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A Thread for Random Musings

Old Man

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Guest Skaramine

Re: A Thread for Random Musings


Last night, after waffling and trying to decide on a dream gun, I found my classic old P226 - all black. One I've been overlooking despite the fact that it has perfect ergonomics and feel.


I "wooded" up the grips (brown electrical tape) because it was one of my oldest existing tape guns, and deserved to look classy, and I decided it would be my "dream gun" (ie: the thing to ward off the evil nasties of my subconscious).


I didn't realize that I made this choice on February 26.


My SIG Sauer P226 picked instinctively, on accident, on 2/26.


To further cement coincidence, I saw my mini-Glock (Model 26) tape gun, with the +2 floorplate, sitting on the floor of my closet after a bunch fell earlier this week. I picked it up and remembered my nickname for it. My Plus Two 26.


I swear, the number is stapled to my soul somewhere.

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Re: A Thread for Random Musings


I have no idea when or how this happened, but I just noticed that the time difference between posts is now in actual increments rather than actual time posted.


For example, the last post before this one was "1 hour ago", whereas in the past it would have told me that it occured at 10:28am PST.


Also, it appears that I now have more page-jumping options at the bottom of a thread.


Just something I noticed and figured I'd muse on it in a random fashion.

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Re: A Thread for Random Musings


Approximately 10 days after the ordeal began, my girlfriend is finished moving. Ten days. That's me going over there every friggin' day for ten days, regardless of whether I worked that day or not, and spending at least 2 hours every day (the average is more like 4-5) helping her with something.


But she's done.


Oh, and in the process of getting screwed by my now-former web host--I paid my bill, they automatically billed me AGAIN, and then AGAIN, after I expressly told them not to--I ran out of money.




My girlfriend owes me $500. You remember, she's the one who bought a couch and a loveseat right before the move. Yeah.


Does she offer to pay it to me? Not recently, no, and certainly not when I told her I my account had just been emptied. She asked if anything was going to bounce, and my reply was, "I don't think so, but there's nothing I can do about it anyway."


Still no money.


If I wasn't such a wuss and didn't think the break-up would drag on for friggin' years I'd end it right now.

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