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Dispel and Drain



How does Dispel work on a power that has been Adjusted (Drain, Aid, Suppress)?


For example, a fire extinguisher is designed as a linked Drain/Dispel Fire. FlameBoy's aura (60ap) is hit with the extinguisher's foam & is Drained 25 pts. The Dispel is 40 pts. Will the flame go out?

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In the case of a power that’s been Adjusted downward (via Drain, for example), the Dispel takes effect if it exceeds the current (Adjusted) Active Point total of the power. However, the character whose power is Dispelled must make note of the total on the Dispel dice and compare it to the Active Point total of his power as the Adjustment Power wears off. As soon as the power regains enough points to where its current Active Point total exceeds the Dispel’s effect, the power returns to the character (at its current, Adjusted but partly recovered, level).


In the case of a power that’s been Adjusted upward (via Aid, for example), the Dispel takes effect if it exceeds the current (Adjusted) Active Point total of the power. If it fails to take effect, it fails altogether; the character doesn’t have to keep track of its effects.

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