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A Thread for Random Musings

Old Man

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Re: A Thread for Random Musings


My dad is giving my 15 year old son, Tommy a 14 year old Cadillac that has been sitting in his carport undriven. As Tommy is just getting learner's permit and I am insuring the vehicle, the car is going to be in my name.


So now the guy has his car in my name and all of the rep you people have sent to him is in my name. Sometimes it just isn't fair being fifteen. Thanks to everybody for all the kind words. I have been passing them on. :)

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Re: A Thread for Random Musings


A hundred some pages ago in this thread....


On Page 166, it is August 16 - 18.


Lemming is being intimidated by his stuff.


MightyBec wonders why a bad mother of 4 is adopting a 5th child at 50, and Klytus replies that she probably figures that the first 4 were ungrateful little whelps.


BlackSword is stunned by how horrificly bad the acting in "The Practice" was.


Death Tribble is drooling over Rachel's "new avatar".


Skaramine can't sleep, and hasn't been writing. Bad Skaramine!



Death Tribble is encouraging Agent X and Lemming to go into a posting spree and overtake Zornwil as the most prolific poster. After all, Zornwil is on vacation...


Enforcer84 feels pretty.



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Guest Skaramine

Re: A Thread for Random Musings


I know this is breaking the rules, but...


Skaramine can't sleep, and hasn't been writing. Bad Skaramine!



I'm at it again. :weep:

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Re: A Thread for Random Musings


A new FILK for you guys... enjoy!


All They Want to Do is Game

(to the tune of Don Henley's "All She Wants to Do is Dance")


They’re picking up their pencils and creating their PCs

And all they want to do is game, game

Gamers been gamers, since I don’t know when

And all they want to do is game, game

A keg of Mountain Dew, the local drink

And all they want to do is game, game

Til they’re so completely wired, they simply cannot think

And all they want to do is game, game

Crazy people sitting around with the motto “play or dieâ€

And all they want to do is game, game

Wild-eyed rulebook wavers who look ready to cry

And all they want to do is

All they want to do is game

Til they’re insane

Someone bring the chips, and plenty of dips

They’re wanting romance

They’re wanting action

And all they want to do is

All they want to do is game


When the GM bugs the bathroom at the weekly hoster’s house

And all they want to do is game, game

To keep the PCs from plotting how this scenario to louse

And all they want to do is game, game

But that don’t keep the players from sneaking a trick or two

And all they want to do is game, game

They still take on an army when a single duel’ll do

And all they want to do is

All they want to do is game

Til they’re insane


Well they wrapped up that scenario as the sun came up that day

As they headed out the front door, they could hear the GM say

She said, “Next week’s game’s at my houseâ€

And if they’re gonna show

They’d better bring her chocolate

Cause all they want to do is game

Til they’re insane

Someone bring the dice, and a bag of ice

They’re wanting combat

They’re wanting intrigue

And all they want to do is

All they want to do is game

All they want to do is game

Til they’re insane

All they want to do is game

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Re: A Thread for Random Musings


"Punk Rock Girl" came on the radio and it was mentioned to me about Dave Blood, the bassist's passing. I hadn't realized that. It was suicide, here's an article on it - http://www.billboard.com/bb/daily/article_display.jsp?vnu_content_id=1000460203 .


On a side note, upon hearing "Punk Rock Girl", I realized why I don't bother with pop-punk much...it's become such a formula, post-Green Day's success (and no insult to them, they just did what they did, but like with everything else the corporate music bandwagon took it and created a few simple formula to now follow, from their sound to Rancid's sound to maybe 2 or 3 others (if that)), thus killing off the sense of fun and originality as evidenced by the Dead Milkmen, among so many others. They weren't "great" players or even great songwriters, but their stuff soars above something like Good Charlotte or such, and moreover, more importantly, it reminds me when all those post-punk pop bands had their own ideas, their own PERSONALITY. Heck, the Dead Milkmen weren't really punk at all in terms of looks, they were just geeky guys who liked punk rock and had hung around it for a while, and liked music in general. Like the Meat Puppets, or like so many others. And now this.


