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Everything posted by Vanguard00

  1. Re: Hitman: Your Next DC Campaign! Hey, they offer gift certificates! Cool!
  2. Re: Fifth Edition Villains See how he turned that around? The boy's gotta future in politics, I tell ya.
  3. Re: First-time GM questions Just a side note: yes, the M1A1 Abrams tank weighs in excess of 60 tons, not 6.
  4. Re: Name Help: Teen Legacy Hero Well, heck, if we're not gonna worry about his dad's schtick, just call him "Stretch".
  5. Re: Name Help: Teen Legacy Hero Arch? Span? Spar? Spire? Fleche? (which is actually French for "arrow", but it's an architectural term)
  6. Re: How to motivate friends...? A one-shot with prefabs, definitely. If that doesn't work, take their pets hostage and threaten to tell vicious truths about them to random passers-by.
  7. Re: Name Help: Teen Legacy Hero Any powers, personality or anything else we could go off besides "stretching"? Lots of stretching names out there, but it'd be good to tailor the name.
  8. Re: I need help with this Character Concept. Suggestions and Opinions. I know this is gonna come across as nitpicking, but I'm just tryin' to get a better grasp on the ideas behind the numbers. The DF is fine, I suppose, but wouldn’t it be concealable by an overcoat and a hat? Maybe something a LITTLE more involved, but could it be done? Less points, true, but you can make those up elsewhere. Also, the “Physical Limitation: Limited Manipulationâ€, while probably realistic, isn’t my favorite, if only because I know my GM would use it the next time this character had to dial a phone or something. Granted, this is a personal preference only. There’s certainly nothing wrong with it. I always like disads like “DF: stinks when wetâ€, or “Physical Limitation: Purrs when contentâ€. Just for S&Gs. Heck, give him the Social Limitation “only eats raw meatâ€. That’ll make for a few interesting RP sessions. What’s an “inconvenient sizeâ€? Should that maybe be a “DF: Imposing statureâ€? How, exactly, does an UNTIL Commander—someone with serious training, experience and resources—become a DNPC? Just curious, mind you, but my GM wouldn’t allow such a thing, especially if he’s a contact, too. The Psych Lim “Code of the Heroâ€â€¦I don’t know about your games, but mine generally assume you’re a hero unless otherwise noted. If it’s allowed, cool. I think it’s a good psych lim. Are “specieists†(is that a word?) common in your campaign setting?
  9. Re: I need help with this Character Concept. Suggestions and Opinions. Fenris is the best reference for an animal character that I can think of. He's in the CKC. I've been running some of the numbers, too, and while I'm not actually finished yet, the character costs about 400 pts right now, and that's after losing the martial arts. Is this a character you intend to play at some point? If so, did you have a point cap for him? I made a similar feral hero on 300 pts a while back. He's not quite as extensive as Cougar is, but he's decent. Um...I have no idea how to post a character. I'll get back to you on that...
  10. Re: I need help with this Character Concept. Suggestions and Opinions.
  11. Re: Speedball? I don't know the character well enough to even guess, but this site has bunches of 4th edition comic characters for reference.
  12. Re: I need help with this Character Concept. Suggestions and Opinions. Some of the items don't fit the concept, IMO. For example, I wouldn't have the "extra limb" since feline tails aren't prehensile, or even particularly strong. Also, I don't necessarily agree with the fur being good for armor in any form, nor does the 'spatial awareness' really fit. The mental stuff...again, not really my idea of a feline character (except maybe a strong will to define mental defense). Consider Acrobatics skill, or at the very least Breakfall. C'mon, man, cats are agile little bastards. By the same token, you've made him a "Wilderness Specialist", so at the very least a "Survival:Wilderness" skill would be appropriate, as would Tracking and KS: Wilderness. Consider giving him Damage Reduction, Physical, must be aware of attack (-1/2). A good way to simulate rolling with attacks, which cats are very good at. Maybe even attach a "must make Acrobatics roll" limitation. If he really has 9 Lives (like DC's Wildcat), give him the "Ressurection" variant of Healing and give it 9 unrecoverable uses. The "gaze of the predator" is a nice touch, by the way. I'm not trying to hack on the construct, mind you, but offering my opinions on how I'd do it. Good overall concept, though.
  13. Re: Answers & Questions Q: So what was your biggest accomplishment at college? A: Refer to the core functions.
  14. Re: List of fictional chemicals Cool link
  15. Re: What to do with a winged ex-heroine? Have a demon sighted somewhere. The PCs come to investigate and find the demon is battling local law enforcement for possession of a bag. However things end, in the bag is the battered, bruised and very much dead body of Ladyhawke. Through magic, telepathy, or maybe just a note, a powerful demon of hell relates how he is returning the body of the magnificent warrior woman who fought so valiantly until the very end. She is a credit to the soft peoples of Terra Firma, and he looks forward to having such challenges in the future... A nice heroic ending, a bit of honor from the enemy, and a bit of foreshadowing of things to come...
  16. Re: A Thread for Random Musings I miss being me. *sigh*
  17. Re: What to do with a winged ex-heroine? She's been driven insane by the loss of her wings and her time in hell, mainly because she refused to give in as Minotaur/Taurus did. Have her discovered by someone on the streets. She's just another crazy homeless person, muttering to herself all the time. Maybe one of the PCs stops a bunch of thugs from taking advantage of her. If someone recognizes her, cool. If not, have her shirt ripped off to reveal horrible scars on her shoulder blades. She keeps muttering about needing to fight evil, or maybe about past adventures (something popular that the PCs might remember). The nice people at Shady Hills come to take her away. Will she ever recover her sanity? What will become of her? Will her wings grow back? Maybe she'll recover and be able to leave Shady Hills, but now she's on a quest to retrieve her wings. There's bound to be some helpful individual/company out there who will provide the necessary grafts. Of course, nothing is free, right? And she might not be all that sane after all...
  18. Re: Longest Running Thread EVER Same reason there really isn't another word for "thesaurus". And that there's an 's' in "lisp". And "phonetic" isn't spelled with an 'f'.
  19. Re: A Thread for Random Musings Went on a bill/important papers cleaning&filing spree today. I managed to clean off my desk. And the pile of stuff next to it. And the pile of stuff that was moved to a shelf on the bookcase because it didn't fit on either of the other two piles. Which didn't include the pile of stuff on the dining room table that hadn't made into any of the other piles yet, or the smaller pile of stuff on the entertainment center that had yet to be classified as important enough to be put into the dining room pile. One Hefty garbage bag later (lots of shredding involved, too), I have a clean desk. And a pile of files on the filing cabinet, which I discovered also needs to be cleaned out. Hrmph.
  20. Re: Returning player needs Multipower Assistance Well, whichever way you end up going (and Sidekick ain't a bad way to start), you know where the boards are if you ever need help.
  21. Re: I need a certain type of catastrophe Niiiiice
  22. Re: Super-Skills Megathread Has anyone done any compilations on this yet?
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