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A Thread for Random Musings

Old Man

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Re: A Thread for Random Musings


Sorry to inject this in the middle of the stand up!


I "walked the walk" today, and it was tough! I got together with an old buddy; he and I were homeless together as teens, and saw each other through some real hard times. We shared interest in guitar years ago, and when I caught up with him it was one of teh first things I asked him. Turns out that his ex trashed his guitar, and times have been too lean for him to replace it. I couldn't decide which of mine I could part with, so I took my acoustics to him and let him pick one. So now Valerie 23, the Ibanez A/E has a new home. Like the scripture says, "If you have two cloaks, and someone has none, give him one of yours."


It was awesome to get together with him again, and my family is asleep so I'm telling you about it. We talked about how fortunate we are to be drawing breath after the adventures we went through. We laughed about living for a week on oyster crackers and cocoa packets, reminisced over fights where we backed each other up, shared fond memories of sleeping in the school bus lot, shivered over hitchhiking nightmares become reality, and looked deep into our beers as we remembered the times we got dinner out of a dumpster.


I felt a little bad, because I have gathered more material wealth than he has been able to. I am fortunate to be able to offer my family security that I never had, and I would like for him to have that too. But he's content; he has a daughter he sees sometimes, a couple exes that suck up his money - but he has found peace after all of that.


I see him now, and remember him as a kid and am just amazed that he is doing as well as he is, even though he's sharing a home with some other folks. I mean, to climb up from nothing and earn a place in society is very hard - too many take it for granted. But it also really hits home about just how far I have come. I was street punk just like him, and I, too, take my success for granted far too often. I am no rags to riches millionaire, but my family has a full belly and a roof overhead, and those are huge blessings indeed.


Just remember, fellow citizens: In America you have the right to succeed beyond your wildest imaginings. But with that comes teh right to fail and fall totally unnoticed through the cracks.


There but for the grace of God go I.

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Re: A Thread for Random Musings


In spite of huricane cleanup I had my onsite job interviews today. They appeared to go well but since they still have a couple more interviews left I won't hear anything definite until next week.


hurrying up to wait.. it's what I do...





The Sony Walkman is launched

John Wayne dies

First offical British nudist beach is opened in Brighton

Margaret Thatcher becomes Britian's first female prime minister

Punk rocker Sid Vicious found dead in New York

Mother Teresa wins Nobel Peace Prize

Y.M.C.A. is the top selling hit of the year in the UK

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Guest Skaramine

Re: A Thread for Random Musings


Signs you're too obsessed with Alan Rickman. God help me... I understood most of these... :eek:


1. You try to act and dress like Snape, even though you're a girl.


2. Every time you start to type a word beginning with A or R, you accidentally type Alan or Rickman.


3. Spoons hold a special meaning for you.


4. All of your conversations manage to find their way to the topic of Alan.


5. You buy Die Hard 3 for the sole reason of owning a two second archive footage of Alan falling off of the building.


6. It's not enough to run one webpage dedicated to Alan Rickman. You must have at least three.


7. Alan's fanmail agency has a special file folder labelled with your name.


8. You spend more money on buying Alan birthday presents than you spend on your friend's birthdays.


9. Your friends all look at you whenever Alan Rickman is mentioned.


10. You buy a season pass to Magic Mountain and spend all day standing next to the roller coasters in hopes of seeing Alan drop by.


11. You have named all of your pets Snape, Hans, Nottingham, Metatron, or other Alan Rickman related names.


12. You buy pets in order to name them Snape, Hans, or Nottingham.


13. You read the Alan Rickman biography, and don't learn anything new.


14. Rima has to call you up whenever she needs to know something about her manfriend.


15. Your idea of a nighttime lullaby is listening to Alan Rickman narrate "The Return Of The Native."


16. You read through the Alan Rickman filmography, even though you know you've got it fully memorized.


17. According to you, Die Hard and Robin Hood Prince Of Thieves were tragedies.


18. You want to get into Alan's pants, even though you know he's technically old enough to be your grandfather.


19. You have actually attempted some moves off of the Ways To Get Alan To Notice You page.


20. You've read through the Alan Versus God page and agree with it wholeheartedly.


21. Your personal homepage has more pictures and information about Alan Rickman than you.


22. Instead of decorating your school binder with Alan Rickman pictures, you decide to decorate the school with Alan Rickman pictures.


