat, she has taken to studying every piece of information that she can get on Nick Arroyo in an attempt to understand her enemy. In spite of the fact that they are enemies, Nick and Vixiana have a mutual admiration for one another, even if neither one of them is aware of it. Her starfighter wing is known as the Demonwings. Major Tom 2009
  3. Octulus, one of Diabolon's top lieutenants: A tentacled alien from a race native to the same universe from which both Diabolon and Jet Justice come, Octulus handles the slave-catching operations for the pirate mastermind whenever he's occupied with one of his many schemes (such as his ongoing attempts to make Milinda Terra his very own, and to dispose of Jet Justice once and for all). The eight tentacles which come from Octulus' upper back are studded with hollow spikes which are connect- ed to venom glands; these glands produce a mild neurotoxin which is capable of paralyzing a victim without killing him or her. They can produce enough toxin to paralyze up to four fully-grown adult humans at once, after which it takes 24 hours to replenish the venom supply. Octulus possesses low-level superhumanoid strength (STR 30), and is fully amphibious, able to function in water as well as upon land. Major Tom 2009
  4. Here's another member of Captain Trident's Rogues' Gallery -- the energy-draining villainess Lamprey: The suit worn by this undersea menace not only enables her to swim at high speeds, but also to drain energy from virtually any source, whether biologically or mechanically generated. In addition, it also enables her to interface with any computer system which draws its power from whatever power system she's connected to at the time; coupled with with her information-gathering skills, this ability makes her an effective espionage agent and saboteur. Lamprey's energy-draining abilities also make her a skilled kidnapper, as they can render a victim unconscious and very weak. She first encountered Captain Trident when she attempted to steal classified data -- part of which was information about the existence of Project: Trident -- from a top-secret computer server facility. Due to the Captain's efforts, Lamprey failed in this attempt to steal government secrets, which she would have sold to the highest bidder had she been successful. She has held a grudge against him ever since. Major Tom 2009
  5. Here's Corporal Crayfish in his heavy-duty deep-sea armor: Given that the Corporal didn't have access to the advanced technology of Project: Trident, the suit that he did manage to come up with is actually an impressive piece of machinery. To begin with, the Crayfish armor acts as a one-man submarine, enabling its wearer to function normally at depths that SCUBA- equipped divers can't -- not without suffering crippling or even fatal injuries (the suit is rated for a depth of 2,000 feet below the surface of the ocean). A back-mounted propulsion unit allows the wearer to move through the water at speeds comparable to modern submarines (between 20 to 30 knots), and its hydraul- ically-assisted limbs enable him to move and walk normally on the ocean floor in spite of the water press- res at such depths. The Crayfish armor is equipped with several items which, although they weren't originally designed or in- tended to be used as weapons, can be used in an offensive role. The first of these "weapons" are the cutting claws which take the place of hands on the armor. Originally designed to allow the wearer to tear through the outer hulls of ships, the claws are more than capable of inflicting horrific damage (either cut- tng or blunt-force trauma) upon a living being. In the event of an emergency requiring the use of his normal hands, there is a mechanism which enables the wearer to jettison the claws; the hands themselves remain protected by the armored gauntlets beneath the claws. In addition to the claws, there are four manipulator arms that are attached to the rear of the armor, and which are normally used to handle materials that are too dangerous for the wearer to touch himself (radioactive or heavily-irradiated items, for example); each arm ends in a three-fingered "hand". By them- selves, the arms wouldn't be effective weapons, as they're intended for delicate handling of dangerous items, rather than hand-to-hand combat. What does make them effective weapons are the high-speed plasma cutters built into each "hand". When active, the cutters can rapidly cut a hole in the hull of a ship (think of the opening scene in Aliens where, after the lifeboat from the Nostromo has been picked up by the ship that found it, its crew uses its cutter to remove the lifeboat's hatch in 10 seconds or less), in situat- ions where rapid access is needed. Because of the limited range of the cutters (the plasma jet is only 6 inches long), the wearer has to be within what most people euphemistically refer to as "knife-fighting range" in order to use them in that way. The suit's breathing gases (which are good for six hours; eight with the suit's rebreather) are a mixture of oxygen and helium, which helps to counter the effects of nitrogen in the human body (nitrogen narcosis and the "bends") that can result from prolonged exposure to the pressure of the ocean depths. Now that Corporal Crayfish is part of the group being trained by the DoS, the armor is being examined by Project: Trident to see what needs to be done to bring it up to the same level as Captain Trident's suit. Major Tom 2009
  6. I found her entry on Wikipedia, only it was spelled 'Boid' (which, admittedly, has that down-home-Brooklyn sound to it). Major Tom 2009
