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Everything posted by Vanguard00

  1. Re: Okay, I'm spacin'... I was simply trying to ensure myself that I wouldn't be stepping on any canon toes by developing my own scenario with IHA. Knowing that there isn't a 'Genocide' in the CU (at least not yet) helps me out in regards to a game I'm running. And thanks for the project names. I'll most likely be usin' those.
  2. Re: Okay, I'm spacin'... I remember checkin' there and it didn't mention Genocide by name. I know the IHA is probably the precusor/progenitor of Genocide, but they don't exist yet as an organization yet... ..or do they?
  3. Re: Answers & Questions Q: Why won't you let me play my powered armor character "Clunk"? A: A paperweight would probably work better.
  4. ...but does 'Genocide' exist in the current CU? I don't remember seeing a specific in-book reference (as opposed to countless references used by people here), but I'm thinkin' I might've missed something. If so, could someone point it out? If not, anyone know if there are plans for it? Forgive my lapse. I blame the drugs.
  5. Re: Seeds of Change PBEM Just out of curiosity, Nexus, are you running this on a lurkerable list and/or is there an accompanying site? I don't really have time to join another PBEM but I wouldn't mind taking a gander at what's goin' on in yours.
  6. Re: Does My Brother Have "Right to Marry"? It might vary from state to state (within the US) and definitely from country to country, but I'm under the impression that (in legal terms) marriage is about the certificate, not about the ceremony. You can have anyone officiate a ceremony at any time. They don't have to be ordained by anyone, and you don't have to have a certificate. Of course, these marriages aren't recognized by any religious or government agency, so there ya go. To me, the "Right to Marry" perk carries with it the stipulation that the person is a member of some recognized authority which is necessary for the overall social acceptance of such ceremonies. In short, you're either an ordained minister of a recognized religion, Justice of the Peace, Ship's Captain, etc. EDIT: And for the record, I'm an ordained minister of the ULC, too, with 8 weddings under my belt. It's a cool thing to have a certificate that reads "Title: The Right Honorable Reverend Big Dave"
  7. Re: Sorcerer Supreme Building Fallibility. I think the Archmage should be a person with serious power (whether they know how to use it or not), but should still be essentially "human", with all our foibles and inconsistancies. This probably won't be a problem with a PC, but perhaps a reminder of the fact that he's still, at heart, just a guy with magical powers and abilities.
  8. Re: I need a certain type of catastrophe Why not combine the EMP and alien ideas? Aliens destroy our satellite system and put into place a series of EMP generators. Humans are effectively landlocked without modern science until some way can be found to remove the EMP generators. Reasons the aliens did this: fear of possible Human expansion into space ("Quick! Bottle 'em up before they destroy the universe like they have their own planet!"), or as a way to soften us up for a forthcoming invasion (which may or may not ever come, depending upon your storyline, or might not come for many years at the very least).
  9. Re: I need a certain type of catastrophe A falling missile platform (ostensibly a "communications satellite") explodes in the upper atmostphere, causing worldwide EMP.
  10. Re: Returning player needs Multipower Assistance Actually, it'd be 100 pts. Ranged is a +1/2 advantage, and delaying the return rate to one hour is a +1 advantage for a total of +1.5. Well, it's actually 22 pts because of the advantages above, but yes, you've figured out the math correctly (i.e. if the Active Cost had been 90pts then the Real Cost with these limitations would have been 20pts). Indeedly. Oh, come on! You know you wanna! Everyone's doin' it, man! Join the dark side! It'll be a hoot! Or you could get Hero Designer 2.0 (available in the online store) and it could figure all of this out for you.
  11. Re: Returning player needs Multipower Assistance
  12. Re: The dreaded Pokemon question... I've never watched the show so I'm going completely by what snippets I've gleened from my girlfriend's kids, but if you have to defeat the creature first couldn't you just plot device it's capture after it's been beaten down? Give the Pokemon thingy a disad of some sort (social or physical): Subject to Summoning. Then the character would take a "Summon" power to summon it back, perhaps with an OIF Pokemon Card (or whatever you use). Best I can do without a real frame of reference.
