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Everything posted by Vanguard00

  1. Re: Yet Another "Name This Character" thread. My first thought, as well. Only other things I can think of without gettin' cheezy are "Indigo" or "Cobalt Blue". I don't see any reason to overcomplicate the process.
  2. Re: Plot for Mastermind Sounds like a version of Vandal Savage. I'd say have him take the long view on virtually all his plans and only dabble in local and immediate villainy to alleviate his boredom. Have him be (or become) a highly respected philanthropist who gives regularly to charities, maybe even sponsors a superteam. Start dropping clues every other adventure or so that maybe he's not who everyone thinks he is. Maybe his "long term goals" is to simply not be board, and he just messes with people for kicks. For example, maybe he could sponsor your PC's team--give them cool headquarters, tech, etc, with no strings attached. A few adventures later have the HQ broken into, or attacked. Maybe one of the heroes has his secret identity almost compromised by a villain, or maybe a villain (or team) simply know much more about the heroes than they should. Slowly reveal the fact that the Mastermind helped the supervillains the same way he helped the superheroes, and kinda nudged them at each other to see how they would react. Go for subtle, not the typical "Mastermind vs. the PCs" plot.
  3. Re: A Thread for Random Musings Why should I not be able to expect good customer service from an English-speaking individual on those rare occassions I contact my web hosting service? Is it so hard to simply listen to the customer and either answer his question, solve his issue, or direct him to an appropriate resource if they themselves are unable to comply? Or am I being too logical again?
  4. Re: The President wants to talk to you Going after rogue elements is always good. "We gave asylum to these guys because they gave us good intel on the Super-Soldier program their home country was developing, but now they've disappeared and it appears they might have their own agenda." You can keep the "agenda" vague, or develop it in detail. Maybe the people who disappeared are metahuman terrorists, and the whole Super Soldier program was a beard to give them a credible reason for seeking asylym. Now that they're in the US they plan on doing dastardly deeds. Alternately, maybe they disappeared because they're afraid for their lives. They've learned that another superhuman hit squad is after them and they just don't know who to trust. Just a few thoughts...
  5. Re: Hudson City Freebies Now Available Ditto.
  6. Re: I need a link, Please Gonna have to owe ya, LL. I have to spread a little rep around first (I don't rep all that often, apparently). But I'll get ya. Oh yes, mark my words. I'll get ya...
  7. Re: Expanded Everyman Skill List Honestly, I'd probably add "KS: General Education" and call it a day. I'm in agreement that the above list might be too advanced for "Everyman". Even so, not every culture is going to have "General Education". Think of all the things you have a passing familiarity with and then consider whether or not you honestly think it's worth an 8-. For example, an 8- in math would still give a person a chance to know algebra or even trigonometry. Heck, under the right circumstances rolling a "3" might give a drop-out a chance to solve Pi. By the same token, I have a passing familiarity with computer programming because of my job and training, but I still wouldn't even consider putting me over 11- (and possibly less, if some of my coworkers are to be believed). The "Computer Programming" you give above might be better represented by limiting it to "KS: Computer Usage". My point being that in some cases you're just going to have to use common sense in determining what sort of knowledge a person could reasonably expect to have and not try and attach a number to it. There are countless examples of people going through the system and not picking up one useful iota of information.
  8. Re: A Thread for Random Musings And I got a hole in my sock. Besides the one my foot goes in, I mean.
  9. Re: A Thread for Random Musings Some days I get so friggin' annoyed with my girlfriend that I wanna punch her dead in the face, but then I remember that she carries a gun for a living and is a pretty darn good shot. And the sex is good. Eventually the feeling goes away.
  10. Re: Illiteracy... Some people have even used bad eyesight (dyslexia, stigmatism, etc) as an excuse to not have to read.
  11. Re: Musings on Random Musings Fickle newbies...
  12. Re: Musings on Random Musings Oh, how I miss the days when certain people were too busy to be buttheads... Don't you have a mother to go visit or something?
  13. Re: Musings on Random Musings See my latest, Oh Calamari-To-Be.
  14. Re: Chomp! Hey, let me out! Maybe with "Must follow grab" attached. You could even link an attack (NND, AVLD, KA, whatever) to the entangle for digestive acids and such.
  15. Re: A Thread for Random Musings In the process of doing a little research for a question asked here on the boards, I came up with a very cool idea for a short story. I'm not a professional writer, mind you, but I dabbled for a while years ago. I haven't written much of anything beyond PBEMs in a while--maybe years, even--but I'm excited enough about the idea that I'm very much looking forward to hammering out some words. It'll be good to get back into doing something I love, even if it never sells. Maybe especially so.
  16. Re: NGD Scenes from a Hat "I'm sorry, do you have a reservation?" NT: Things that sound dirty at work but aren't.
  17. Re: Keeping Healing in Check That's a good idea, too. Heals 'em, but puts 'em into a coma.
  18. Re: Keeping Healing in Check In my previous campaigns healing was mostly the purview of the religious cast. They could indeed cast healing 'blessings', but if the recipient was not of the appropriate faith it often had minimal, if any, result. Even so, the players built up a debt (both material and in favors) to the local priesthood, providing me with a great jumping off point for the next adventure ("You receive a message at the inn: it reads, 'The time has come to pay your debt to Pelor', and is signed in the shaky script of the High Precept.") Also, healing potions got expensive the more the players used them. Lastly, mages could cast a healing spell of sorts, but it came at a cost of a CON drain that required a good deal of time to recover. A 3d6 healing spell could leave a guy in bed for days. Just some ideas.
  19. Re: A Thread for Random Musings Two nights in a row I've gone to bed too early. Like 9pm early. And awoken a corresponding number of hours later (I usually only need 6-7 hours of sleep a night). It makes for loooong work days, which sort of perpetuates the sleep pattern. Normally I sleep from about 11pm-7am, though midnight-6am is also common. This...this 9pm-2am (or 9pm-3am) thing...it's buggin' me, and throwin' off my entire day.
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