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A Thread for Random Musings

Old Man

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Re: A Thread for Random Musings


By the way, let the record show that women won't stop and ask for directions either when they think -- incorrectly -- that they know where they are going.


Which causes great annoyance to the man driving and trying to follow them, when he not only doesn't know where he's going (which is why he's following), down to the level not even knowing the name of the place everyone's trying to get to.

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Re: A Thread for Random Musings


Ok so I'm reading over my WoW story - actually a series of short stories I decided to collect into one and I'm kind of linking them together and...yeah.


Anyway I had a team of (five of course) Horde mercenaries as antagonists for a while, an orc warrior, two trolls (hunter and shaman) a blood elf priest and a forsaken rogue.


I had forgotten how much fun I had with them. The rogue in particular was amusing as he had kept some manner of national (Alliance) Pride and only paid lip-service to his new faction.


"Yes that's why the Alliance defeated you in all three great wars," Gordon said. Then he raised his arm and deadpanned, "For the Horde."


I'm lame enough to laugh at my own jokes :)

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Re: A Thread for Random Musings


Man, this paper is great. It's in a splinter journal, I admit, but I'm not sure I've ever seen a citation of Lovecraft in an astronomical journal paper before. Lem either, but he's less far out than Lovecraft.


We mention the solipsist hypotheses mostly for the sake of logical completeness, since they are in any case the council [
] of despair. If and when all other avenues of research are exhausted, we could always turn toward these hypotheses. Still, this neither means that they are all of equal value nor it should mislead us into thinking that they are necessarily improbable for the reason of desperation alone.


Bazza would have fun with this one.

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Re: A Thread for Random Musings


Seventeen years ago my wife's mother called us the day before Thanksgiving to tell us she had cancer. This year, the day before Thanksgiving, my wife had her mammogram redone to find out, the spot needed to be biopsied. We just got the results from the doctor and it's cancer. Still looks to be early, and we'll be consulting with the surgeon next week, with surgery on the 21st.

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Re: A Thread for Random Musings


Seventeen years ago my wife's mother called us the day before Thanksgiving to tell us she had cancer. This year' date=' the day before Thanksgiving, my wife had her mammogram redone to find out, the spot needed to be biopsied. We just got the results from the doctor and it's cancer. Still looks to be early, and we'll be consulting with the surgeon next week, with surgery on the 21st.[/quote']


Good luck you her and your wife (and you, too)

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Re: A Thread for Random Musings


Online commerce and catch-22...


Trying to buy a membership to the art museum, and get tix to a special exhibit.


AFAICT you can get a shopping basket, in which I have stuff.


But to move on and pay for stuff you have to log in.


Which requires the membership number.


Which you get off your membership card.


Which, by definition of being someone trying to buy a membership on-line for the first time, I cannot have.


Email to membership services gets a pointer back to your membership number.


Ummm, guys? Did you do any Quality Control on this process at all?

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Re: A Thread for Random Musings


My home computer got virus-ized last night. Really nasty one too -- tore through my anti-virus like it wasn't even there. It was one of those "Running Scan Now! OMG your computer's been infected! Click HERE to get full protection!" things. It even changed my desktop background to a big red flashing warning. Knocked down my regular AV ("Windows cannot start SpySweeper.exe -- this program has been determined to be a virus/trojan. Click HERE to get full protection!").


Managed to reboot in safe mode, restored to a backup I took about a month and a half ago, and scanned the HD. Virus-scan didn't detect anything, but I fear it's still there, hiding on my hard drive, lurking and waiting. :(

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