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A Thread for Random Musings

Old Man

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Guest Worldmaker

Re: A Thread for Random Musings


Q: How many Bush Administration officials does it take to screw in a light bulb?


A: None. There is nothing wrong with the light bulb; its conditions are improving every day. Any reports of its lack of incandescence are a delusional spin from the liberal media. That light bulb has served honorably, and anything you say undermines the lighting effect. Why do you hate freedom so much? Do you really want the terrorists to win?

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Guest Skaramine

Re: A Thread for Random Musings


They held a Jazz funeral for democracy today in New Orleans.


I'd have loved to have gone, I always wanted to visit the Big Easy.

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Re: A Thread for Random Musings


I passed no less than three accidents on the road today, the combined total of involved vehicle being something like a dozen. I was almost in one, myself, and saw two other potential paint-exchanges narrowly avoided. It's a little foggy but not too bad, and there's that annoying mist that does little more than make everything damp, but I'm continually amazed at the sheer stupidity evinced by some drivers.


But I still got my super-sized white mocha and lemon scone, so I'm in a good place.

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Guest Skaramine

Re: A Thread for Random Musings


Ann Coulter said that Liberals love democracy like OJ loved Nicole.


What this country needs is a serial killer who slaughters blonde, crossdressing neocons and saws open their skulls and makes decorative punch bowls out of their taxidermized heads.

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Re: A Thread for Random Musings


That Boromir thing still has me laughing. I think I've watched them like 7 times now and they still crack me up. Hmmm....got 2 hours to kill before I leave for the airport. Maybe I should watch a Godzilla movie MST3k style? I better remember to pack up my carryon. At least I took the swiss army knife off my keychain. I hope they let me keep my disposable lighter.

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Re: A Thread for Random Musings


"Interesting" day at work today...


We have a fair number of local legal firms as clients, and often get "file jobs" from them; jobs that involve copying all the case materials for a given case. Other, smaller jobs involve copying photos of a crime or accident scene.


I started wondering what was up when everyone in the office seemed to want to pass today's color copy job to someone else. The answer was forthcoming in the actual order instructions, which included the note: "Please do not copy photos of the deceased." Much to everyone's (apparent) relief, this didn't bother me.


Had me wondering: have I really been directly exposed to death (of another person) much more than the average person over the past 40 years (twice, in my case)?

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Re: A Thread for Random Musings


Stupid doesn't begin to describe this office bureaucratical nonsense.


Okay, here is the story. The bank I work for has been at this location for almost three years. When Bellsouth was outsourced, I transfered into it. Recently, the bank merged with another, very large bank, and our call volume increased. To deal with the increase call volume, they needed to hire more agents.


For this particular story, we have two queues. Front-line calls and Assist calls. Due to the trickle down effect, we are getting more assist calls. So me, and two other people were added to the Assist queue. We had been Primary Assist and Secondary Front-line. That means, we wait for the next assist call in queue and get front-line calls if all front-line agents are already on a call. But due to the wonderful work bureacratics of people bitching, they put the three of us to Secondary Assist, Primary Front-line.


Now, imagine what happens when the only three people working are the three of us with Secondary Assist.


We have a queue of front-line calls because of the blizzard up north. We have no Primary Assist agents so once you call Assist, you sit and you wait and you wait and you wait. And that one caller is now not taking calls meaning that more calls are building up.


Pretty soon you have six or seven people waiting for an assist agent that will never be there because those six or seven people aren't taking calls.


So, freaking stupid.

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Re: A Thread for Random Musings


Okay, so today, for my Grandmother, his biggest fan, I stood in line for 2.5 hours and waited for Clyde Drexler to sign his book for her. (He's a former NBA player for those who don't know). I was trapped between two whinny college girls and he and his co-author, a former resident of Corvallis, himself, were 45 minutes late but did not stay any longer.

I was one of the last people let in. Literally 5 people behind me is where they called it a night.


The man is a really nice guy. I spoke to him for all of 6 seconds, though. And they told me he didn't have time to "Personalize" it, so I couldn't get him to sign it to "Dorinda" (grandma's name). I did get to say high to co-author Kerry Eggars for my Step Father who coached him in football in the 9th grade. He remembered and Dad was tickled when I relayed his hello.


All in all I'd say it wasn't that much a waste of a saturday. I was glad I went.

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