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A Thread for Random Musings

Old Man

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Re: A Thread for Random Musings


Susan downstairs left her cat out again. So I go out on the porch this morning at 3:30, and there's Lulu, who politely asks* if she can stand on my keyboard and demand attention for 6 hours.

If I don't get any writing done, I blame Susan. I'd blame Lulu, but she's cute.


*Just kidding about the "asking permission" part.

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Re: A Thread for Random Musings


Today, I gave a student a difficult math problem. I laughed at one point, and she said it was an evil laugh. Time to go through my checklist:


Black trenchcoat -- check

Goatee -- check

Antisocial behavior -- check

Enjoy inflicting pain and suffering -- check

Massive superiority complex -- check

Being described as an evil genius -- check

Being called an evil, evil man -- check

Evil laugh -- check


It's official. I am now a supervillain. :eg:

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Re: A Thread for Random Musings


Today, I gave a student a difficult math problem. I laughed at one point, and she said it was an evil laugh. Time to go through my checklist:


Black trenchcoat -- check

Goatee -- check

Antisocial behavior -- check

Enjoy inflicting pain and suffering -- check

Massive superiority complex -- check

Being described as an evil genius -- check

Being called an evil, evil man -- check

Evil laugh -- check


It's official. I am now a supervillain. :eg:

You forgot one - Superpowers.

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Re: A Thread for Random Musings


ok it's 10:30 in the evening. I just got back from the store.


1) for all the faults of my new place, and they are legion, I love being so close to down town

2) I get heat rashes - yay aging! - and so I decided to get some skin lotion to see if it helps.


I hit the store and bought a 12 pack of Dr Pepper cans, chips and salsa and lotion. The kid ringing me up gave me a weird look.

Then it dawned on me what he might be smirking at.


I'd never thought of using the lotion for that.

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Re: A Thread for Random Musings


My father called me today to inform me one of my uncles had passed. I did not know him well, but was always terribly grateful to him. When I was younger, I never enjoyed visiting my father's parents. They weren't mean, but it was a mix of dull and grim most of the time there. My uncle, however, had left this huge wicker basket filled with comic books in it. It was like a lifeline. Collections of Silver Age goodness abounded there. Silver Surfer, Green Lantern, and so much more filled it near to the brim.


Now, he's gone because of pancreatic cancer. What little I did know of him, after the times I met and talked to him convinced me he was a good man. So, while I hate funerals, don't like going to them, and am going to be scrambling to adjust a suit... I guess I'll be going.


Somehow I doubt they'd let me place a comic book in the casket with him, which is a shame.

I owe him some great reading.

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Re: A Thread for Random Musings


Since last Christmas, I have lost over 80 pounds. My clothes are all loose. Even my boots. Every couple of weeks I have to punch a new hole into my belt.


And I need to find a buyer for a size 60 slightly used Utilikilt.



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Re: A Thread for Random Musings


The latus rectum is the parallel of the directrix that passes through the focus of a conic sexion.


I'm sure that can be misconstrued and a complaint get filed against the poor math instructor who says that in class.

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Re: A Thread for Random Musings


Why do we keep sabotaging ourselves, again and again? "It won't work, so I won't try." But if you don't try, it definitely won't work. And what if it does work? How much are you willing to lose to failure? How much are you willing to risk for success?



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Re: A Thread for Random Musings


I ate at Sonic today for the first time in... oh, 20 years or more.


My god. That was the saltiest, greasiest food I think I've ever eaten... no, wait. I ate at Long John Silver's a few months ago, and that was pretty goddamned salty and slimy too. And that BK breakfast sammich a couple of months before that was a salty greasebomb too...


Jeez, is all fast food made of like 43% salt and 57% grease? Do people actually like this stuff? I mean, I like a little salt on my food sometimes, but seriously, this stuff is eating a salt mine dipped in liquid fat. Gah. It's nasty. I think the only reason I eat fast food every 4-6 months is to remind myself how horrible it is. :sick:

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