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Florida delays and sanitization of COVID death reporting has not stopped post-election, as state officials continue to withhold data from journalists and academics.  The count is estimated to be up to 60 days behind, meaning we haven't even seen the post-Thanksgiving spike there yet.


By comparison, Russia has admitted to a fatality rate triple what has been reported up to this point, giving them the third worst fatality count on Earth after the U.S. and Brazil.

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2 hours ago, Old Man said:

Florida delays and sanitization of COVID death reporting has not stopped post-election, as state officials continue to withhold data from journalists and academics.  The count is estimated to be up to 60 days behind, meaning we haven't even seen the post-Thanksgiving spike there yet.


By comparison, Russia has admitted to a fatality rate triple what has been reported up to this point, giving them the third worst fatality count on Earth after the U.S. and Brazil.


The Florida article's behind a hard paywall unfortunately.  Let me just say that if so, lots of people should be out of their jobs...starting with the governor.


The Russian fatality numbers are no surprise, push comes to shove.  Unfortunate, tho.  

Take the two points together, it'd mean the world death total is very close to 2 million.  

Even without the unknown numbers that'll get reported from Florida, we'll still break 350K before the year ends.  Already over 349,000.  Probably gonna happen today.

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And thanks to the unyielding efforts of anti-maskers and politicians who couldn't see past their budgets, yes indeed,.  350,293 and counting.  Almost 3400 today, with 2 more hours left.  Yesterday was the highest single-day count at 3717.  It's possible, albeit perhaps not likely, that we'll break 4000.


EDIT:  not 4000 unless there's a relatively unlikely surge.  Shouldn't even match yesterday.  Still broke 3500.
Edit 2:  well, ok.  Late burst.  3880.  Highest single-day death total to date.  Yuck.

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The Wisconsin medical center where 57 vials of the Moderna coronavirus vaccine were discarded earlier this week said in a statement Wednesday that the employee who removed the vaccines from the freezer did so “intentionally” and was no longer employed by the hospital...


“We immediately launched an internal review and were led to believe this was caused by inadvertent human error. The individual in question today acknowledged that they intentionally removed the vaccine from refrigeration,”  the hospital said in the statement Wednesday. “We are more than disappointed that this individual’s actions will result in a delay of more than 500 people receiving their vaccine. This was a violation of our core values, and the individual is no longer employed by us,” the hospital added.



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3 hours ago, Lord Liaden said:

Assuming the perpetrator is one of those trumpeting an individual's right to choose to be vaccinated or not, taking that choice away from someone else is pretty damn hypocritical.

Hypocrisy in politics tends to be way too common, IMO. 


I’d be more inclined to suspect the perpetrator is likely a conspiracy theorist buying into the “pandemic is a hoax being used as a pretext to inject us with.. something...”

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10 hours ago, archer said:


I wouldn't be surprised if he/she were brought up on property charges. What is needed, however, is to charge him for something closer to public endangerment or 3rd degree murder.


Don't dismiss property charges, as they are the easiest to prove here.


What is the value of each dose of the vaccine?  $10?  $50?  I believe the Moderna is a 2-shot vaccine too, so 500 people means 1000 doses.  NOW we're into grand theft.  If the overall value is in excess of $100K, which is quite possible, the max punishment is a $25K fine and 12 years.  That's a Class F felony;  if it's between $10K and $100K...and it'd likely be over $10K, it's a class G felony and the max term is still 10 years.  Same fine.  

And this is open and shut.  Wisconsin law defines theft as, among other things


ntentionally takes and carries away another’s property without consent and with intent to permanently deprive the owner of possession of their property (larceny)


I'm not saying your other charges a bad idea.  If the laws allow a clear, clean construction of charges, sure, absolutely.  But if it's complex to build those charges, I'd be OK with just the theft charges.  

Oh, and this could be considered a federal crime.  That makes the punishment more complex:

https://www.federalcharges.com/grand-larceny-theft-laws-charges/#:~:text=Rev.-,Stat.,and %24500 to %245%2C000 fine.


But if the value's very large, and the fact that it's medications in a pandemic, can be applied...the sentence might get to be very long indeed.

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1 hour ago, unclevlad said:


Don't dismiss property charges, as they are the easiest to prove here.


What is the value of each dose of the vaccine?  $10?  $50?  I believe the Moderna is a 2-shot vaccine too, so 500 people means 1000 doses.  NOW we're into grand theft.  If the overall value is in excess of $100K, which is quite possible, the max punishment is a $25K fine and 12 years.  That's a Class F felony;  if it's between $10K and $100K...and it'd likely be over $10K, it's a class G felony and the max term is still 10 years.  Same fine.  

And this is open and shut.  Wisconsin law defines theft as, among other things


I'm not saying your other charges a bad idea.  If the laws allow a clear, clean construction of charges, sure, absolutely.  But if it's complex to build those charges, I'd be OK with just the theft charges.  

Oh, and this could be considered a federal crime.  That makes the punishment more complex:

https://www.federalcharges.com/grand-larceny-theft-laws-charges/#:~:text=Rev.-,Stat.,and %24500 to %245%2C000 fine.


But if the value's very large, and the fact that it's medications in a pandemic, can be applied...the sentence might get to be very long indeed.


Regardless of the sentence, having it only be a property crime gives the case a distinct lack of umph in public perception as it will be seen 15 years from now.


The person did this because he was an anti-vax nut or was a supporter of a political nut. People who commit crimes to promote their causes shouldn't have the severity of their crime downplayed at all, IMO.


(Having said that, turns out Wisconsin doesn't actually have 3rd degree murder on the books as a crime so he'd have to be charged with something else...which is a shame because 3rd degree murder as it is on the books in some states, is a really good match for the crime that happened.)

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Well, since each state was just given vaccines and told to figure out how to distribute it themselves, there's bound to be really, really bad plans.


Most states have decided to give the first shots to healthcare workers.


Florida, on the other hand, has decided to give out their shots on a first come, first served basis to senior citizens or healthcare workers.


In effect, this means that senior citizens and healthcare workers are camping out overnight in lines, with no social distancing, so they can perhaps have a chance at getting a shot.


But if there's not enough shots available that day, have no fear.


You can go to another line at another location and sit overnight with a bunch of unvaccinated people with no social distancing and try again to get it.


In theory, if you go and sit enough hours in lines around other people with no social distancing, at some point you will be lucky enough to get your first dose of the vaccine.


Then sometime around the time you are supposed to get your second dose, you can again start going to sit in lines overnight with no social distancing. With any luck, you'll be able to get your second dose of the vaccine within the time window of when you are supposed to get it and it still be effective for the purpose of giving you immunity to the virus.


MSNBC prime time last night devoted a lot of time to telling how dangerously stupid this was but I didn't spend a lot of time trying to find just the perfect news story talking about it.




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A nurse in Indonesia is fired after admitting that he stripped off his PPE in order to have consensual sex with a COVID-infected patient. He could also face up to 10 years in prison.


He probably would have gotten away with it if the patient hadn't boasted about the encounter in graphic detail on his social media account.



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