23. You paste an Alan Rickman picture to the ceiling above your bed so that's he's the last person you see when you go to sleep and first person to see when you wake up.


24. Your movie collection is categorized into Alan Rickman movies, movies of actors who have co-starred with Alan, and movies influenced by Alan.


25. You are constantly mesmerized by Alan.


26. You've read the above statement and actually get what I'm talking about.


27. You spend upwards of a hundred and fifty bucks for the Beckett On Film DVD set, featuring a fifteen minute clip of Alan encrused with rusty green makeup and sitting in a funeral urn.


28. People ask you, "Do you like Alan Rickman?" and you're too choked up with emotion to say anything.


29. You can view a map of the world and correctly identify which Alan movies were filmed in which cities.


30. You declare February 21 a national holiday.


31. You find that your daily speech consists of more than fifty percent Alan Rickman movie quotes.


32. You measure time by the dates of Alan movie premieres.


33. You surf through the list of Alan movies on Amazon.com, even though you've already bought all of them.


34. You know more about Snape than JK Rowling does.


35. You buy an extra DVD player, just so it can play on loop that special scene from Dark Harbor.


36. You see copies of Truly Madly Deeply at the video store and you get all flustered, even though you already own three copies of that movie at home.


37. You attend Applied Microeconomics classes at Kingston University just so Rima Horton can be your teacher, and you can suck up to her for the purpose of getting close to her manfriend.


38. You find out that Ms. Horton retired July 2002, and yet you decide to take Applied Econ at Kingston anyway.


39. You read lists like this one and wonder how in the world the Webmistress got a hold of your daily schedule.


40. People ask you who the king of England is, and you say, "Alan Rickman."


41. People ask you who the wealthiest person in the world is, and you say, "Rima Horton."


42. People ask you to name one person off of the FBI's most wanted criminal list, and you say, "Kevin Costner."


43. You buy yards of velvet and rustle it around to hear if it really sounds like Alan Rickman.


44. You officially change your birthdate so that your astrology sign will be more compatible with Alan's Pisces.


45. You ditch your education and job, and move to London to become a mailman on Alan's street.


46. Your friends begin talking about Harry, Hermione and Ron, and you ask them, "Wait, who are they again and are you sure they were in that movie Severus Snape And The Sorcerer's Stone?"


47. You buy a whole bunch of airbags and pad them around the bottoms of tall buildings, so that if Hans Gruber falls down one of them, he wouldn't have to die.


48. Your friends refuse to take you to showings of Love Actually, for fear you might throw yourself at the screen and shout, "The necklace is mine, bitch! The necklace is mine!"


49. You make your hair look like black wires, eat garlic to make your breath stinky, speak in an annoying voice, and plod heavily when you walk, so that whenever Alan recites Shakespeare's Sonnet 130, you know that he's referring to you.


50. You spend more money on stationary, stamps, and other necessities for fanmail than you do on food.


51. You have bartered out half of the CDs in your CD collection to buy Charlie Dore's Things Change, just so you can hear thirty seconds of Alan Rickman listing out various types of dances.


52. It's not enough to succeed in meeting Alan Rickman outside of the stage door. Others must fail. (My, posessive, aren't we?)


53. Bruce Willis has a restraining order on you, because you tried to kill him too many times.


54. Your first words in this world were, "I'll cut your heart out with a spoon!"


55. You actually know what I'm talking about when I mention Blind Corner, Wetherby, Bodas De Sangre, and Eco-Challenge Argentina.


56. You can list by name more than four music CDs (yes, that's right, four music compact discs) that feature Alan Rickman.