  13. Re: System streamlining? What, specifically, did you have a problem with? The figuring of CVs, the application of such...? Just looking for clarification of issues. By the way, welcome to the boards, ya grouse
  14. Re: How would you build this...? I'm kinda with Jhamin on this one. I wouldn't stat it out at all but make it a plot device. Give it a penalized "Security Systems" roll to remove (or something along those lines) and let it go at that.
  15. Re: Returning player needs Multipower Assistance Are ya sure you didn't edit? Cuz now I feel foolish
  16. Re: Returning player needs Multipower Assistance What Jhamin didn't mention was that the Drain has too high an "Active Cost" to fit inside the multipower. It can't have an "Active Cost" higher than the actual MP pool before limitations are applied. Otherwise his construction is right on. Welcome back to the fold, by the way. You should consider getting the "Sidekick" book. It'll give you a break down of the new costs and such and will probably help you get up to speed.
  17. Re: What Would You Like To See In Upcoming HEROglyphs Columns? For those who need a list of previous articles: 1. This issue – What to expect in future columns 2. This issue - magical missiles. 3. This issue - casual characteristics other than STR. 4. This issue -- probability alteration. Do ya feel lucky, punk? 5. This issue -- Entangles? 6. This issue - Extra-Dimensional Movement. 7. This issue – make the most of things with the new Object Creation power. 8. This issue – Stop all of time throughout the entire universe! 9. This issue – Turn back the clock with Time Manipulation 10. This issue – You can’t hug a supervillain with Nuclear Arms (nuclear weapons) 11. This issue – Trigger Happy; new uses for the Trigger Advantage. 12. This issue – alternate methods of resolving the Speed Chart 13. This issue – Armor Piercing rules and options. 14. This issue - Activate your machines with this new power. 15. This issue – experience the joy of DEX. 16. This issue – Charge into action with new rules for Charges. 17. This issue - the Proportional Modifier for powers that wax and wane 18. This issue - Learn to catch a Saving Throw (avoidance rolls). 19. This issue – Pile on the layered defenses. 20. This issue – Unclogging the Drain on modified Characteristics. 21. This issue – get a grip on these expanded Climbing rules. 22. This issue – encrypted radio transmissions. 23. This issue – look your best with these expanded Comeliness rules. 24. This issue – many options for music powers. 25. This issue – Let’s get Physical Limitations 26. This issue – That’s about the size of it for Growth and Shrinking Did I miss one? Steve, I don’t think you ever discussed the “Portmanteau Powers (a discussion of Powers that combine one or more abilities), nor did I see “And I’ll Form The Head! (creating “combination†characters in the Hero System). Those are two I wouldn’t mind seeing. I'll probably think of more, but I thought I'd get this out of the way first.
  18. Re: A Thread for Random Musings I have no idea how to feel about the fact that this afternoon I was informed that I had done my job so well that I likely wouldn't have a position by 2006. Oh, and if I wanted I could cross-train for another division, but I might not get in there, either. The kicker is, if I'd worked as hard as I probably could have I'd likely already be out of a job, but with no warning. Silver linings and all...
  19. Re: Musings on Random Musings So put down something else, like "private consultant" or "personal & career consultation". Especially if you're certified with some particular organization. If you're not, consider putting down "Entertainer (psychic)". Lastly, simply put that you took the time off to pursue personal interests. Good luck on the job hunt.
  20. Re: Non-Duplication Duplication Tricks
  21. Re: Champs Worldwide: Whaddya want? Fair enough. Just trying to shed a little light...
  22. Re: Champs Worldwide: Whaddya want? 'Touching' upon said material is not a problem. Article 29 of the UN's DRAFT DECLARATION ON THE RIGHTS OF INDIGENOUS PEOPLES state's: And, just to be clear, "intellectual property" is defined as: any product of the human intellect that is unique, novel, and unobvious (and has some value in the marketplace). * an idea * invention * expression or literary creation * unique name * business method * industrial process * chemical formula * computer program process * presentation So it ain't gonna be a problem to talk about that stuff.
  23. Re: Non-Duplication Duplication Tricks From a cached page (and yeah, I miss "Power Point", too--kudos to ya, Dave!)
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