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A Thread for Random Musings

Old Man

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Re: A Thread for Random Musings


Unemployment: Day One


Well, here I am - home alone trying to keep myself busy, trying to not to just go back to sleep, and trying not to think about how badly having no job sucks. Yesterday, I sent my updated resume to seven recruiters I know and re-activated my Monster.com profile. This morning, I found e-mail with job matches in my e-mail. As expected, most of them are either way beyond my experience, require Top Secret security clearance with a lifestyle polygraph (gotta love living in DC!) or both. I applied for the one out of 20 I actually qualify for.


Let the good times roll... ::sigh::

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Guest Skaramine

Re: A Thread for Random Musings


The maternal unit is giving me the silent rage treatment. But I have my Morningstar Minimate in my pocket, and as such, I am strong.


As J. Michael Straczynski wrote in Peter Parker's thoughts...


"I can bench press more than any two X-Men and tear apart a brick wall with my bare hands. I think I can take her."

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Guest Worldmaker

Re: A Thread for Random Musings


Sometimes, people speak big because they are actually little and are trying to impress other people into thinking they are big. Other people speak big because they are big. Its hazardous to confuse the two.

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Guest Worldmaker

Re: A Thread for Random Musings


My 13 year old asked me the other day how yellow ribbons came to mean "support the troops". I told him that yellow ribbons don't mean "support the troops". They mean "please come home, we want you back".


He thought about it some, and finally said "Dad, most people are stupid, aren't they?"

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Re: A Thread for Random Musings


Meanwhile back on page 169...


It is August 20th.


Skaramine is breaking the rules.


Klytus is making up for lost time. At work. On a Saturday no less. Bummer.


Death Tribble is watching the Olympics.


Vanguard00 is looking forward to playing in front of a live audience on a pretty afternoon.


Skaramine is finding new and unusual ways to abuse Vivarin.


Super Squirrel has a G-mail account.


Scuba Hero is worrying about the flame wars and how to calm things down.



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Guest Skaramine

Re: A Thread for Random Musings


Drat... Ben closed a thread just when I wanted to comment on how good he looked as Franknfurter...


Shiznat to the miznat.

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Guest Worldmaker

Re: A Thread for Random Musings


No matter how angry I've ever become at someone on these boards, I've never truly wished anyone harm for something they've said.


But now... right now I wish I had him in front of me so I could kick is arrogant ass down the road.

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Guest Skaramine

Re: A Thread for Random Musings


Scanner good.


Pixel by pixel fixing of colors of drawing... good.


PSP 7.0... good.


Renaming Morningstar as Dragonstar, and giving him the last name Serafinowicz... pretty durn good.


I show you guys minimate Dragonstar tomorrow.


Now, Doug must sleep. Be awake too long.


Bye bye now.



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Re: A Thread for Random Musings


Unemployment: Day Two


I let myself sleep in today. White Heat has told me to treat the first week or so of my unemployment like a vacation, so I am attempting to do just that. I still do some job searches in the morning, and I'm not exactly "idle" when I have seven different recruiters actively looking for work for me.

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Re: A Thread for Random Musings


*wanders in looking disconsolate*


I just found out that the job I thought I had...


I don't.


Seems that in the past eight weeks, I went from "you have the job, but no training class will be open until after the holidays in January" to "we have no position for you."


Damn it all.


*loud gusty sigh*


Guess that means it's back to the job search. :(





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