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A Thread for Random Musings

Old Man

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Re: A Thread for Random Musings


Okay, this won't translate as well, but on our trip to Montana last weekend, we passed a sign for the Ninepipes Reservation...The first time I saw it I thought it was an indian word; didn't manage to break it into nine-pipes.


Then we finally get there and I see the name again and this time it clicks. I start to giggle. Wife asks me what is so funny

I reply: At first I thought the Reservation was named Ninnypippys.


She dies laughing.


So, on my cosmic gag reel, spoken word section, this get's filed with thinking the word paid (as seen in my spanish text book) is pronounced Pi-Eed. Not realizing they were speaking english there...

and during the planning of our wedding with her very educated parents using the word Fruition and pronouncing it Fruit-ition, like a person who cut's fruit for a living....


More later.

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Re: A Thread for Random Musings


Sometimes music makes me happy. Sometimes it makes me think, and sometimes...


I get the feeling Mr. Hunter feels his elected officials treat the people ...like fools.



(Ian Hunter)


We were morons from the day we were born

We believed every word that you said - boy were we wrong

We're all fat now - on the sofas - mini morons - taking over

Cos we're older now, older now, older now, older now


We were morons - red, white and blue

We were working class kids on the skids - with nothing to do

We're all dead now - in our boxes - holding on to what little we go left

Cos it's over now, over now, over now, over now


Read moron newspapers, watch moron television

All laid on by slimy little, sleazy little, phony little morons

Etonians, Harrovians, think they're the chosen ones

And they poke fun at scruffy little, spotty little, stupid little morons


Ha ha ha ha, look at those morons

Ha ha ha ha, they do nothing but whine

And they're slow all the time

Look at those morons, never mind, never mind, never mind, never mind, never mind, never mind, never mind

We can leave them behind, while we're dumbing them down, we'll be robbing them blind


Ah Ah, morons don't matter at all.

No education, no informatioon

Morons are boring, ugly and small

They lower the tone, lets get rid of them all


Will to learn - gone away

Force fed garbage every day

We're the slaves of smarmy little, self important, petty little morons

Oxford - Cambridge - see how the other half live

Steer well clear of lazy little, filthy little, funny little morons


Ha ha ha ha, look at those morons

Ha ha ha ha, they're such terrible types

And they're not very bright - look at those morons

It's all right, it's all right, it's all right, it's all right, it's all right, it's all right, it's all right, it's all right

Let them fight every night, while they're missing the point, we can do what we like


Ah ah, I'm 60 and what have I got

I live in a warzone, surrounded by morons

Don't tell me I'm free when I'm not

Ah ah, abandon hope all who live here

We are the morons that you declared war on

Now everyone's living in fear

We're starving, it's something that needs to be said

We're starving, it's something that needs to be said

We're starving, starving, starving, starving, starving, starving, starving, starving

Morons can never escape from the fact, they can never escape and we hate you for that

We we're morons - but then again no, no, no!



The song is pretty good. He rocks for a 60 year old dinosaur.

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Re: A Thread for Random Musings


The so called "Great Debate" on the Australian Election is on tv at the moment. Guess what, I'm here. I'm sooooo glad that I don't have to deal with some of the issues that my American friends have to deal with; like swift-boats and Michael Moore to name a few.


But as a wise Aussie said a long time ago about the Riot at the Star Hotel in '79, "there was not governemnt for that side of the nation". Guess why I'm here?



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Guest Worldmaker

Re: A Thread for Random Musings


Not only did my brother ask me to stand as his best man, but I was given the great honor of escorting my grandmother, one of the classiest ladies ever to have walked the earth, to her place for the ceremony.


Cool day all around.

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Re: A Thread for Random Musings


On Friday my (computer) mouse died. So I went and bought a cheap replacement at Chandlers. As a confirmed Mac user I ended up (believe it or not) with a Microsoft mouse, and cause I've used them before on Windoze and I'm enjoying using it with my Mac. It feels so "wrong" on an idelogical level but at the same time "right" on a operational level. Must be the first sign of the Apocalypse...

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Re: A Thread for Random Musings


I'm not sure if, on a personal (rather than political) level, I'd really rather see Kerry for 4 years. Most of the time I've been preferring to get Bush off the TV screen. (Not a reason to vote for either candidate when on a political level, from my perpective, I see no advantage to either) But Kerry is pretty hard to listen to; still I think he'd probably develop a reasonable persona in office. I am glad I didn't have to listen to Gore for 4 years, he probably would have gotten on my nerves more than Clinton even. One thing Kerry has going for him compared to Gore is that while he is fake (as most pols are), he comes across as a lot more sincere in his fake-ness, i.e., he seems to not be acting so much when he panders, he seems to actually enjoy pandering. Of course Clinton enjoyed pandering, but he was so smarmy and arrogant about it that it was a complete turn-off. Bush is better at pandering, though, than any of these guys, as he tends to pander more to his base and at least seems to emotionally get into it, whether he's bashing gay marriage or promising his own version of jihad.


I still think Ford and Bush Sr. were the most tolerable presidents of my lifetime. Sure, they were bumbling, bland, and mildly conservative, but that was part of their charm. The bumbling gave them a human quality and made them feel like typical extended family members you enjoy having around so long as they don't stay too long. The blandness made them easy to at least ignore. And being mildly conservative, in that way where they were removed from ideological fire or any sort of populist notions, they didn't really pander very well or very hard, preferring to try to half-heartedly attempt to galvanize the right wing while speaking to moderates in tones such as "don't worry, the economy will straighten itself out, and I'll be a responsible fiscal conservative." (IOW - "don't worry, be happy") Of course their reelection efforts show just how well that plays, too!

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Re: A Thread for Random Musings


And another thing...I could never get, personally, the attraction to uppers/heavy stimulants. I suppose I could grasp why others woud like them, but the LAST thing I need is anything that would increase my agitation or edginess or awake-time or alertness or any of that.

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