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A Thread for Random Musings

Old Man

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Re: A Thread for Random Musings


I consider this the moral center of the novel.


All right' date=' then, I'll go to hell.[/size'] - Huckleberry Finn (Mark Twain aka Samuel Clemens).

Huck was choosing whether to follow his religious beliefs which would require turning his friend, Jim, into the slave hunters, or helping his friend escape. He decides that he would rather burn in hell then see his friend become a slave again.



Apologists for religion in general, or for Christianity in particular, like to cite Christianity as the inspiration for the movement to abolish slavery. Twain was acutely aware, and here was deliberately pointing out, that a different interpretation of the exact same religion was just as powerful a force on the other side of that moral issue.



Lucius Alexander


The palindromedary is trying to fathom why Sam Clemens changed his name to Mark Twain

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Re: A Thread for Random Musings


So I get the afternoon off from 4:40 ish as there are supposed to be protesters outside the building at 5:00 pm. We were told to leave at 4:00 pm but I had a few things to tidy up and before I left.

Outside the building were three police vans with the cops waiting for the protesters. The shame of it is they are unlikely to give the latter a good kicking

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Re: A Thread for Random Musings


So today, I went to the Unemployment office to show my id and get my benefits lined up now that I'm no longer in school.

Due to budget cuts it was closed today. So I came home and called the toll free number.


Now due to costs I only have a cell phone, and I get 450 minutes a month which I almost never pass but don't get roll over with my cheap-ass plan. Anyhooo...I call, get the menu, press my choice and get disconnected (33seconds). Again. Again. And once more. So I go to the website. No way to contact them via email. Get a second number. I am placed on hold. After 10 minutes, I am sent to an eerily familiar menu and disconnected.


So the next time I play it totally safe. Rather than choosing an option, I stay on the line as if I have a rotary phone (which they tell me to stay on the line) after 33 minutes I'm disconnected.


So Monday before I head to Eugene for a job fair (staying with my brother and his family) I'm running down to the unemployment office, showing my ID and hopefully getting my claim taken care of before my bus to Eugene leaves.


It's amusing in its frustration.

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Re: A Thread for Random Musings


At the after-work meeting tonight, a large winged insect flew around the office, causing a distraction. It wasn't threatening everyone, but some of the people in the meeting are freaked out by bugs, so it was disrupting the meeting just by flying around. It flew overhead a couple of times. The first time, it was close to the ceiling, so it was just a minor distraction. A few minutes later, it was flying just above our heads, which set a few people off. I decided enough was enough. I didn't have anything to whack it with, so when it got close enough, I just clapped my hands over my head and crushed the bug. Can you say "Hulk Smash!" boys and girls? Of course, I caused a commotion with this action, and everyone was looking at me with horror. I just wiped my hands and said "Done!"


If nothing else, it was worth seeing the look on everyone's face. :eg:

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Re: A Thread for Random Musings


Ok I'm a bit bitter tonight. And tomorrow it may all be corrected. But I'm not holding my breath (cause holding my breath for 15 hours is impossible)


My brother, when he's trying to prop up my rapidly failing self-esteem, likes to call me a rock star. If that is true. I'm the guy who left the band before they got big. The one who people talk about in 'where are they now' shows.


My single greatest talent is screwing up my life.

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Re: A Thread for Random Musings


Ok I'm a bit bitter tonight. And tomorrow it may all be corrected. But I'm not holding my breath (cause holding my breath for 15 hours is impossible)


My brother, when he's trying to prop up my rapidly failing self-esteem, likes to call me a rock star. If that is true. I'm the guy who left the band before they got big. The one who people talk about in 'where are they now' shows.


My single greatest talent is screwing up my life.


You've got a life to screw up? I'm envious!

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Re: A Thread for Random Musings


Neat thing happened to me the other day.


In our gaming room, we keep a small fridge to hold soda, bottled water, that sort of stuff. I pulled out a cold bottle of water and poured it into my glass. It was, at the time, liquid water. No ice in it.


After a second, I glanced down and noticed that there seemed to be a thin sheen of ice across the top of the water. Then, as I watched, the entire glass of water froze before my eyes. In seconds, it froze to about the same consistancy as a Slushie.


It was pretty freakin' cool (no pun intended). I mean, I'd heard of this sort of thing way back in chemistry class, but to actually see it happen with my own eyes was just plain neat. :bounce:

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Re: A Thread for Random Musings



It's been years. Like, 5 or so. You still don't have a facebook account in your own name. It must be hard. Still struggling in the local acting scene? Must be hard when you can't put your name online. Did you learn a different gaming system? Did you have to get a new circle of friends after the multi-year weird-ass drag show you put on here? I think you're still here, because you can't go anywhere else, and you don't have any friends anywhere else, and you don't know how to relate as yourself to anyone else anywhere anyway. So now you make the rest of us white knight for your causes while you play the trollolololol. Too funny, too sad, too transparent. Still, if this is your home, then here you belong. It was a big pile of ashes you turned yourself into, and I guess I'm glad you rose from them. Come out and play - you're weirder than Bec ever was, weirder than me, even in private. Come on out - be proud of who you are, whoever that is. I'd like to meet you, I really really would. PM me.

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Re: A Thread for Random Musings


To the Jobs site I just tried to put my resume on...Look I can't really log on until you send me that confirmation email. And I've checked my spam filter and everything...yet nothing.


oh well.



By the way the No Experience - No Work thing is pissing me off. All my experience was in killing my soul. I'd like to branch out.

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