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A Thread for Random Musings

Old Man

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Re: A Thread for Random Musings


Another sign of how The Recession Is (NOT) Over: The Fresh & Easy store in my neighborhood is closing down. I knew they were doing it by the end of the month, but the clearance sale has already emptied over half the store. The employee I talked to DID say the company was finding them jobs at the other stores around town, so that's nice.



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Re: A Thread for Random Musings


Never, ever give a woman in her 50's control over the environmental systems unless she is literally the only macroscopic organism in the space served by those environmental systems. If she get too vocal in her complaints, send her out through the airlock.

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Re: A Thread for Random Musings


A video of Donnie Thompson squating 1300 lbs.



Some random musings:


Fantastic strength on display here. On the other hand, it bugs me that the top guys in my sport are, well, not exactly conventionally attractive.


People who don't understand what they're seeing are going to think there's a "trick". There isn't. The spotters are not helping him; look at their hands. They aren't carrying any of the weight. The knee braces are something of a cheat, but almost unavoidable at that level. Your muscles can generate forces your joints can't handle. Very few modern power lifters do the kind of training needed to exert this kind of force without joint support (though some Strongman athletes do).


Powerlifting is fun to do, but really isn't that impressive to watch if you don't know what you're looking at. Strongman and OLing look much cooler, and Crossfit is great fun to watch. All are fun to practice.

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Re: A Thread for Random Musings


Two weeks ago I went to the doctor for the first time in 10 years.

That Friday I did a fasting test. I was told the doc would be in Monday and if there was anything I'd get a call

and if all checked out I'd get a letter.


a week went by and no news was good news.

Today I got a call.

Don't know what for the but the doc wants to discuss my test with me.


I'm a little freaked out.

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Re: A Thread for Random Musings


Moving this from another thread:


True' date=' and my apologies for any unintended offense. I encountered the same thing the first time I met a friend's boyfriend and he told me a "joke" involving domestic abuse. I might have taken it better if I hadn't known that he had hit her before.[/quote']


A strange observation: I've known people who could joke all day about killing kittens, cooking cats, drowning cats, skinning cats, ha-ha-talking-about-hurting-cats-is-hilarious-isn't-it. But say one word -- even so much as a hint -- at hurting a dog? Oh my god, how quickly things turned around. You are a monster for even suggesting such a thing.


But the really funny (not funny ha-ha but funny weird) thing is, I've never known the opposite to be true. I've never heard anyone who joked about hurting dogs to become offended when someone jokes about hurting a cat. Maybe I'm just lucky to have never associated with such people.


For the record: I have a low opinion of anyone who jokes about hurting either a cat or a dog. Not funny, people. Not funny at all.

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Re: A Thread for Random Musings


Well, the doc says It's most likely diabetes. Probably type II and most likely medicated with pills. Took another blood draw today to confirm.


Some of my numbers were way off the charts and others were fine.


Dr Pepper just became my Holiday only drink. *whine*

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Re: A Thread for Random Musings


I've begun the process of passing the right info to my landlord before I leave the property for the final time. Gas bill, electric (on a key meter) and water plus proof I am paying my council tax. Then I had to get keys cut for them as they have mislaid their copy. Ho hum.


I now have a working mobile phone.


finally in the next month I am going to be able to go out and enjoy myself. The Spirit of Christmas show on Friday, The Wine Show the following Saturday, another expo the following Friday followed by a visit to friends in Reading on the Saturday and Dragonmeet the Saturday after.

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