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LXG's in the modern world.


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For years I have run games at various cons (mostly Origins) in which a group of parahumans protect the oceans whose commander is none other than Captain Nemo and their ship is the Nautilus itself. I have now began expanding the campaign to include at least five other literary characters who have now found themselves in the 21st century in one way or another and with parahuman teams of thier own. Here is what I have so far..




A group of underwater commandos based on board the revived "Nautilus" under the command CAPTAIN NEMO.



A group of "enhanced" agents from various eras help THE TIME TRAVELER prevent the end of Humanity as he has seen it.



A group of "cursed" agents operating from "The Spire" deep in the Carpathian Mountains as a vanguard against occult threats led by MINA HARKER.



A group of aerial warriors based on board the modified airship "Albatross" defending against Olympian offspring and other skybourne threats under the command of ROBUR THE CONQUEROR.



A combination of "enhanced" teenagers from the surface and natives of the underground world of Pellucidar that guard both realms at the behest of its ruler, DAVID INNES.


The sixth group is the one that is causing fits in terms of origin and mission. I'm leaning towards using PROFESSOR CAVOR  as the LXG in question and the team is a spacefaring one (although limited to the solar system). So far the characters are leaning towards astronauts on board a space station or spaceflight mission who later discover that the "seeds of life" were planted millions of years ago throughout various locations in the Solar System but only one has germinated (Earth, of course). The characters have now found the "seeds" and have been transformed into beings adapted to the worlds they were meant to bring life to. Some remain human others not so much although its up in the air if that is permanent. The team also dosn't have a name.


The big problem I have is how are these people going to meet Cavor and how is he here in the 21st century. He is not someone  you want to send into danger leading a team of parahumans who are not that happy that they have turned into something other than human by accident. All the other spacefarer types like John Carter, Gulliver Jones, and Carson Napier are more planet specific and their means of transport are a bit out there. Cavor at least has a means of travel that can be enhanced and modified through is own inventions and of course, he has the formula for "Cavorite" to get them in space in hurry. 


I'm looking for suggestions and/or alternatives to make this group work.


I'm also looking for another acronym for LXG besides League of Extraordinary Gentlemen. 


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Have you looked into Time Dilation? Simply put, the Professor went to space in his year, only thinking he would be away a year at most. And for him, only a few years have passed. But for Earth, about a century or more passed. Give the professor a few years to get use to modern Earth, and our adventure begins...


As for the name? Carver's Space and Science Force.

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How about these ideas:

  • Doctor Dolittle and his army of Ani-Men rescued from Doctor Moreau (The Doctor might be really old right now but Professor Cavor might think he can provide a way to help the heroes) 
  • James West and Artemus Gordon (Dr. Miguelito Quixote Lovelessm might have something useful)
  • Warehouse 12/13 is a good spin off for just about anything with a historic bent.
  • Girl Genius and her cadre (Time travel is noted in the first book with probably Prende's Lantern)
  • Kwai Chang Caine, Maverick, and Smith and Jones (Dunno, but they are cool ;))


Edit:Added reasons.


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The sixth group is the one that is causing fits in terms of origin and mission. I'm leaning towards using PROFESSOR CAVOR  as the LXG in question and the team is a spacefaring one (although limited to the solar system). So far the characters are leaning towards astronauts on board a space station or spaceflight mission who later discover that the "seeds of life" were planted millions of years ago throughout various locations in the Solar System but only one has germinated (Earth, of course). The characters have now found the "seeds" and have been transformed into beings adapted to the worlds they were meant to bring life to. Some remain human others not so much although its up in the air if that is permanent. The team also dosn't have a name.


The big problem I have is how are these people going to meet Cavor and how is he here in the 21st century. He is not someone  you want to send into danger leading a team of parahumans who are not that happy that they have turned into something other than human by accident. All the other spacefarer types like John Carter, Gulliver Jones, and Carson Napier are more planet specific and their means of transport are a bit out there. Cavor at least has a means of travel that can be enhanced and modified through is own inventions and of course, he has the formula for "Cavorite" to get them in space in hurry. 


I'm looking for suggestions and/or alternatives to make this group work.


