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A Thread for Random Musings

Old Man

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Re: A Thread for Random Musings


I'm really good at figuring things out. Sometimes I can pick out hidden things about people from a picture, or just a conversation. Sometimes I even ask the same question in a different way, or skew it just a bit weeks or months later, just to see if the response is the same. And even when I come to the conclusion that I'm being lied to or misled, even for months on end, I still play the game. Maybe the made up life really is more interesting than the real one.

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Re: A Thread for Random Musings


Move in? Check.

Set up broadband internet Che

(almost ready, they had to remote register me, I'll miraculously have internet sometime in the next three days).

Acclimate puppy to new environment? Check.

I am so enthused with the new house it's not even funny.




I've been away, it took a while to get phone, email, etc. set up and

my namesake passed away on monday.


Chadwick Louis Killpack, my father's college buddy whom my middle name is derrived from died of Multiple Myeloma. I haven't seen him in almost six years, just after he got remarried.


He will be missed.

Now I'm happy and sad for me.


I probably won't be on much until sunday, (sneaking on at work) have a happy new year all my friends!

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Re: A Thread for Random Musings


I hope everyone is doing well and has had a good holiday season. We made it through Christmas, and noted that while Mage still had a good appetite, his stomach always seemed to be rather rigid, as if he were always over-full.


Kee took Mage in to the vet last Monday. We got a prescription for some new meds and Kee was instructed on how to express his bladder, which we should do at least twice a day.


So this past week we've been giving him his meds and expressing his bladder twice daily. And things seemed to go pretty well until yesterday. Yesterday afternoon when we went to take care of him, he seemed to be in some distress. So we called the vet and made arrangements to bring him in today.


At the vet they determined that he was having problems urinating because the valve that controls that function wasn't releasing when he wanted it to. We could work around it by giving him relaxants when we were ready to express his bladder, or by giving him medication that would weaken the valve and could leave him urinating uncontrollably all the time. Either way would lead to a whole host of complications and pain for him.


We decided that we'd already done everything we could to improve his life. Rather than put him through the discomfort and pain, we let him go. Mage was put to sleep this afternoon.


We're having him cremated. His ashes will be returned to us in an oak box with a plaque with his name on it. We've asked the vet to shave off his fur before having him processed. We have a friend whose cousin spins pet hair into yarn. We intend to have Mage's fur, and some sheddings that we've collected, spun up and then Kee will weave the yarn into something to remember him by.


We'd like to thank everyone for the concern, support, and kindness you've shown us and Mage this year. We've treasured the time we had with him and hope that his case will contribute some small way to contribute to the treatment of other cats in the future.



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Guest Worldmaker

Re: A Thread for Random Musings


I am going to be patient and I am not going to overreact.


I am going to be patient and I am not going to overreact.


I am going to be patient and I am not going to overreact.


I am going to be patient and I am not going to overreact.


I am going to be patient and I am not going to overreact.


I am going to be patient and I am not going to overreact.


I am going to be patient and I am not going to overreact.


I am going to be patient and I am not going to overreact.


I am going to be patient and I am not going to overreact.


I am going to be patient and I am not going to overreact.


I am going to be patient and I am not going to overreact.


I am going to be patient and I am not going to overreact.


I am going to be patient and I am not going to overreact.


I am going to be patient and I am not going to overreact.


I am going to be patient and I am not going to overreact.


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I am going to be patient and I am not going to overreact.


I am going to be patient and I am not going to overreact.


I am going to be patient and I am not going to overreact.


I am going to be patient and I am not going to overreact.


I am going to be patient and I am not going to overreact.


I am going to be patient and I am not going to overreact.


I am going to be patient and I am not going to overreact.


I am going to be patient and I am not going to overreact.


I am going to be patient and I am not going to overreact.


I am going to be patient and I am not going to overreact.


I am going to be patient and I am not going to overreact.


I am going to be patient and I am not going to overreact.


I am going to be patient and I am not going to overreact.


I am going to be patient and I am not going to overreact.


I am going to be patient and I am not going to overreact.


I am going to be patient and I am not going to overreact.


I am going to be patient and I am not going to overreact.


I am going to be patient and I am not going to overreact.


I am going to be patient and I am not going to overreact.


I am going to be patient and I am not going to overreact.

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Guest Skaramine

Re: A Thread for Random Musings


I've finally built a cardboard version of my first ever Airsoft pistol... the Ruger P-series 9mm auto. I used white electrical tape for the "stainless steel" and black electrical tape for the handle. I cut and modified my old stainless Beretta to make it... and I like the grip far better already.


The Ruger P-89 may be my gun of the year.

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Re: A Thread for Random Musings


Well, as of this posting, it is a little over an hour into the New Year. I look back upon the past year and what I accomplished and what I regret. I'm grateful that I finally have well-paying employment, a place of my own, some semblance of a reasonably comfortable life again. But I still have to remember that I have been backstabbed by members of my own family. People I know that I will never see again in this life. And the personal pain that I have had to endure. But I look at what's in front of me now. I can see on the horizon that I have a chance to make this start off on a very good note, on both a personal and professional standing. I may get the chance to have someone in my life for the first time in too long a time. In all, I have the opportunity to have a better year than I have had in a long, long time.

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Re: A Thread for Random Musings


Sold the two VW vans today. I already have the money and they're being towed away monday. The guy who came by seemed happy with them and two of the cats approved of him.


Of course I now need to build some sort of shelter so that the feral cat that was hanging out in the parts bus has a place to sleep.

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Re: A Thread for Random Musings


After all votes were counted it was found that 100% of all voters prefered the lemming w/dice avatar. We made sure that both the left & the right wing were consulted and represented. After doing so, we have followed the mandate of the people. :D


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Guest Worldmaker

Re: A Thread for Random Musings


Well, I was going to be putting together a database of "standard spells" for the Guardians Universe... sort of give the magic operating there a unified feel, if nothing else. But then I realized that what with the Fantasy Hero Grimoire's 1 and 2, the USPD, and the Codex that Mr. Taylor just came out with, not only would such a work be redundant, such a work would likely get me hammered with cease and desist letters, what with there being only so many ways you can present such a database.


Sometimes its just not a good day to expand your gameworld's background...

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Re: A Thread for Random Musings


And my workshoes seems to have gone feral.


It turned out they're too fast and nimble for the elephant gun, and too tought for the shotgun. They've retreated to the back of the storage area, where I can hear them rustling about. I've got the sinking feeling that they're nesting . . .

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Re: A Thread for Random Musings


All righty, then! Finally got the mug away from the dragon who followed me home from the Ren Faire. Man, he's a mean drunk. It seems he made a resolution, though, more power to him. Go, dragon!


Anybody got a good name for a brown dragon with scales and golden highlights, about twelve inches high, a mean drunk?


Never mind. It was just a thought...

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Guest Worldmaker

Re: A Thread for Random Musings


Nothing is more pathetic than a whiney, arrogant loser screwing himself over and then blaming everybody but himself for it.

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Re: A Thread for Random Musings


Strange dream. I have been reading Fantasy Hero Battlegrounds (so some minor spoilers maybe present). Someone trying to wake an ancient evil, so I am busy hunting it with a .454 Kazol (kinda made the odd switch from fantasy to modern). And when we finally discover the ancient evil it is none other than David Hasselhof.


No more scotch before bedtime.

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