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Everything posted by Vanguard00

  1. Re: Longest Running Thread EVER That's one of those things that just cracks people up when they see me doin' it. Something about being 6'3" & 285 lbs, emitting a high-pitched little squeak and swatting at tenuous threads. Oh, and hiccups. Me with the hiccups gives my girlfriend the giggles. It's not pretty. And the pee-pee dance when you can't get your key in the front door, but that's a different thread....
  2. Re: The Last Word Three. Starlord converted, too. I'm waitin' for the perky-version of Mechanon to show up on the right any day now...
  3. Re: A Thread for Random Musings I just spent $170 on groceries. I live alone, and while my girlfriend does eat here on occasion, it's usually just me. I made sure all my cabinets were well stocked with soup, chili, various pasta/rice type things, and so on. My freezer has a nice selection of meats as well as frozen dinners. I have plenty of juice, milk, soda, beer, cheese, bread, fruits and veggies, and all the usual things one would find in a fridge. In short, I have a well and truly full inventory of foodstuffs. So I went out and bought Taco Bell, and I ain't sorry one damn bit.
  4. Re: The Last Word Heh...edited my reply cuz it looked silly. So...um...just nevermind. Move on, move on, show's over...
  5. Re: A Thread for Random Musings Now look what you did! You know who you are! Sheesh...some people's kids...
  6. Re: Conan vs. Elric Um...not sure what you're asking, QM. No offense, but that post didn't exactly "flow"
  7. Re: Help/Suggestions with 2 new Hero Groups I figured "Manta Man" was a "Stringray" homage (from Marvel). I always liked him.... Overall they seem like fine groups. Depending on your point total, though, you may want to consider adding one or two heroes to certain groups. They have a lot of territory to cover and it wouldn't hurt having an extra body around, especially if any villain teams make an appearance. But again, your point totals might cover this eventuality.
  8. Re: Discuss: XP spent during adventures I wouldn't have allowed the lowering of a CvK in the middle of that particular incident. I would have enforced the existing Disad level and allowed them to buy it down after the scenario/adventure. I do allow the spending of XP during an adventure on a case by case basis. Many times it makes sense (adding a 1-pt contact, adjusting a power slightly due to training, etc). It just depends on what's going on, the character in question, and what the XP is to be spent on. I rarely allow more than a couple of points to be spent, either, so no one is going to be raising their attacks by 3 DC mid-adventure.
  9. Re: The Last Word Probably not.
  10. Re: The Last Word Boobs? EDIT: Uh...not tryin' to steal your schtick, but sometimes it just works...
  11. Re: The Last Word "Gadunga" - an expression with many connotations and meanings, all wrapped into one word. Joy, appreciation, sincere greetings or farewells, etc. Kinda like "aloha" mixed with "cool". It just seemed appropriate today
  12. Re: A Thread for Random Musings I got me a house. Well, not yet, but the offer is accepted and the immense paperwork mill is ready to churn out reams for me to sign. I'm not sure what I'm feelin' (this being my first house), but it's somewhere between doin' a little jig and throwin' up my socks. It's almost overwhelming...except I finally get to do laundry in my own abode. Kinda freaky in a "this is so cool!" sort of way. I didn't sleep much last night, and consequently I have a bit of a headache this morning. And I'm really not looking forward to packing and moving. I just want to be there, ya know? But I got me a house.
  13. Re: Longest Running Thread EVER A way for MightyBec to keep his stuff safe... http://www.shomertec.com/item.cfm?action=newItems&variable=1164 BTW, nice avatar, Kara
  14. Re: The Last Word Pfft...Michael Jackson. Now there's a gene pool that needs more chlorine...
  15. Re: The cranky thread One of the only things about people that I can't understand is a completely inability to see anyone else's point. I don't understand how a person can say things like "You're completely wrong" when discussing opinions. How can an opinion be wrong?! To take that one step further, how does a person say "I'm always right" no matter what? It's not like the issue is even "right vs. wrong". It might simply be a difference of opinion. But that's not enough for some folks. They have to flaunt their personal issues, hypocrisy and outright bullshit around for everyone to step in, then they get pissed when you leave footprints. Try and reason with them and you're "wrong!" You can't argue with 'em and you can't ignore 'em (circumstantial, I know). What the hell can ya do? Fah! Friggin' weenies need a boot to the head.
  16. Re: Dealing with Hunteds On rare occasions I do this, or on those incredibly rare instances where I GM a face-to-face game (which I haven't done for a couple of years now). At times, though, I go through all the PCs disads, roll where appropriate, and devise a story based on the outcome. This is my preferred method, but a PBEM GM has a lot of leeway with such things. If you roll there’s still the chance that the hunted appears several times in a row, which I think lessens the impact. The Hunted disad for me is kind of like being able to use a “wandering monster†whenever I want to, as long as it’s appropriate to the story and the level purchased. Remember, too, that it doesn’t necessarily have to be the individual/group that shows up. Maybe it’s a news story. Maybe it’s something the PC heard about in regards to the Hunted. Maybe the Hunted is already in jail and the PC needs to testify. There are all manner of ways to use a Hunted without just inserting random combat. Well, first off, does anyone ever really die? It’s possible, I suppose, in which case I’d either replace the Hunted with another (more likely) or allow the PC the option of reassigning the points (less likely). I’m a big believer in using the Hunteds like a “rogues galleryâ€, so they won’t stay in prison for long, didn’t really die, etc.
  17. Re: The Last Word I'm gettin' there. Gotta finish actual work stuff, and while I wait for things to run/print I hit the boards. Hey! I don't have to defend myself to you!
  18. Re: A Thread for Random Musings Well...bleh.
  19. Re: I Can't Believe He Played That! An anime-style were-shark in an urban Dark Champions setting. With martial arts.
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