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Everything posted by Vanguard00

  1. Re: Can't see me! Well, just for clarification, I don't mind a few detect-inspired loopholes. That'd make for good fun, I think. What I'm trying to accomplish is the fact that no cameras, radar, recorders of any sort, etc, is going to see him. If he steps on a pressure pad then he's going to set it off (thus no "touch group" purchased). Similarly, if someone comes up with the appropriate detect (and I'm waffling on the actual special effects here) via science, then I think they should be able to detect him. It would be a highly unusual event, but it could happen. Thanks for the input, folks.
  2. Re: Can't see me! So...something like this? 22 Invisibility to Sight, Hearing, Smell/Taste and Radio Groups , No Fringe; Limited Power Only vs. electronic devices of any sort (-1) (45 Active Points)
  3. Quick bit o' help, folks. How do you construct someone who's invisible to all electronic devices? You can't see him on film, hear him on microphones, pick him up on radar...anything electronic. Invisibility to Radio Group, No fringe...does that cover all electronics? I don't have a book or HD handy at the moment so I'd appreciate a little help. Thanks muchly.
  4. Re: Musings on Random Musings I hear that. The King is dead. Long live the king.
  5. Re: Musings on Random Musings No, but there is a "me", and that's really all that matter.
  6. Re: A Thread for Random Musings The active pursuit of doing nothing is a vastly underrated exercise in relaxation.
  7. Re: Heiax's Conversion Notes Almost legible, too.
  8. Re: The Gilded Age Campaign Heck, you could even tie the Fantastic Four's origin (bombarded by cosmic rays) in with the arrival of Superboy (cosmic rays being vaguely kryptonian), and in turn have a huge chunk of "meteor rock" turn Bruce Banner into the Hulk. Plus all them cosmic meteor rocks had such a funky effect on humanity that mutants began to appear soon after. Um...is that the kind of thing you were lookin' for, or did I miss the point?
  9. Re: rules for chloroform You answered your own question. Create the NND with however many dice you feel are appropriate (defense being being an appropriate LS vs. breathing). I'd recommend 3d6. Chloroform could be delivered in a variety of ways, but if you're asking about the stereotypical hand-with-chloroformed-cloth-over-the-mouth-trick, then just give it the limitation "must follow grab" (-1/2).
  10. Re: Cobra!! Not to put a damper on things, cuz I've always been a GI Joe fan myself, but couldn't you just use VIPER source material for COBRA? Change the names, tweak the personalities and/or powers a bit, and voy-la! Instant bad guys! But to comment on the plot outline itself, I think it's a good outline. Just remember that no plan ever survives contact with the ene--er, players. Be prepared to adjust for the players' actions. Also consider little side adventures between plot points, either to break up the action or to introduce other elements (maybe even foreshadowing a future adventure). Overall, though, it's a good campaign concept.
  11. Re: A Thread for Random Musings "[insert boss' name here] is out of the office today." I love gettin' that email notification.
  12. Re: Musings on Random Musings Comes as quite a shock, don't it? Or not.
  13. Re: Spoiling my Rep Not much on the web about her (the link above is probably the best), but the low-level mentalist is a good aspect of her. Mind Control (to make others fall in love with her) would probably be low dice but have 'armor piercing' or something. Not many writers have built up her teleknises or pyrokineses, but all of them seem to like the fact that she's a friggin' loon, totally psycho, a better-than-average HTH fighter, and about as deadly as The Joker (no remorse over killing, and may kill for random reasons). She has an obsessive personality, so once she gets someone or something in her sights she tends to focus on that almost to the exclusion of all else. And she's scary smart, in a psychotic sort of way.
  14. Re: With GM's Permission ... I always thought that "with the GM's permission" was kind of a redundant statement, since just about everything is "with the GM's permission". I might take a closer look at any rule/interpretation prefaced by said statement for clarity's sake, but I don't place any greater or lesser importance on it than I would in approving the rest of the character (or situation, or whatever the issue may be).
  15. Re: A Thread for Random Musings I passed no less than three accidents on the road today, the combined total of involved vehicle being something like a dozen. I was almost in one, myself, and saw two other potential paint-exchanges narrowly avoided. It's a little foggy but not too bad, and there's that annoying mist that does little more than make everything damp, but I'm continually amazed at the sheer stupidity evinced by some drivers. But I still got my super-sized white mocha and lemon scone, so I'm in a good place.
  16. Re: Corven's Heroes & Villains Good characters all around, C-R. I'm not sure if/when I'd inflict "Kill Ratio" on anyone, much less a host of followers, but it does give some decent ideas. Keep 'em comin', boyo!
  17. Re: Hitman: Your Next DC Campaign! So...anyone emailed these guys yet?
  18. Re: Wild West Hero I got one map of a town. Not much out there, and my Google-Fu is usually pretty good (if I do say so myself). Here ya go. EDIT: of course, this is a modern map of an old town, complete with "popcorn and icee" stand, but it's the best I could find.
  19. Re: Wild West Hero Before I forget it, here's another link. It's actually a page of links and of course some no longer work, but there's a lot of good info there. I'll see if I can find some maps, layouts, or something similarly useful.
  20. Re: Need help with a "Forge" power set If you're going for the REAL forge, you don't need to buy up his science skills too high. He's an intuitive gadgeteer, just as Crimson Arrow points out. He invents things but doesn't always understand the science behind them. He's certainly no Reed Richards or Tony Stark. I would give him a VPP with an accompanying Power Skill (Intuitive Invention, maybe?), then add limitation such as "extra time" and/or "must have available resources"). A good psych lim for him would be "doesn't always understand the science of what he's built".
  21. Re: Hitman: Your Next DC Campaign! Um...it's a joke. "Hitman" was a DC comic a while back.
  22. Re: A Thread for Random Musings You know, I've played Champions in one form or another for 20+ years, and I've been on these boards for about a year and a half, but I'm constantly amazed by the efforts more than a few people make in their games. The write-ups I've seen here, the game ideas, the rules discussions...I don't participate in as many as I'd like, but I've learned a lot. A lot, I tell you. So...um...thanks, everyone.
  23. Re: Wild West Hero Well, yeah, I suppose that could be the case. But there are so many darn good westerns out there...! I'm projecting again, I know. EDIT: Adding some links so I'll feel like I actually contributed. All of these are Old West resources. Some good stuff there, by the way. http://www.americanwesternmagazine.com/ http://home.hiwaay.net/~dbennett/ http://homepages.dsu.edu/jankej/oldwest/oldwest.htm http://www.oldwest.org/cows/links.html
  24. Re: Hitman: Your Next DC Campaign! I wanna know if anyone is gonna send 'em an email... ...cuz I sure ain't.
  25. Re: Wild West Hero Not to quash the idea, but why run a game in a genre if you don't really like it? Merely curious, mind you.
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