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Can someone give me a rules example of "counting the dmg body"?


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As title states, just wondering if I am missing something vs. a roll where one adds the dice total.


Can I get an example of a disarm ruling or a grab?  I understand that every 5 points of STR count as a +1d6 to the roll total, and that roll are indeed opposing.

I am just looking for an example so I am not missing something, (such as adding each combatants body to the total in an opposed test or something)


Thank you so much.


-Mr. Ashes

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I have a 20 Strength.  That's 4D6.  I try to disarm you.  You've got a 10 Strength.  That's 2D6.  So let's say I make my roll to-hit.  Now we each roll dice to determine whether I'm successful in my disarm.


I roll 4D6, you roll 2D6.  We count the Body results.  For Body rolls, a '1' gives you 0 Body, '2-5' give you 1 Body, and a '6' gives you 2 Body.  So I roll 4D6, and get 2, 4, 5, and 6.  That's 1+1+1+2 = 5 Body.  You roll 2D6 and get a 2 and a 4.  That's 2 Body total.  Since I have more total Body than you, I win.  I am successful in my disarm.

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As title states, just wondering if I am missing something vs. a roll where one adds the dice total.


Can I get an example of a disarm ruling or a grab?  I understand that every 5 points of STR count as a +1d6 to the roll total, and that roll are indeed opposing.

I am just looking for an example so I am not missing something, (such as adding each combatants body to the total in an opposed test or something)


Thank you so much.


-Mr. Ashes


I re-read this and think I understand what you're asking a bit better.


Don't worry about your character's Body characteristic.  The Body you have written on your character sheet doesn't come into play.  That's like your hit points.  You are only concerned with the Body you roll on your Strength dice, not the Body score you have that keeps you alive.





The Unkillable Bob has 40 Body and a 10 Str.

Sammy the Strong has 10 Body and a 40 Str.

When they are trying to grab each other, you only worry about the Body result of their Strength rolls.

Bob rolls 2D6, while Sammy rolls 8D6.  Sammy is probably going to win.

The 40 Body that Bob has doesn't apply to grabs, disarms, or other combat maneuvers.  All it does is keep him alive a lot longer.

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I recommend when you count body on normal dice (or for this kind of application) as a shortcut you do this:


Count up the number of dice you rolled -- you should know this no problem already.

Add the number of 6's you rolled

Subtract the number of 1's you rolled


That's the body total


Get a set of Hero dice.

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The phrase "counting the BODY" is a shorthand for "count up the BODY score on the dice as if it were a Normal Attack".  The base amount of BODY is equal to the number of dice rolled.  For every one of those dice that comes up 6, add 1 BODY to the total.  For every die that comes up 1, subtract 1 BODY from the total.  


The general mechanic is used in a number of circumstances, and always when rolling dice to determine damage or effect: 

  • The BODY damage for Normal Attacks
  • The amount of time a Flash affects a character for
  • STR vs. STR in adjudicating Grabs
  • Determining Penetrating BODY done by a Killing Attack with the Penetrating Advantage
  • Determining Penetrating result as applied to other Attack Powers with the Penetrating Advantage

There may be others where it's used also.  It doesn't necessarily have anything to do with a target's BODY score; it's solely used in effect rolls.  


Does that make sense?

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Get a set of Hero dice.


I don't know if you need them... just remember that every 6 hits a little harder, and every 1 is a little weaker.  


The easy way to count them up has two parts.  


Part 1: 

  • For STUN, or for total effect, you're looking at the pips on the dice.
  • Group dice by totals of 10.  A 6 and a 4, two 5's, a 5-3-2 combo, etc.  
  • What you've got left should be some dice you can't get a 10 out of.  

The grouping by 10's should make it easy, then add the rest of the loose dice.


Part 2:  

  1. Rearrange the grouping from above.  Put all of the 6's on one side, all of the 1's on the other side, and the rest of them in the middle.  
  2. Subtract the number of 1's from the total number of dice.  For example, if you've got 10d6, with two of those coming up 6 and one coming up 1, remove the 1 and you've got 9 left.  
  3. Add the number of 6's rolled.  You've got 9 going into this, and two 6's, so add 2 + 9 and your result is 11. Therefore, this dice roll generated 11 BODY.
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