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Everything posted by Vanguard00

  1. Re: A Thread for Random Musings What the heck is vanilla porn?
  2. Re: The cranky thread I don't like having to give rep to 19 more people to get around to the one guy I wanna give rep to. I doubt I've handed rep out to 20 people total at all. Perhaps something like "can't give to the same person within 30 days" would be more appropriate.
  3. Re: Longest Running Thread EVER The catsuit thread revived in a big way, and the 2nd NGD Bikini Contest and hot flying hero babe threads probably didn't help, either.
  4. Re: Deathstalker novels for Pulp Sci-Fi I read most of 'em years ago so I'm not up on the details, but I do remember it was a "rollicking good time". Very space-opera-esque. You could do worse for inspiration.
  5. Re: The cranky thread I think my boss takes way too much advantage of the part of my job description that says "Other duties as required".
  6. Re: What Fantasy/Sci-Fi book have you just finished? Please rate it... I just finished two books in rapid succession, both recommended by a friend of mine. "Other People's Heroes" by Blake Petit is a humorous look at superheroes. The tag per Amazon: I highly recommend this book. Petit writes with a very light touch, using lots of humor and satire without giving up action or believability (in the context of the genre, anyway). It's a quick read, too, but very enjoyable. The other book is "Those Who Walk In Darkness" by John Ridley. The tag per Publisher's Weekly: Much darker with the first one, the morality is very gray in this story, but still quite enjoyable. I found myself hating a lot of what the protagonist represented while still wanting to read more about her. It's a very cool take on the world of metahumans, and not one I've seen done in games. Again, highly recommended.
  7. Re: The cranky thread Depending on the person I'm talking to, after hearing about their troubles (and some have been pretty harsh), I sometimes give the sympathetic "Sorry to hear that, man," followed by "But it could be worse..." "It could be me."
  8. Re: marvel conversions John Desmarais has a conversion from Marvel to 4th Edition on his site: http://www.sysabend.org/champions/rules/Marvel%20to%20Hero.html It wouldn't be all that difficult to do the converstion to 4th edition, then upgrade it to 5th.
  9. Re: Answers & Questions Q: So the anti-Christ had an older brother, huh? Wonder what his 'mark' was... A: Yodeling, but sometimes Jello.
  10. Re: Answers & Questions Q: Hey, good seein' you ag--whoa! What's that smell? A: Don't ask him how much time you have left.
  11. Re: Answers & Questions Q: What's this new pretzel exercise called? A: Either root canal or Bette Midler.
  12. Re: Whattya call it? Thanks for the replies thus far, folks. I'm forwarding 'em on to the GM as they come in. I think "188x" and "Weird Wild West" are frontrunners, but "Briscoe County Hero" got a chuckle. Keep 'em comin' if you can.
  13. Re: A Thread for Random Musings I have done absolutely nothing productive today. No laundry. No dishes. No cleaning in general. No goin' to the grocery store. Not even paying bills. All of which (and more!) needs doing. And I can't seem to care.
  14. Re: Longest Running Thread EVER Or his career. Hard to say.
  15. Re: Longest Running Thread EVER If he's at all like me then it's probably natural. I get the "geez, you look pissed" comment a lot (or some variation thereof), when deep inside I'm thinkin', "Gee, I really like vanilla".
  16. Re: from little plot seeds, mighty games do grow: Share you ideas! Kirby feels I'm a hypocrit for judging him for judging steriaca, and then not letting him reply on the boards (my invitation to take our discussion private). I don't have any idea how to respond to his two-page PM, so I'm tossing in the towel. My apologies, Kirby, for ever saying anything. You're obviously more heated about this issue than I am, and I am posting here so that everyone knows I concede. I apparently shouldn't have said anything at all. Again, my apologies.
