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A Thread for Random Musings

Old Man

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Re: A Thread for Random Musings


I need to stop replying to any threads that seem the least bit political, even if they didn't start that way.


I'm tired of having my words twisted.


I'm tired of having words attributed to me that I never said.


I'm tired of being told how I felt about something, when I never said I felt that way.


I'm tired of attacks on my character.


I'm tired of dealing with the immature people who use the above tactics.


I know better than to argue with children. Why do I keep doing it?


Maybe I'm more optimistic than I thought I was and hope for an honest to God debate on a subject.


Stupid of me, I know, and I'm smarter than that.


I really need someone to give me a swift kick when they see me posting to those threads.

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Guest Skaramine

Re: A Thread for Random Musings


Slightly related to the last post.


If I had a hammer,

I would pound on idjits

Every morning, every afternoon and night,

Peeps would see that messing with my friends ain't right.


If I had a hammer,

Skulls and knees and nads

Would fracture, rupture, snapple and crack,

People would be nicer to those who I have their back


If I had a hammer,

I would get Viking crazy

And stomp on morons everywhere,

I would make them all learn to take care.


If I had a hammer,

Life would be a nifty place. :D

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Re: A Thread for Random Musings


The carpet is out. Finished up at 9:30 pm and got the computers hooked up again by 10. Everything is working nicely and I like the new desk position. More of a breeze from the windows. Still need to move a couple bookshelves in and their contents. Will see about doing some of it tomorrow after I get back from cleaning at the shelter.


And why the hell did people think it was a good idea to cover up nice hardwood floors with ugly carpet. bah!

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Re: A Thread for Random Musings


Elmer Bernstein died this morning, and while I'm a huge fan and will miss his music and influence, I'm not inclined to start a thread in remembrence because I'm afraid some f#ckwit will mug the thread.


But I've got his CD loaded into my computer and damn, that man could compose.

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Guest Skaramine

Re: A Thread for Random Musings


My little Penny is gone, two years now. She was a darling little Cocker Spaniel who finally succumbed to a myriad of tumors due to the shoddy breeding program. For fourteen years, we loved her and spoiled her rotten, though.


She'd always see me off to work or to school in the morning by padding to the top of the steps at the kitchen door and giving me five and kissyface.


And of course, she was at once my sweetest friend, and my greatest liability when smuggling snack foods upstairs at night.


She was the sister I'd always wanted, and a pretty good singing partner too.


I'll never forget her, and my girlfriend bought me a little beanie Cocker Spaniel that had been modified to have little black bat wings, because even though my Penny is an angel, she's a mischevious little angel. She sleeps tucked against my chest as my arm's wrapped around my second pillow, so that she's always close to my heart.


I love you Penelope Pitstop Wojtowicz the Third.

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Guest Skaramine

Re: A Thread for Random Musings


Thought you guys might like this. It was the cleanest, and funniest strip at Something Awful's Photoshop Phriday Watchmen page.



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Re: A Thread for Random Musings


Could be worse, I said, as I ducked into the house. The car is clean, oiled and ready to go to Montanna in two weeks, I did laundry, cleaned the kitchen, dusted the furniture. Ran out of carpet cleaner so that's this sunday's task. Made the bed, picked up the dog food and poo poo disposal bags. I am ready to rock steady and enjoy my day off at last.

...hmm? Oops! Forgot to pick up the wife at work, she get's off early today...

Off I go again! It's another busy day for ERRAND BOY!

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Re: A Thread for Random Musings


Today, I went to a store and spent more money than I'd intended.


I meant to buy a comic book or two. But the selection wasn't anything I really wanted.


Instead, I ended up...


Well, I bought a trade Paperback... I purchased Kingdom Come.


After all, Mark Waid is spoken highly of, and I'd heard all the hype about the book.


What to say but... "wow" .


Sometimes, Hype is justified.


Folks who do not love super heroes will never understand how a work, even one as grand as this, about superheroes can break your heart and then let it heal all over again. I doubt I could explain to such people in anyway they'd take seriously about a class of comic ages, and a war of ideals where it seems everyone is a victim, and everyone is a victimizer and who's at fault depends on how you judge your own stengths and weaknesses.


This is a beautiful, beautiful book.



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Re: A Thread for Random Musings


This has been a good week.


The chocolate cake turned out better than it had any right to, for being a prepackaged mix. As did the meatloaf.


Mom-in-law got her power restored (the eye of Charley passed right over their house)


Gaming yesterday went swimmingly. I finally taught Joe the valuable lesson of "run like hell to regroup 'cause we can't beat this". Plus lots of cool roleplaying.


I finished every ounce of work that I have to do for the quarter, and so now have to work on "special projects" which means old no deadline pressure stuff. Heehee.


Plus, I got a big thank you from my boss's boss for all my hard work.


Got paid today. Paid the bills, still got money left.


I wonder what tomorrow will bring with a sort of optimism that I haven't had in a while.


Considering that my nature is "cynical, bitter asshole" I think that's pretty good.



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Guest Skaramine

Re: A Thread for Random Musings


I just used a new smiley tonight.


:joint: has to be one of the best dumb-takes I've ever seen. It's just perfect.


That, or the Vivarin is just making me silly.


:joint: :joint: :joint:

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