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A Thread for Random Musings

Old Man

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Re: A Thread for Random Musings


Do we really need 24-hour news coverage of Hurricane Frances?


"Hour one of our continuous live coverage of Hurricane Frances- the storm is still hanging off the coast of Florida...

"Hour two of our continuous live coverage- the storm is now over Florida- if you're in the area, it's too late for you to seek emergency shelter, especially since the power is out and you can't see me on TV...

"Hour three of our continuous live coverage of Frances. If you live in Florida, Boy, are you f#%#ed.

"Hour four of continuous live coverage of the latest hurricane this season. Nature is telling you you never shoulda moved your ass to Florida. Why DIDN'T you listen?"



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Re: A Thread for Random Musings


Rolled in about 2pm today after the drive from Klamath where we stayed over night to wash as much playa out of us. Took two showers and a soak in a hot tub before I was feeling clean again.


Last week was great at Burning Man. Went with two friend who haven't been and with my lovely wife. It was a lot of fun. Full report later on with some pictures perhaps.

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Guest Worldmaker

Re: A Thread for Random Musings


Waking up to air conditioning and a functioning water heater is even better than going to bed with air conditioning and a functioning water heater.

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Re: A Thread for Random Musings


I'm back to work. Everything was done as per my instructions. There are no major issues requiring my immediate attention. It was odd looking forward to returning home, likely the result of said home being larger than a small one-bedroom apartment. Bush is running a double-digit lead, and I counted five more Bush lawn signs on my street as I reached home.


Life is good.

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Guest Skaramine

Re: A Thread for Random Musings


When you vote this fall, remember we have 5,500 less trained, capable soldiers available to go on the front lines to go after terrorists thanks to a certain vendetta.

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Re: A Thread for Random Musings


So I login on my break. The Please stop creating WWYCD thread is locked. I had emailed Ben and mentioned he might want to step in and say something. Instead it is locked. Probably due to me. I also notice that there already has been another WWYCD question created. Yeah, some f-ing progress, huh metaphysician. The Champions Forum has turned to a flaming pile of crap. You can expect to see me not sticking my nose around that stench for a while.


I tried to be bloody civil about it and got treated like an ogre. We really have some inconsiderate jerks on this forum. This whole "Respect is owed to you and you aren't entitled to give any" attitude is grating. I wanted one thing, less WWYCD on the champions thread.


Ah, bloody hell. Just send me a PM or an email at hanabishi(a)gmail.com if you have a direct response to this. Hate to get another freaking thread locked because I'm ticked off.

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Re: A Thread for Random Musings


(crawls up off the floor, still chuckling)


So this industrial equipment auction flyer is in my mailbox. I'm getting readly to throw it in the trash as usual, when some of the ad copy catches my eye.


(I am *NOT* making any of this up!)


"Public Auction

Machinery, Equipment & Real Estate of

Merit Company


This is a "GREAT" screw machine auction. This auction features a vast array of quality screw machines, plus an incredible assortment of premium tooling and accessories. Do not miss this auction!"


Indeed? So I looked inside for some of the auction categories...


Swiss Type Screw Machines

Turning Centers

Brown & Sharpe Screw Machines

Parts Washers


I assume Mightybec will be at the auction? :snicker:

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