I'm also looking for another acronym for LXG besides League of Extraordinary Gentlemen. 


You can say that Cavor found one of these seeds on the moon and it made him effectively immortal. That would cover the time difference. He might be living on the moon, studying the effect. If he is on our side of the moon, someone seeing his base might want to send someone up to talk to him. The initial crew could be the contact team.


Another suggestion other than Cavor being contacted on the moon is involvement with the Rocket Defense Group and its ongoing battle against aliens.  His crew could be cobbled together out of that, or out of a class he is teaching.


The last would make his team a class project financed by his university, but it's an easy lead in to an adventure.


Maybe someone like Elon Musk asks him to put together a team of engineers to build a habitat on other planets and his crew are the initial team of engineers for that.



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21 hours ago, Cassandra said:

They had a TV show in 1978 called The Return of Captain Nemo.  The U.S. Navy finds Captain Nemo in suspended animation aboard the Nautilus and he has to battle an evil modern day scientist.

I know, I modified the the story as a spin-off from another oceanic Champions campaign called FORCE AQUARIUS in which two of its members located the "Nautilus" and Nemo but it was an Atlantean tomb with the body of an Atlantean prince that kept them both preserved along with the "Nautilus".

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On 4/11/2018 at 3:39 AM, csyphrett said:

The sixth group is the one that is causing fits in terms of origin and mission. I'm leaning towards using PROFESSOR CAVOR  as the LXG in question and the team is a spacefaring one (although limited to the solar system). So far the characters are leaning towards astronauts on board a space station or spaceflight mission who later discover that the "seeds of life" were planted millions of years ago throughout various locations in the Solar System but only one has germinated (Earth, of course). The characters have now found the "seeds" and have been transformed into beings adapted to the worlds they were meant to bring life to. Some remain human others not so much although its up in the air if that is permanent. The team also dosn't have a name.


The big problem I have is how are these people going to meet Cavor and how is he here in the 21st century. He is not someone  you want to send into danger leading a team of parahumans who are not that happy that they have turned into something other than human by accident. All the other spacefarer types like John Carter, Gulliver Jones, and Carson Napier are more planet specific and their means of transport are a bit out there. Cavor at least has a means of travel that can be enhanced and modified through is own inventions and of course, he has the formula for "Cavorite" to get them in space in hurry. 


I'm looking for suggestions and/or alternatives to make this group work.


I'm also looking for another acronym for LXG besides League of Extraordinary Gentlemen. 


You can say that Cavor found one of these seeds on the moon and it made him effectively immortal. That would cover the time difference. He might be living on the moon, studying the effect. If he is on our side of the moon, someone seeing his base might want to send someone up to talk to him. The initial crew could be the contact team.


Another suggestion other than Cavor being contacted on the moon is involvement with the Rocket Defense Group and its ongoing battle against aliens.  His crew could be cobbled together out of that, or out of a class he is teaching.


The last would make his team a class project financed by his university, but it's an easy lead in to an adventure.


Maybe someone like Elon Musk asks him to put together a team of engineers to build a habitat on other planets and his crew are the initial team of engineers for that.




Just make sure that if Cavor does (or did) have a base on the other side of the Moon, that he's not unknowingly sharing the neighborhood

with those twisted Teutonics from Iron Sky (?)...



Major Tom 2009 :sneaky:

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On 4/10/2018 at 2:47 PM, steriaca said:

Have you looked into Time Dilation? Simply put, the Professor went to space in his year, only thinking he would be away a year at most. And for him, only a few years have passed. But for Earth, about a century or more passed. Give the professor a few years to get use to modern Earth, and our adventure begins...


As for the name? Carver's Space and Science Force.


I have used that to explain David Innes's presence in the 21st century since Pellucidar still has some pre-historic aspects of its culture that are just now (with Innes's technical know-how which I have to admit is still late 19th century) uplifted at least the capital city of Sari. Abner Perry, his friend and inventor of the Iron Mole, returned to the surface where he lived out his years there. His descendent, Abigail Perry-Sinclaire, is Innes's main contact on the surface and is the guardian of his daughter, Princess Peridian', when she travels there.

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