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Five Man Band: The February 2020 Superdraft


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On 2/5/2020 at 10:53 PM, Cancer said:

... Sigh, too many adversaries for one draft, I'm afraid.


You know, I think you may be onto something here. Maybe later this year we can do a Rogues Gallery draft. One hero, with five or six villains to oppose. The villains plot how to destroy, discredit, or otherwise get the hero out of the way so they can carry out their criminal activities undisturbed.


This idea has real potential....

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In the hours after the fall of the Tower, the two kings seemed to be almost everywhere at once, comforting the wounded, directing the actions of the soldiers, arranging a central station where those seeking missing relatives and friends could check in, and the hardest task of all, talking to the grief stricken.Finally they both clambered onto the wreckage and ascended to where they could  see the overall situation and perhaps more importantly be seen by all.


"HEAR ME!" bellowed the High King, and the people fell silent and turned to look up. "Hear now our words!" and then the local king began to speak. "My beloved people! I am certain many of you are asking, 'How did this happen?' And I wish you to know the truth. There was a strict rule forbidding fire in the grain storage part of the tower, even so much as a candle, for the same reasons such a rule is often instituted in mills - flour or grain in the air is combustible, and mills have been destroyed by so much as a spark being struck in such an atmosphere. But this was no accident! It was human malice! Evil men deliberately both scattered the flour into the air and set fire to it, uncaring if they lost their own lives, so long as they could wreak destruction. I know for in my descent from the top, before the tower collapsed, I encountered one of the villains blinded but still alive, and he boasted of the act before dying in my arms, ignorant of who he had confessed to."

There were murmurs from the crowd at this. Many cried out "What about the lightning?" or "It was a judgment from the Gods!"

"Lightning has struck the Tower many times!" cried the king, "If lightning could bring down the Tower it would never have risen half so high!" And the High King added "Lightning always strikes the tallest thing around, and around here, that was the Tower." Then he went on "And if the Gods have judged the Tower, what of it! I am Gilgamesh, and I have slain the Bull of Heaven! And yet for all the curses of Ishtar, here I stand! And if my brother king will accept my aid, I will help to build this Tower again!"

"Gilgamesh is two thirds God!" cried a voice from the crowd, "Easy enough for HIM to stand defiant!" "HEAR ME!" roared Gilgamesh, "I do not stand defiant because I am two thirds God, but because I am one third Man! It is Men, not Gods, that could build a Tower like this! Look upon yourselves and be amazed, for it is you that raised this Tower, and if you have the will, shall raise it again, and again if need be! There is in you a power to create greater than all the forces of destruction in the world!" The other king, Nimrod, now spoke again: "I swear to you my people that this Tower will rise again! Who swears with me?" And all the soldiers raised their voices and soon it seemed all the people were crying out "The Tower will rise again!" The Two Kings clasped hands and began to carefully climb down from their pile of rubble. There was so much work to be done...


Lucius Alexander


The palindromedary says that's two picks


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On 2/5/2020 at 5:01 PM, Pariah said:
  • The Leader: Pretty self-explanatory. This is the main protagonist.
  • The Lancer: Second-in-command and general foil for the Leader. May be opposite in personality, temperament, and/or philosophy, or may just be an irritant in general. The main function of this character is to keep the Leader in line.


My Leader: Gilgamesh, the First Hero

My Lancer: Nimrod, a mighty hunter before he turned to architecture.


Lucius Alexander


The palindromedary says I am still considering antagonists.


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Leader: Aquaman (aka Arthur Curry/Orin)

Lancer: Namor the Sub-Mariner



"This is not my Atlantis," The Sub-Mariner frowned as they examined the coast of Newfoundland from the waters, the runes and marks undiscovered by the landwalkers on the rocky shore.

"Nor mine, but it is an Atlantis," Aquaman said,  "Or, at least a part of it. And we're here, let's see what we can learn from scientists in Gander. They might be willing to assist us."

"They will assist, or they'll risk the ire of the Avenging Son, I am Prince Namor and I will not be kept from my people." 

"We're not going to threaten good people in over their head. These people aren't interlopers of the sea, they're part of it, all the more if their ancestors included a lost part of this world's Atlantean ancient culture. Let's try asking NICELY, Carrot before stick," Aquaman insisted.

"And by what right do you assume lead here?" Namor glowered.

Aquaman pointed at Namor, "Prince," Then tapped his own chest, "King. I out rank you, and I suspect I have better people skills. Look, we can compare trident sizes later. Right now, there's a reason we're here and it won't do it any good to fight when there's a mystery to solve, and people as likely confused as we are."

"My people skills are exemplary," The Sub-Mariner scoffed, "I tell people what to do, and if they're so foolish as to disobey, I skillfully educate them to their folly, but very well, we will try your carrot approach- for now."

Aquaman resisted the urge to give a golf clap and just nodded. At least the man had sense to realize that if the two of them had been torn from their realities, then other heroes might be around here experiencing the same thing.




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