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A villain idea


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I came up with a villain to use if i ever get Champions.


His name is Elijah Goldstein, AKA Funnybone. Elijah used to be a actor on a kids TV show called Uncle Bill's Funhouse. On it, he played a man-child-like character named Funnybone His character was well loved by parents and children and was well received by critics who called the character a mix of Pee-Wee Herman and Stan Laurel. Unfortunately, Elijah was having his own problems outside of work. His mother was terminally ill and was moved to Elijah's apartment so he could care for her and his ex-girlfriend was suing him for a bullshit sexual harassment charge.  Then it happened, a few days after the law suit was dropped, Elijah's mother passed away in her sleep, leaving Elijah with no family. The next day, he was suddenly and unexpectedly fired by the studio executive and was replaced the same day. While on his way home from his last day of work, a unexpected bomb planted by a VIPER agent near Vibora Bay Bank knocked Elijah off his feet and buried him under rubble. Suddenly, something snapped inside Elijah and he started to laugh. First in his normal voice, than in the voice of his Funnybone persona. When he was rescued three hours later, he unexpectedly attacked the paramedic who pulled him out of the rubble and bit off his ear. He then ran off into the night, his mad cackle echoing off the walls of the city. He had turned into a darker and much more sinister version of his character. Except, instead of a well-meaning childish goofball. He is now a cold-blooded childish criminal who views every crime he does as a game for heroes and him to play.


His first crime was blowing up his former boss by placing a explosive jack-in-the-box in his car. He then started a crime spree across the city that ended when one of the Champions apprehended him and shipped him off to a loony farm upstate. Recently, he has escaped and may be heading back to Vibora Bay.


Equipment: Funnybone uses deadly versions of childhood toys and sometimes, a trusty machine gun.


A few questions: How would you build this guy with the HERO system? Which Champion would be a fitting nemesis and would anyone be willing to draw him and his minions for me for reference?

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Dark Harlequin will either view him as something to use against heroes or as an upstart that he needs to remove. The schtick is similar, deadly toys. If your heroes have encountered Dark Harlequin then they might view him as a rip off or follower.

But the whole idea is feasible. Look at how many times Hollywood puts out the same idea at about the same time or even remakes sometimes within a few years of the original.


Mr Goldstein just snapped. Your background gave him plenty of reasons why.he lost it.

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Black Harliquin (not Dark) is written up in Champions Villain Volume 3 and in the back of Champions Complete. Both write ups are the same. His write up is on page 203 in Champions Complete. Let us look at his character.


He has a Fiendish Toys multipower. Attack Toys, the first slot, is built as a RKA which includes Armor Piercing, Constant, Indirect, and Continuing Charges. This represents various toys with built in guns. Cherry Bomb are small bombs built as Blast. Confetti is a flash attack. Jacks are a RKA which is spread across an area and harms everyone who steps upon them. Not So Silly String is an entangle. And Giggle Gas is another entangle, based on laughing gas. Then there is his Jester's Cane (Bodacious Wallop, an HA, and Sleepy Gas, a NND Blast).


Finally, he has a rather small VVP called Look What I Made!, which gives him any "toys" not covered by his multipower.


How to make Funnybone different from Black Harliquin? Stick to more prank style weapons instead of toys. Pie in the face (spiked pie tin and chemical cream), teleporting brick (falling on targets), shoestring entangle (tie the laces together and watch them fall), sneezing powder, itching powder. Then give him a simple VVP which is the "deadly game".


Pee-Wee Herman seems to me like more of a childish prankster than a clown or demented toyman. Basically the difference between the Superman villain Toyman and the Prankster. Both are similar, but different (Toyman is more a man-child with toys, the Prankster is a man-child doing deadly pranks upon people).

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Sorry for the bad grammer on my previous post. I was typing on a mobile phone and I accidently  entered it before i was finished. I do like your idea for using prank-themed weapons instead of toys. One prank is a explosive whoopee cushion which blows up when enough pressure is placed upon it. I have to figure out who gave them those pranking tools because odds are he is not intelligent enough to make those types of pranks on his own. Also, I am wondering if I should make him have a past with the Champions or not.

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