57. You actually own all of the aforementioned CDs. (These being the Help! I'm A Fish sountrack, Texas' In Demand UK single Part 1, Mike Oldfield's Tubular Bells 2, and Charlie Dore's Things Change. Am I missing any?)


58. You nearly die of shock whenever you hear people say, "Who's Alan Rickman?"


59. You nearly die of happiness whenever you hear people say, "Who's Alan Rickman?" because that means less people know about him, and you have less competition to fight against.


60. Your idea of recreation is polishing your Alan Rickman movie DVD and VHS cases.


61. Files folders in your computer include names like, "Diving Scene Screencaps Backup Set Number 5," "Photos Of Snape Action Figure," and "Alan Interviews Dec. 1989 - Jan. 1990."


62. You have a perpetual scar across your cheek, because you think it's cool to look like the Sheriff of Nottingham.


63. Every night you listessly play half of a Bach duet on the piano, in hopes that Jamie will magically appear at your side with his cello.


64. You learn to play the piano in order to accomplish the above.


65. You can accurately draw from memory a picture of Alan's crooked lower teeth.


66. You pride yourself on the fact that you can draw from memory a picture of Alan's crooked lower teeth.


67. You can correctly identify an Alan movie by the fonts used in the opening credits.


68. You can recite whole Alan movies, word for word, from memory. Backwards.


69. Friends mention the name of any celebrity, and you're able to instantly connect that person to Alan Rickman. ("Missy Elliot? Isn't she the rapper who did a song for the movie Moulin Rouge, which starred Ewan McGregor, who was in Down With Love with Rene Zellwegger, who was in Bridget Jones' Diary with Colin Firth, who was in Love Actually with Alan Rickman?")


70. You are not able to accomplish the above, because you've only seen Alan Rickman movies, and movies like Moulin Rouge, which does not star your man, are below your radar.


71. Your Internet gets disconnected, but you can still access all of the Alan Rickman fansites offline.


72. You are the author of over fifty percent of all Alan fansites on the web.


73. Other fans boast they can recite Alan Rickman's filmography, but you only laugh in their face, because you believe such knowledge is like water and air, and saying you can recite Alan's filmography is like saying you can recite the alphabet.


74. Alan's bedroom window has an imprint of your face on it, because every evening you press your face to the window to watch him sleep. (Okay, that's just creepy.)


75. Alan has used up a whole Sharpie signing autographs for you.


76. You have enough Alan autographs to wallpaper up your room.


77. You read lists like these and get depressed, because you haven't done two or three of these things, and you feel unworthy of being a fan.


78. For your Potions, I mean, Chemistry teacher's birthday, you buy him plastic surgery so that he can look like Professor Snape. If your Chem teacher is a woman, you buy her a sex change along with the plastic surgery.


79. You learn how to tango just in case one day you and Alan should be at the same social function where there is dancing. (Contributed by S_k. Thanks!)


80. You hand out pics of Alan to your female colleagues in order to convert them to him. (Numbers 80 to 84 are contributed by Simone! And they are based on her experiences too! Thanks so much!)


81. You plan "Delaford picnics" with your newly converted colleagues. Your colleagues look puzzled when you're wearing anything else than black.


82. Your colleagues grin knowingly when you say you're off to the cellar.


83. Your hairdresser knows that you want your hair dyed "as black as Severus's". While your hairdresser is putting on the color, you fantasize that it's Phil Allen doing your hair.


84. Your friends have lists of words that you associate with Alan, and they try to avoid them so you won't talk about him. You talk about him anyway.

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Guest Skaramine

Re: A Thread for Random Musings


New UCLA Psych Test findings.........


A study conducted by UCLA's Department of Psychiatry has revealed

that the kind of male face a woman finds attractive can differ

depending on where she is in her menstrual cycle.


For instance, if she is ovulating, she's attracted to men with

rugged and masculine features.


However, if she is menstruating or menopausal, she's more prone to

be attracted to a man with scissors lodged in his temple and a garden hoe jammed up his rectum while he's on fire.


