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A Thread for Random Musings

Old Man

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Re: A Thread for Random Musings


I love gig days. Got plenty of sleep last night and I'm all juiced up and ready to go. Singin' and playin' in front of hundreds (sometimes thousands) of people is about the coolest thing I know, especially when (like today) it's in a park where kids can up and sing with us. They're a hoot when they get goin'. The weather even knocked off a few degrees and came up with a light wind to make it a darn-near perfect day for an outdoor gig.


Of course, this whole work thing interferes with it being a truly glorious day, but it's still a good one. I'm just sittin' here in eager anticipation until it's time to go get my funk on.


Some days it's just cool to be me.




[Which works out well since no one else seems to want the job.] :doi:

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Re: A Thread for Random Musings


If some books contain knowledge that man (meaning Man and Woman) was not supposed to know like the Necronomicon are there books that


contain knowledge that man should have known in the first place;

contain knowledge that man thought he knew but didn't;

contain knowledge that man thought he did not know but already did;

contain knowledge that man really didn't need to know in the first place;

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Re: A Thread for Random Musings


A friendly reminder to everyone. Post #1 of this thread says the rule is you can't reply to anything in this thread.


That's why Hermit created the Musing About Random Musings thread.


People seem to keep forgetting that rule recently.



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Guest Worldmaker

Re: A Thread for Random Musings


I have just challenged Chuckg to a duel. As the challenged, he chooses the weapons. I'm actually kind of hoping he chooses knives.

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Re: A Thread for Random Musings


I'm beginning to think I am on a bunch of ignore lists. I try to post a Relatively reasoned contradiction of their points, at least to get a real discussion going, and...


Nothing. the ones who are LOUD get answered.


Oh well.


Back to the Worm Barbecue. :no:

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Re: A Thread for Random Musings


I like the political threads. I'll admit it. But darnit if I hate seeing people get so pissed off at eachother (and me even!) It's like comics threads...after a while it comes down to "This sucks!" "Does not! YOU Suck!" "DO NOT" "DO SO"



...I miss Catacomb...it's weird, he was the first person to get mad at me and I really had to re-think the way I talk to people on the boards. I hardly see him around anymore. :(


If you are out there Catacomb...Hi.




I keep hitting the "quote previous message button", sorry...

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Guest Worldmaker

Re: A Thread for Random Musings


You know what I need? Dipshits telling me to grow up because I can't afford to spend five bucks on a gaming frippery because 99% of my income goes into caring for my terminally ill wife and the medications that go into maybe, just maybe keeping her from dying this month.


Can I get more people judging me on the basis of my lack of cash? Can I? Please?

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Re: A Thread for Random Musings


Man, people have been real dipshits in the last couple of days.

Seriously almost every thread I go to I see poster going "Ugh I am an Alpha male GRUNT I must challenge people with different veiws than me. I must call them names : scratches rear : Must protect my womin." and it's not like it hasn't been going on for ages, or that it is just one poster. It isn't, it's almost everysingle one of us who post onto a political thread.


Ugh, me go now. It two AM Rage need sleep. :scratches rear end and then sniffs. :

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Guest Worldmaker

Re: A Thread for Random Musings


The last month has been incredibly stressful for me, what with my classes, and work, and my wife's illness causing her grief, and my son deciding to make the "terrible twos" live up to their name, and money problem after money problem after money problem, and my own health problems, and I realize I am no longer really thinking straight.


Now that the stress is lessened (not gone, just lessened), my wife has pointed out that I'm having semi-regular emotional breakdowns. Not a good thing while trying to take part in any sort of discussion.


I'm sorry if I've been a dick to any of you over nothing. I truly am.


I'll be taking a break now, and won't be posting much. The recipe thread, and the GGU NPC thread, will be about it.


See you guys if and when...

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Guest Worldmaker

Re: A Thread for Random Musings


I just received a private message telling me I should shut up, get off Steve Long's back, and be supportive for once of DOJ and the things they are trying to do.


The person who sent this is kidding, right?

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