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A Thread for Random Musings

Old Man

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Re: A Thread for Random Musings


It seems somehow fitting that this post follows a Mightybec one.

So how did your Tribble greet the New Year ? How about with a virus that has shut down hospital wards ?

The symptoms are vomiting and diahorrea, the urge sometimes being for both at once. Spent most of Saturday dehibilated lying flat out on the floor. I only had breakfast for food. Didn't feel hungry and didn't really want to tempt fate. The vomiting seems to have stopped but the diahorrea just keeps on coming.

The up side is that I have seen the Extended Version of Return of the King.

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Re: A Thread for Random Musings


I spent most of New Year's Day at my dining room table, organizing and cataloguing my "Magic: The Gathering" card collections (due to a temporary shortage of funds, I'm selling off some of my cards, but have no idea what I actually have)...


With a roughly 42-page, 2-columned, 11-point font list, I have quite a few cards, it seems! And I'm still not done!


Hope I can get something halfway decent for it...





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Re: A Thread for Random Musings


Both Vans are gone! A part of me is sad that I didn't have the cash flow to get that project going. However, I no longer have this task just sitting there, mocking me from the driveway. Plus I now have no excuse to not be able to park the bug in garage. With the bad weather coming in, should make the bug happier.

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Re: A Thread for Random Musings


My wife's glasses broke in half, right in the middle. She glued them, but it didn't hold more than a couple days. So I brushed off a bit of minature experience. Drilled a small hole in each side and pinned them together. Now I just need to put some filler in and cover it with something that won't irritate my wife's cute nose.

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Re: A Thread for Random Musings


Meanwhile, back on page 168...


It is August 19 - 20, 2004.


Lemming has excised his evil carpet demons and is happily re-constructing his computer room on the original hardwood floors.


Despite taking Levitra for the past three weeks, Thrak still can't throw a football through a tire.


Skaramine mourns the loss of his Cocker Spaniel.


Enforcer84 is ERRAND BOY!


Hermit discovers Kingdom Come.


misterdeath had a good week.



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Re: A Thread for Random Musings


During this past week, my wife and I have committed a cleanliness in our home. The floor can be seen, and it doesn't look too bad. Things are put away. You can walk around the living room without being particular about where you put your feet. There is space on the counters where one might prepare a meal. We went to the dump three times to dispose of trash and recyclables. There is a choice of seating. For more than two people!


Of course, the downside of this is that we've discovered that the couch is shot and we need to see about replacing it.



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Re: A Thread for Random Musings


Don't mind me. Just pasting up a couple of smiley's for later use.






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Guest Skaramine

Re: A Thread for Random Musings


I'm fecking psychic.


Last night I dreamed of going to the bank with my Mother, and she grew upset, irate and suspicious when it turned out I'd used lots and lots of checks according to the register at the bank.


Today, my mother was going through the bills to my doctor and checked out the check numbers of my visits to the doctors. She was irritated and suspicious when she saw that I used 15 checks in a month.


Of course, in the dream, I stormed out of the bank and engaged in a battle between two superhuman brick chicks, and took out my fury on their invulnerable bodies. I then returned home to my eleven brothers and sisters, and my dad Steve Martin. The other kids made a pact to hide my superhuman abilities, and found out that I was a girl in the dream (?). As of yet, I haven't displayed superhuman strength and stamina, but boy wouldn't that be wonderful? Well, maybe not at the cost of my manhood...

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Re: A Thread for Random Musings


Just changed my major' date=' and threw the idea of being a teacher out the window. Now I'm a Criminal Justice major with a Law Enforcment emphasis. Just call me Officer Mightybec. :D[/quote']

This conjures images of that scene in Wayne's World with Rob Lowe and the cop near the end of the movie.

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Guest Worldmaker

Re: A Thread for Random Musings


The governor of Florida... you know, the kid brother to that mook some people call "President"... has decided that in its infinite wisdom, the State of Florida needs five fewer administrative judges on its payroll.


Five. Not "five hundred". Not "five thousand". Five. And he personally decided which ones would be "downsized".


My wife was one of them. There was no warning... she had already begun processing her docket this morning when the Senior Court Judge called her in for a private meeting in which she said "We can work it two ways. One, you resign and we won't contest your unemployment benefits. Two, we fire you and keep your unemployment benefits in process until 2007."


According to her direct supervisor, the five people the Governor "downsized" were the only registered democrats hearing cases in the North-Florida administrative district. Coincidence? I wonder.


Our household income, after Becky's prodigious medical expenses, wasn't all that hot to begin with. Now, factoring and now that we've lost what little medical insurance we were able to scrape together to cover her and the kids, its even cooler.


I add this to Governor Bush managing to make my grandmother's pension disappear by investing it in Enron, and making my mother's retirement disappear by restructuring how state employment benefits are handled. Its almost like he has it in for us.


So all of you Bush-kissers who say that my hatred for the man and his family is unreasonable, or irrational, or baseless... get bent. I've got plenty of reason to hate them, and they are damned personal reasons.

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