Further studies are expected.

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Re: A Thread for Random Musings


Dear diary,


Thrakazog has changed avatars again. It has had no effect on me although I must admit typing while in a straitjacket rather difficult.


Mike Basinger now has a cow for an avatar going moo. Very funny.


And Rachel is changing avatars again. This is just a blatent attempt to seduce my avatar so that Rachel and Kara have a "cute" purring pet for their kids. Little does she know that I know that this is her plan.

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Re: A Thread for Random Musings


Yet another day of work where I come in and I can't get any work done because something somewhere else isn't working properly. At least today I can get to the web. Yesterday our regular (non teating) network was having issues - you couldn't even get to Google without lag-time!

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Re: A Thread for Random Musings


So yesterday I got to interview someone being courted as a software tester (My position) for another department. Unfortunately the testing skills of this bozo are about what I'd hope for from a brain-dead monkey with a keyboard. To put it in Hero Terms, it's like 'interviewing' with a GM for a Hero Game, who claims to have experience in the system only to find out that he's primarily a GURPS player (not GM) and his only experience with Champions is to run in a game where he was handed a sheet and told what to do.


What burns me about this is the guy might get hired regardless of my opinion because the boss worked with him before. Damn these office politics.

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Guest Skaramine

Re: A Thread for Random Musings


Justice pie... puppy gun bunny style.


Dog Shoots Man, Puppies Saved

PENSACOLA, Fla. (Sept. 9) - A man who tried to shoot seven puppies was shot himself when one of the dogs put its paw on the revolver's trigger.

Jerry Allen Bradford, 37, was charged with felony animal cruelty, the Escambia County Sheriff's Office said Wednesday. He was being treated at a hospital for a gunshot wound to his wrist.

Bradford said he decided to shoot the 3-month-old shepherd-mix dogs in the head because he couldn't find them a home, according to the sheriff's office.

On Monday, Bradford was holding two puppies - one in his arms and another in his left hand - when the dog in his hand wiggled and put its paw on the trigger of the .38-caliber revolver. The gun then discharged, the sheriff's report said.

Deputies found three of the puppies in a shallow grave outside Bradford's home, said sheriff's Sgt. Ted Roy.

The other four appeared to be in good health and were taken by Escambia County Animal Control, which planned to make them available for adoption.

09/09/04 08:09 EDT

Copyright 2004 The Associated Press. The information contained in the AP news report may not be published, broadcast, rewritten or otherwise distributed without the prior written authority of The Associated Press. All active hyperlinks have been inserted by AOL.

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Re: A Thread for Random Musings


Some thoughts...


It is better to unite positively than divide negatively.


Stagnation of the soul is a terrifyingly cloying feeling


God often seems on trial, but that's not really that bad since, in the long run, he's the final judge anyways. :)


Some smile to light a room and fight the darkness plauging people, for others it's the same gesture as baring knives.


I enjoy praise to a degree I should probably be embarrassed about.


We are the music makers, and we are the dreamers of dreams....

and I so TOTALLY ripped off Willy Wonka on that last one. :D

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Re: A Thread for Random Musings


I always avoid the NGD topics since I don't really enjoy political flame wars.


I'm extremely consertative. I voted for Bush before and I'll vote for him again. In only a couple of weeks I may be able to legally buy an assault rifle :thumbup::bmk::)

I've always wanted an H&K G3!


Yeah, I know Bush said he'd sign a bill that extended the ban.

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Re: A Thread for Random Musings


I don't have enough guns.


I have 4 pistols:

A Colt M1911A1 Mk 4 Series 80 customized for me by a professional gunsmith.

A Colt Anaconda in .44 Magnum, 6" barrel.

A Ruger Mark II, .22 LR.

A Rossi .38 Special (I inherited it, I didn't buy it).


1 rifle

An old pump-action "gallery gun" in .22 LR, it needs to be looked at by a gunsmith the action is all messed up.


1 shotgun

An old .410 and its bolt-action. I inherited it too and have never used it.

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