  17. Re: Is "evil race" an intrinsically rascist concept?
  18. Re: Is "evil race" an intrinsically rascist concept? Whoa there, Sally. I never said any such thing. I would never say any such thing. You ought to look up the word "explicitly", cuz I don't think it means what you think it means. I didn't even disagree with your position. You, like another, need to not put words in my mouth and just read the words on the page. What I said was, I don't believe that you contribute to roleplaying or gaming in general in any appreciable fashion with these questions, and that I don't appreciate your presence on the genre threads. I also suggested going to NGD and posting your questions there without the veneer of "as it relates to gaming". Go back and check my post. That's what I said. Honest. I'll wait... My opinion is as good as any other on this board and I expressed it after watching you continually direct the thread into (potentially) increasingly inflammatory areas. I maintain that belief. Being my belief, it is never wrong. It can be misguided, based on a false premise, changed at a later date, but never wrong. It's what I believe right now, and it's perfectly valid. I'm a curious sort so I had to check at least a couple of 'em out. This is one I followed all the way through, just to see if my theory bore up under scrutiny. It does. I might not ever say anything again, having spoken my piece here. Ignoring you is certainly an option, of course, but I don't think it's come to that yet. It's my belief that in the common usage on discussion boards, and based upon what I've seen so far, that you're a troll. A well-spoken and seemingly well-educated troll, and perhaps untintentionally so, but your questions are all geared towards inciting heated debate, something which usually quickly disolves into flaming as buttons are pushed. Your questions about women, race, etc, seem highly inflammatory, and in the context in which you present them they seem to have only the thinnest relationship to gaming, and virtually none at all the Hero System genre boards in which you post them. I can't do anything about your presence here but come right out and say that I don't appreciate it. That's it. That's what I came to say. I can't do anything more than that. It's not my place to, nor would I have it any other way. I do, however, have the right to say such, and I felt it appropriate, so I did.
  19. Re: from little plot seeds, mighty games do grow: Share you ideas! Following your dismantling of his post from a grammer/syntax point of view, I thought so. There was certainly enough information to run with. It wasn't necessary for him to post a campaign novel. I understand that you didn't have a malicious intent, but I'm letting you know it came across as harsh to my eyes. Well, using your analogy, what I saw you do was shoot him before he got to the cliff and then explain why you felt you had to do it. I thought you could have come across in a much more helpful and less caustic manner. But they're not all critiqued. I'd be willing to bet that fully 80% or more of the posts made to this list aren't critiqued. Of the ideas posted here, I'd say that percentage goes up above 90%. It wasn't necessary to dismantle his post AND his style. It is indeed, since I judged your post to be worthless in terms of constructive criticism. I maintain you were overly harsh. [As an aside, I should give you rep for making me look up a word. How on earth did you know that word?] So post a more complete version, as I did. Contribute, don't detract. He posted a good skeleton of an idea. Fill in the details yourself. That's the idea anyway. There was no need to call him to task for not coming up with every detail. There are plenty of ideas on this list you've completely ignored that have missing details. Some simply end in a question and leave it up to the GM to decide what the deal is. I doubt you're any smarter or dumber than I am, so I'm sure you could've used his idea to come up with one of your own. It's better to use positive reinforcement and show how to better post an idea than it is to use negative reinforcement and show how NOT to. It's my believe you used the latter method. I believe I was on target. I was less judgmental of you than you were of steriaca. I judged your post, though, and I found it wanting in terms of simple courtesy. All I'm saying is that there are better ways to say what you said. Perhaps there was a better way to say what I wanted to say. There usually is. However, the point is that it seemed to me that you were so concerned with spelling and syntax that you neglected courtesy and empathy. That's all I was trying to say, and, oddly enough, that's pretty much what I said. Feel free to continue this privately, if you wish. I see no reason to clutter up the boards further.
  20. Re: Longest Running Thread EVER Psst! It's "Accidental Infinite Loop!"
  21. Re: Longest Running Thread EVER I have to admit, post-padding aside, this is definitely more entertaining than actually working. Although, oddly enough, I'm getting paid the same.
  22. Re: Longest Running Thread EVER That was a difficult sentence to get through, for some reason. EDIT: It's probably just me. D-Man's made my head spin...
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