  7. Here's my idea of what a suit of life-support armor for Krishna Khan might look like: Controlled by a neural-interface web built into the helmet, the armor enables Khan to move normally while putting the least amount of stress upon his damaged body. In addition, the enhanced auditory and visual sensors in the helm compensate for his poor hearing and sight, while providing protection against high-intensity flash and sonic attacks. The armor also has an internal oxygenation system which, in conjunction with its built-in medpack, keeps his blood oxygen at normal levels while providing protection from knockout or toxic gases. The armor also has a strength-boost capability which enables Khan to increase its strength to levels equal to that of Captain Trident at his 'normal' strength (STR 40). It also has a flight pack which en- ables him to fly, and its outer shell can withstand weapons fire up to .50-caliber machine-gun fire. Its ranged offensive capabilities consist of palm-mounted 'force blasters', which are capable of striking an opponent with physical force (at low power) or penetrating two-inch thick armor plate (at full power). Major Tom 2009
  8. How's this for the Blue Boy? Major Tom 2009
  9. Black Raven, a particularly bitter enemy of Nick Arroyo: Black Raven (her real identity was erased by friends of hers who worked in the Iraqi intelligence service) is the sister of an Iraqi pilot who had a penchant for strafing defenseless ground targets, especially if they happened to be Kurdish refugees. During the conflict in Iraq, he was engaged in his "hobby" one day when a coalition pilot -- then-Lieutenant Nicholas Arroyo, U.S.A.F. -- encountered him and engaged him in air-to-air combat. While the Iraqi pilot was a well-trained combatant, he was no match for Nick's superior skills, and the fight soon ended with the Iraqi pilot and his plane being transformed into a cloud of flaming wreckage. When the pilot's sister learned about her brother's death, she swore revenge against the man responsible and set about learning to be a fighter pilot, so that she would be able to avenge his death. In the course of her training, she realized that she would need help in order to gain her revenge, so she began to seek out other pilots with a grudge against the coalition. Over the course of several months, she managed to recruit a group of 12 other pilots, who she named the Ravens' Unkindness. Black Raven finances the group by taking mercenary work in various countries in both Africa and the Middle East; the money earned by these jobs is being saved for the day when Black Raven is ready to pursue her plan of vengeance against Nick Arroyo in earnest. The fighters used by the Ravens' Unkindness are surplus U.S.-built F-5 'Freedom Fighter' twin-seater jet fighters, which are kept in good working order by the best mechanics that Black Raven could hire. Major Tom 2009
  10. Here's Lady Mystica's Rogues' Gallery: From left to right: Bronze Jackal: This mercenary terrorist, while lacking any kind of special powers, is nevertheless one of Lady Mystica's most dangerous adversaries. Skilled in the use of both explosives and firearms, as well as being a master of unarmed combat, Bronze Jackal is also a master of disguise (his name comes from both the mask he wears as well as his signature trademark -- a small bronze sculpture of a jackal which he leaves at the scene of one of his crimes). He first ran afoul of Lady Mystica at one of her performances, when he attempted to kidnap a foreign diplomat who was in the audience. Using her powers, she managed to thwart the kidnap attempt, forcing Bronze Jackal to flee without his prize. Since then, he has borne a grudge against the magician, and has periodically attempted to take revenge upon her. Green Mamba: This freelance assassin had a well-deserved reputation for never failing to kill her assigned target -- until an unknown party hired her to assassinate Lady Mystica. It was only through the use of her powers -- and the timely aid of her Gurkha assistant and friend Alebahadur -- that Lady Mystica was able to foil Green Mamba's attempts. Her failure to kill Lady Mystica proved to be a blot on her -- until that moment -- spotless record, one that saw a decline in contracts that would normally have been offered to her. Ever since then, she has attempted on several occasions to avenge her failure. Magus: No one knows from where this magically-powerful master villain came, but from things that he's said during his encounters with Lady Mystica, he's someone from her past -- someone who believes that she has wronged him in some way. Thus far, their encounters have ended in stalemate, but he remains determined to bring about her defeat -- and enslave her forever. EDIT: It was rather late at night when I'd made this post, so I didn't have time to put a description of their basic character types down as well. Bronze Jackal is a highly-trained normal, while Green Mamba is a low-level meta- human with heightened reflexes and limited super-speed (she's just slightly slower than Quicksilver, but still faster than an ordinary human being), who also possesses claws and fangs which enable her to deliver a deadly venom into her victims; this venom is identical to that possessed by her namesake, and she is also immune to it. Magus is a high-level sorcerer with the ability to wield some of the darkest and most powerful magics in exist- ence, and there are rumors that he has a demonic "sponsor". Major Tom 2009
  11. I'd figured that was who Brut-X and Seaweed were based on; all I had to do in Brut-X's case was to give him a bigger body type than Cap, as well as to give him a 'techno-barbarian' look (and some serious 5 o'Clock shadow to boot). Seaweed was a little bit harder to do, as the Pants menu in FdH2016 doesn't have a tatter- ed dress skirt in it, so I had to improvise by using a pair of the raggedey-bottomed capes from the Back menu. The easy part was making her look like one ugggggggggggggggggly-looking wench (to use Redd Foxx's turn of phrase). Major Tom 2009
