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A Thread for Random Musings

Old Man

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Guest Skaramine

Re: A Thread for Random Musings


Okay, how many of us have made HERO characters based on song titles?




*sound of crickets*


Just me then?

I've made characters INSPIRED by songs.


A vengeance demon based on the Chinese myth of Tien Goh - the Damned Iron Dog.


His origin story started with a line from the song...


"The thunder of guns... tore me apart!"




AC/DC - Thunderstruck.

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Guest Skaramine

Re: A Thread for Random Musings


After years, I finally screwed up the courage to take the scissors to that skin tag that had been dangling under my armpit.


I wiped plenty of alcohol to sterilize the site, and had a bandaid with neosporin ready in case it turned into a gusher.


Now, about twenty minutes later, I felt the slight sting burning on it, but that's it.


Meanwhile, the little pink nugget of me sits in the garbage pail.






Wanting revenge for being ostracized from the rest of its body!


My God... what have I done?



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Guest Worldmaker

Re: A Thread for Random Musings


Some great quotes:



"Isn't it hilarious how the absolute worst thing the Right has been able to dredge up about John Kerry is that he might sort of maybe have exaggerated some facts about his various Vietnam medals and acts of and valor and deeds of astounding heroism, which is sort of like saying well sure you saved 10 babies from that burning building, but jeez, you were wearing special shoes at the time and by the way couldn't you have saved 11? Traitor!" -- Mark Morford



"Not really. There have been millions of terrible ads against my husband." --Laura Bush, asked whether the Swift Boat lies are unfair.


"No, I don't. I think him going to Vietnam was more heroic than my flying fighter jets. I mean, he was in harm's way and I wasn't." -- George W. Bush, asked whether his service in the National Guard was as heroic as Kerry's service in the Navy


"The only thing worse than George W. Bush taking 40% of his presidency on vacation is the thought of him actually on the job for the whole time." -- Charlie Reese


"Keep in mind, this president has gone after three Vietnam veterans in four years. That's got to stop." -- Max Cleland

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Guest Skaramine

Re: A Thread for Random Musings


And I felt a great disturbance in the Force, as if a million posts cried out at once...


(Ok... slightly related to the above.)

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Re: A Thread for Random Musings


Thoughts on sewing machines:


I play guitar, but I don't sing (not in front of people anyway). Folks always ask me to sing, and I say "Even if I was a sewing machine, I wouldn't be a Singer", which always gets groans, but takes their mind off of hearing my voice.


Today I saw a lady jogger that almost made me wreck my car, and I realized that she, too, was no sewing machine. After all, a sewing machine only has one bobbin . . .

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Re: A Thread for Random Musings


That took for freakin' ever! Miss one week on the boards, and don't read your normal threads....


Ok, ok, ok, so it's not random, it's cranky, and it belongs on the cranky thread. So sue me.


And by the way, to those of you who thanked me, you're welcome. It's what I do.

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Re: A Thread for Random Musings


30 minutes left until Bellsouth goes to Manilla. I'm one of three people working. I'm the last person in the United States doing eChats. This is so damn depressing.


And in case my wife is reading this, there is another thread around here for replying to these types of posts directly. People get yelled at if they reply directly or something like that. *shrugs*

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