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A Thread for Random Musings

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Guest Skaramine

Re: A Thread for Random Musings


A&W Diet Root Beer tastes like milk of magnesia.


Oddly enough, though, with my upset stomach, it makes me feel soooooo much better. :sick:

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Guest Skaramine

Re: A Thread for Random Musings


I wonder when Chuckg is going to realize that the Swift Boat Veterans and their accusations ain't worth the piss in their mouths.

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Re: A Thread for Random Musings


So there I am watching Dances With Wolves, and it's the scene where the Sioux are debating what to do about Dunbar's appearance on the local plains. Kicking Bird and Wind In His Hair are at odds, speaking in turns to the council.


Each time one speaks, they preface their point with a complimantary statement about the other. Example: "Kicking Bird is looking ahead to the future, and this is good. But..."


And I thought, "Gee, wouldn't it be nice if the NGD board could discuss important issues as well as these guys did."

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Guest Worldmaker

Re: A Thread for Random Musings


Things I Learned Playing Champions...



Strength is your friend. Get some.


The best defense is resistant.


Adjustment powers suck.


When all else fails, throw a haymaker!


There is nothing worse than a properly GM'd Hunted... Except a properly GM'd DNPC.


Explosive powers in the hands of a tactical idiot is your worst nightmare.


Being rich is easy. Just spend five points. The same can be said for being a genius or being drop dead gorgeous.


If you're in a heroic level game, and no one has any armor, buy a shotgun. If you're in a Dark Champions game, buy a shotgun, but load it with solid shot. In fact, if you're in any game, buy a shotgun... Shotguns rule!


They need rules for shotguns in Fantasy Hero.


Attack multipowers rock! They're almost as cool as shotguns!


People who use the word "level" when they are talking about their champions Character should be taken out and beaten... Unless they are talking about which ones are going to OCV and which ones are going to DCV.


You can never have too many skills!


GURPS Supers is a joke... A bad joke.


Fuzion is the work of Satan.


Never ask the GM, "Do I have to roll for this?" because you should already know the answer. The answer is "yes".


You might as well take a DNPC when making your character, because he's going to end up with one anyway. Ditto for Hunteds.


The best Champions supplements always had Seeker on the cover. Except "Demons Rule"... But then, Seeker is unconscious on that cover...


Before you take a "Mystery Hunted", be sure you know what the GM is likely to do with it.


A cleverly worded Mental Illusion can leave your teammates with nothing to do... While a cleverly worded Berserk can leave your teammates too much to do.


Time travel is a lot easier to deal with in fiction than in a game. Ditto for precognition.


Some things are not easily translatable into game terms (frictionless surfaces, localized gravity increases, hitting someone in the face with a cream pie, and blowing up the planet being cases in point).


Simpler is better. If you really don't need to put four advantages and seven limitations on one power, then don't.


Often, the ideal course of action won't look like it.


The welfare of the player is much more important than the welfare of the character.


Never take a PC as a rival. They shortly become Hunteds.


Never give alien technology to the government. Never refuse to give alien technology to the government.


Never trust a smiling GM... Or a bunch of happy players, for that matter.


Area effect combined with random target side effect is just funny enough to justify the reduced damage to the character, mainly because if the character with area effect and random target side effect misses his roll badly enough, the other player characters will usually decide to make up for the missing damage.


A large area effect with a poor targeting roll is almost as much fun as a side effect.


Quoting "Monty Python and the Holy Grail" is funny at the beginning of the game, but less so three hours into it.


This one is so important its going to be written in all caps: ALWAYS PULL YOUR PUNCH WHEN ATTACKING A NORMAL! Even a 5d6 attack can kill.


You're not really a superhero if you can't move considerably faster than agents.


Unluck is never worth it.


A GM rolling his dice gets a player's attention faster than screaming in his ear.


Never ask a GM why your Hunted hasn't shown up lately.


Play up your disadvantages yourself, rather than waiting for the GM to bring them up. They are usually based on frequency of occurrence, and this keeps him from being able to do something really nasty with them.


This is so important it gets to be in all caps: NEVER, EVER TAKE A SUSCEPTIBILITY TO WATER!

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Guest Worldmaker

Re: A Thread for Random Musings


"The Bob Roberts Society Band"

Lyrics and Music By Jimmy Buffett

From the album Banana Wind by Jimmy Buffett




Well, you've heard about the alligators sleepin' in the shade

You've heard heard about the Sugar Barons screwin' up the 'glades

It's a melting pot existence that is hard to contemplate

And a never ending battle in the Sunshine State


But far, far away from the front page news

Far, far away from the headline blues

Down a secondary road that severely shows its age

The forties comes to life on a make-shift stage


It's the Bob Roberts Society Band

Playing every Sunday at the Orange Grove Stand

They don't play grunge and they don't play loud

It's the magic of the music that still draws a crowd


Well, the word goes out from Melbourne to the Keys

The faithful get the message like it's written on the breeze

Young folks, old folks, 'bout to cut a rug

Fox trot, bunny hop, do the Jitterbug!


To the Bob Roberts Society Band

Playing every Sunday at the Orange Grove Stand

They don't play grunge and they don't play loud

It's the magic of the music that still draws a crowd


I saw mini vans from Boca, buses from Perrine

There were people speaking Hindu in the barbecue line

A couple on their honeymoon looked a bit confused

But the boys in the band put 'em right in the mood

They played...


(trombone solo)


A lady dressed in purple started dancing all alone

Then she sauntered oh so gently to the vacant microphone

She sounded like she's someone and never missed a beat

By the time the number ended they were dancin' in the street


They'd died and gone to heaven, that lively little crowd

Trombones and saxophones sent 'em through the clouds

It could have gone all night but the party had to stop

When they blew the circuit breaker in the souvenir shop


Its the Bob Roberts Society Band

Playing every Sunday at the Orange Grove Stand

They don't play grunge and they don't play loud

It's the magic of the music that still draws a crowd

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Guest Skaramine

Re: A Thread for Random Musings


Ashlee Simpson's pretty good, come to listen to her for free.


I went to her website and downloaded Pieces of Me. Yeah, it's pop, but she's got some good pipes and she kind of reminds me of Liz Phair.

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