  12. Here are Brut-X and Seaweed from Captain Trident's Rogues' Gallery: Major Tom 2009
  13. This is what I came up with for Saffron and Kimya appearance-wise: Is this close to what you had in mind for them? Major Tom 2009
  14. Who are Saffron and Kimya? Major Tom 2009
  15. Rising Star, a Japanese superheroine with solar-energy powers, flight, and limited superstrength: Major Tom 2009
  16. And here's Krishna Khan: (Obviously, this is a pic of Khan in his pre-bedridden days; it probably wouldn't be too much of a stretch of the imagination for him to wind up with a set of life-support armor -- courtesy of Savge Magnus -- which would let him actively pursue the Little Saint.) I can't help but think that the Little Saint is a homage of sorts to The Immortal, a show from the late '60s/early '70s which featured Christopher George as the title character -- a man possessed of a unique blood type which, if transfused into another human being who had suffered serious life- threatening injuries, would heal those injuries. His family also benefited from this as well, and were exceptionally long-lived as a result. When a wealthy man for whom he worked recovered from near- fatal injuries following a transfusion from the main character -- and discovered the nature of his blood -- he had his employee kidnapped so that he would be the only person to benefit from periodic transfusions of his blood. Managing to escape from his captivity, the main character went on the run, both to keep out of his enemy's clutches and to find his lost brother, the only other person who shared his blood type -- and whose existence had become known to his pursuers. Major Tom 2009
  17. Here's what I came up with pic-wise for the Little Saint and Tiger: Major Tom 2009
  18. A random thought of Diabolon's: "These humans must indeed have some knowledge of the Infernal Realms...Why else would they say 'When Hell freezes over'?" Major Tom 2009
  19. One thing I really wanted to do with Cadfield's pic was to give him some special effects around his eyes to show his mental powers, only HeroMachine doesn't have that option (bummer). Major Tom 2009
  20. One possible bennie for Paul Luka (as a result of his association with with Ms. Peacebilll, assuming he winds up as her bodyguard) would be a device created by Becca called an "exo-field" -- a high-tech belt that can generate an energy field which not only acts like a suit of powered armor (giving him increased speed and strength, as well as protecting him from physical harm), it also provides life support (against chemical, biological, and radiation- based attacks, as well as vacuum). Major Tom 2009
  21. Never heard of Ming's Men of Frost until now; my idea was that Diabolon was trying to think of some kind of weapon to use against the Defenders, and was looking at various Earth technologies for ideas. At the same time, he was also amusing himself by watching Earth movies and television, and happened upon a showing of Terminator: Rise of the Machines. He was immediately impressed by the tracked Hunter-Killer Robots, and ordered his scientists to create something similar for his own use. While they were able to create the basic machine without difficulty, they were unable to produce a control computer which could cope with unexpected situations; it was at this point that one of Diabolon's spies brought word to him of a brilliant scientist who had made advances in the field of computer heuristics (programs which allow computers to "learn" from experience) and robotics. Diabolon therefore gave the order for the scientist to be kidnapped and brought to him, where he could be forced to work on the robotic killing machines. (I rather like the idea of Ms. Peacebill's father being the first unfortunate victim/brain donor; if nothing else, it would give her boatloads of motivation to come up with ways to fight Diabolon.) Major Tom 2009
  22. I'm guessing that Paul Luka will probably wind up being Ms. Peacebill's bodyguard (when he's not kicking pirate butt)? Major Tom 2009
  23. And here's Cadfield, the psychic cat and semi-mascot of the DoS: Major Tom 2009
  24. One of Diabolon's newest, and most cruel, terror weapons -- the Atrocitron: Controlled by an organic brain -- usually taken from someone close to one of Diabolon's enemies -- which has been outfitted with neural control implants, an Atrocitron is a heavily-armed killing mach- ine which the pirate mastermind has only recently begun to deploy since his arrival on Champions Earth. Armed with a rapid-firing Pulsar Gatling gun, two antiarmor missiles armed with plasma war- heads and four claw-tipped tentacle arms, an Atrocitron is more than capable of laying waste to a city block in a matter of minutes. Defense against weapons ranging from those available to the police to those possessed by military units -- such as TOW missiles and light cannon -- is provided by a built-in force field generator. Normally, these mechanical horrors are deployed singly; when Diabolon is in a particularly "sharing" mood, however, he will send up to six Atrocitrons to spread destruction and terror over a wide area. What makes it so difficult to fight an Atrocitron is the knowledge on the part of the defenders that not only is the machine being controlled by the brain of a friend or loved one, but also the knowl- edge that the only way to stop the machine -- and to end the suffering of the victim -- is to destroy the brain controlling it. Major Tom 2009
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