And it's criminal that Mojo Nixon doesn't have a hit single to his name. "Destroy All Lawyers" or "Elvis is Everywhere" alone should have put him into the limelight. Ah well...


Just because I like the song and just because, personallly, when I read lyrics it reminds me of the tune and of the spirit, and I think it does others, here's "Punk Rock Girl"'s lyrics.


Dead Milkmen

Punk Rock Girl


One Saturday I took a walk to Zipperhead

I met a girl there

And she almost knocked me dead

Punk rock girl please look at me

Punk rock girl what do you see?

Let's travel round the world

Just you and me punk rock girl


I tapped her on the shoulder

And said do you have a beau?

She looked at me and smiled

And said she did not know

Punk rock girl give me a chance

Punk rock girl let's go slamdance

We'll dress like Minnie Pearl

Just you and me punk rock girl


We went to the Phillie Pizza Company

And ordered some hot tea

The waitress said "Well no

We only have it iced"

So we jumped up on the table

And shouted "anarchy"

And someone played a Beach Boys song

On the jukebox

It was "California Dreamin'"

So we started screamin'

"On such a winter's day"


She took me to her parents

For a Sunday meal

Her father took one look at me

And he began to squeal

Punk rock girl it makes no sense

Punk rock girl your dad is the Vice President

Rich as the Duke of Earl

Yeah you're for me punk rock girl


We went to a shopping mall

And laughed at all the shoppers

And security guards trailed us

To a record shop

We asked for Mojo Nixon

They said "He don't work here"

We said "If you don't got Mojo Nixon

Then your store could use some fixin'"


We got into a car

Away we started rollin'

I said "How much you pay for this?"

She said "Nothing man,

it's stolen"

Punk rock girl you look so wild

Punk rock girl let's have a child

We'll name her Minnie Pearl

Just you and me

Eating fudge banana swirl

Just you and me

We'll travel round the world

Just you and me punk rock girl


(PS note - reminds me too how many whiny punks I've known who don't like being "portrayed" as thieves as in the song above or as in Repo Man - no sense of humor).

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Re: A Thread for Random Musings


I changed my epithet!


It went from "A Trifecta of Coolness" (thank you again, Enforcer84) to "P8ron S8nt of Mediocrity" (since I couldn't fit "St. Michelle Salieri, Patron Saint of Mediocrity" in there).


I think it has a certain ring to it, don't you?





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Re: A Thread for Random Musings


A Hundred some pages ago in this thread....


It's Page 167, August 18 -19, 2004


Skaramine still can't get into his writing.


Hyper-Man calls for a Mirror Ball smilie to go with his disco ways.


Lemming is cleaning up yard debris, and planning on disassembling his computer room so he can throw out the old carpet.


James Gillen is shocked by Nip/Tuck.


BlackSword leaves for GenCon.


Mightybec discovers the Po Boy Sandwich. (The world trembles.)


Skaramine is burping BBQ.


Worldmaker and Tim keep replying to the wrong thread.


Skaramine tries to set them straight.


Rachel bemoans her addiction to trying to debate on Political threads, and recounts the pain and suffering she encoutners each time she indulges. She's looking for someone to help her stop...


Skaramine exPounds on how Politics would be so much better if he had a hammer....



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Re: A Thread for Random Musings


I know people are going to hate me for this one...


Looking at some of the problems that people have been having with employment in some of the other threads, like the Cranky Thread, and at Lemming's question about the longest period of unemployment, caused me to realize something.


I have never been unemployed.


Discounting the time when I was a child, and when I was a student in college, the only time when I didn't have a job was the summer between graduating high school and going to college. And I didn't have a job then because I'd quit my high school job and wanted to take the summer off to enjoy myself before going off to college. When I graduated college, I had to report to work 9 days later at my current job.


I had not realized that I was so incredibly lucky.



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Guest Skaramine

Re: A Thread for Random Musings


I've received five doses of rep for the Quarter in the New Circle thread... six doses if you count Oddhat sending me rep for just ANNOUNCING that I was making up the Fantastic Four for a crossover with his mystic Justice League.

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